National Director of Anti Defamation League Urges netenyahu To Cancel Speech


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
National director of the Anti Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, is urging netanyahu to not give that speech to our congress.

It looks like this is going to end the way us liberals said it would. Again. It's backfiring on netanyahu. It should backfire on boehner too but the republicans hate Obama too much for him to see any consequences to his very bad choice.

Anti-Defamation League Urges Benjamin Netanyahu To Cancel Congress Speech
Quote from the OP link:

Abraham Foxman, the group's national director and a leading voice in the Jewish community, told The Jewish Daily Forward that the controversy over Netanyahu's speech is unhelpful. He added that Netanyahu should stay home.

“One needs to restart, and it needs a mature adult statement that this was not what we intended,” Foxman said in an interview published Friday. “It has been hijacked by politics. Now is a time to recalibrate, restart and find a new platform and new timing to take away the distractions.”

White House officials have expressed irritation that Netanyahu was invited to speak without their consultation, a breach of traditional protocol. Foxman indicated that he did not want the controversy to overshadow concerns about U.S.-Iranian nuclear talks.

While Foxman said he stood with Israel and its concerns over a potential U.S.-Iran nuclear deal, he lamented the fact that Netanyahu's upcoming appearance has become "a circus." Rather than delivering the speech as planned, Foxman suggested the prime minister postpone it until after Israel's March 17 elections, or else address the matter at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in Washington on March 1.
Who gives a shit what liberal Foxman has to say? The US needs to hear Bibi. The administration that wont say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" needs to hear Bibi. The administration that is coddling Iran and its nuclear ambitions needs to hear Bibi. The world needs to hear Bibi.
Who gives a shit what liberal Foxman has to say? The US needs to hear Bibi. The administration that wont say the words "radical Islamic terrorism" needs to hear Bibi. The administration that is coddling Iran and its nuclear ambitions needs to hear Bibi. The world needs to hear Bibi.

No. This administration is not coddling Iran. You are one stupid right-wing idiot.
Pres. Obama is the only one to have accomplished what Bush could not do: to get Iran to do what he wanted. He enacted crippling sanctions until Iran broke. Now, Iran has relented and he ever so slightly loosens the sanctions, letting Iran know that at any time of his choosing, he can tighten the noose again. It's called being in the better position.

You are just too fucking stupid to realize this, because you are a bitter, worn-out Rightie who only knows hate and who surely does not know G-d. You are only interested in a Jewish viewpoint if it comes from a whacked-out neocon like yourself: dumb, blind, deaf and slow on the uptake.

So, go fuck yourself, fake Rabbi. You are a slimy little piece of shit, not even worthy to end up under my shoes.

Now, back to the OP:

National Director of Anti Defamation League Urges netenyahu To Cancel Speech

I have already quoted Foxman in a posting above. His advice is infinitely wiser than any of the drivel you have ever dished up here in USMB, you fake fucking Rabbi without even an ounce of real Judaism within his rotting soul.

Now, more from the OP link:

Israeli opposition leaders on Saturday called on Netanyahu to cancel the speech. Vice President Joe Biden is also expected to miss the address, his office announced on Friday.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.
The Anti-Defamation League, a U.S. known for fighting Anti-Semitism is now encouraging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel a planned speech before a Joint Session Congress in March.

'08 andThe speech came at the invitation of House Speaker John Boehner, who violated Diplomatic and Political Protocol by issuing the invitation in the first place.

As a rule the U.S. does not invite a sitting head of state ahead of a national election. Netanyahu is facing Parliamentary Election two weeks before his speech.

As it now stands both Vice President Biden (President of the Senate) Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Pelosi "Will not be available" for the March 2 speech.

BiBi is facing mounting criticism of his speech in Israel.

His reelection to Prime Minister is less than assured and President Obama (who won both his First Term Election in 2008 - 69,498,516 and relection in 2012 - 62,615,406) by clear majorities that the Republican's have yet to equal) stated he would not meeting with BiBi.

The original purpose of the invitation by St. John of Orange was to Politically embarrass President Obama.

Once again St. John the Stupid has proven what a boner he really is.
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Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.
the ADL can just boycott it and him if they want. they don't speak for all the people in this country
Liberals don't want anyone to know the truth. They want to hang on obama's lies like Iran jumps when obama snaps his fingers.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.

whoa? can someone translate that spew? everything with you is OBAMA. the rest of the people can just go to hell right?
The ADL is known for being anti-semitic?

I think the OP was being sarcastic. What he should have said is that the ADL is another left-wing political organization pretending to be nonpartisan.

Since when is fighting Anti-Semitism "Left Wing"? Again yet another rightie dead from the neck TeaHack ignores boner's boo boo.

Anti-Semitism isn't Left Wing, but their active support of other unrelated political issues is.

Urge Congress to Pass Essential Legislation to Protect the Right to Vote - ADL
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.

whoa? can someone translate that spew?

Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists. Blah, blah, blah...
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.

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