National Director of Anti Defamation League Urges netenyahu To Cancel Speech

Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.

whoa? can someone translate that spew?

Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

oh waaaa, and it's like the Democrats were all for helping bush's legacy and was all into helping him to become a TWO term President. please
did you wail about this when Pelosi went to SYRIA when she was asked NOT TO by Bush?
Quote from the OP link:

Abraham Foxman, the group's national director and a leading voice in the Jewish community, told The Jewish Daily Forward that the controversy over Netanyahu's speech is unhelpful. He added that Netanyahu should stay home.

“One needs to restart, and it needs a mature adult statement that this was not what we intended,” Foxman said in an interview published Friday. “It has been hijacked by politics. Now is a time to recalibrate, restart and find a new platform and new timing to take away the distractions.”

White House officials have expressed irritation that Netanyahu was invited to speak without their consultation, a breach of traditional protocol. Foxman indicated that he did not want the controversy to overshadow concerns about U.S.-Iranian nuclear talks.

While Foxman said he stood with Israel and its concerns over a potential U.S.-Iran nuclear deal, he lamented the fact that Netanyahu's upcoming appearance has become "a circus." Rather than delivering the speech as planned, Foxman suggested the prime minister postpone it until after Israel's March 17 elections, or else address the matter at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in Washington on March 1.

BiBi is facing the heat at home. What was suppose of been a political coup of the boner is anything but.
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.

You do not have too. Your way to invested the RW Agenda to think for yourself.

President Obama has two Presidential Elections in majorities the Repubicans have not attained. John Boner of Stupid wanted to humiliate Mr. Obama and failed. BiBi wanted headlines about speech before a joint session of congress is receiving heat instead.
I posted this in Post #236 of the thread, "Netanyahu's Unwelcome Visit To The U.S."

I posted before that the White House knew all along about Netanyahu's visit and that he accepted the invitation only after the White House admitted knowing it. Now all the Democrat comrades are on their high horse about the speech even while knowing that the Liar-In-Chief does it again. Here''s what the NYT had to correct.

In a surprising correction issued by the New York Times, who was one of the first news outlets to break the story, it appears that the administration had been informed well in advance of the invitation before Netanyahu accepted it.

The correction, which was added on January 30 in the online version of the article only, stated:

Correction: An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.

Despite what the White House has been saying, officials were in no way blindsided by Netanyahu’s invitation to speak to Congress.

Read more at White House Fabricated Spat with Netanyahu - Israel News

The Comrades in Congress are going to boycott the speech?
My suggestion to the Speaker would be to announce a roll call of the house members. The Senate can participate or not. After the roll call, introduce Netanyahu and have him speak. Anyone who walks out must submit to an interview in the Rotunda and explain the reason.
It's time for the people in Congress to stop acting out their Terrible Twos schtick.
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.

What other reasons would they have? Your little word games are not as clever as you think.
Last edited:
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.

What other reasons would they have? Your little word games are not as clever as you think.

Not everything is racist.
National director of the Anti Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, is urging netanyahu to not give that speech to our congress.

It looks like this is going to end the way us liberals said it would. Again. It's backfiring on netanyahu. It should backfire on boehner too but the republicans hate Obama too much for him to see any consequences to his very bad choice.

Anti-Defamation League Urges Benjamin Netanyahu To Cancel Congress Speech
Even the Jews don't want the little Jewish Nazi here? Oh my...
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

Many did. Many understand the maniac in the White House. Many are trying to stop him.

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.
Israel did not have unified support. Idiots like Ron Paul and others were opposed to Israel.
Democrats who support Israel will continue to support Israel because their voters want them to.
It will divide the Democrat party into those who support Israel and the anti-semites.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.
You arent the biggest idiot and ignoramus on this board only because competittion is very steep.
Obama is undermining our relationship with a close ally. He has been doing so since he took office.
President Bush to you, bytch, was concerned about Iran. Republicans want sanctions restored because Obama's strategy with them has failed miserably. Obama is the ne allowing Iran to get a nuclear bomb. His agreement with them did not dismantle a single centrifuge or retard their program n any way. But it did ease sanctions, which were working to destabilize the regime.
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.
Im sure you have.
Did Democrats work to insure Bush's success in his re-election? Or ddi they work to make him a one term president?
The right thing for Netanyahu to do would have been to postpone any talk until after elections. Even though he accepted only after the President was informed - doing so, created a divide with Netanyahu essentially insulting the President, which he has done before, and forcing what used to be a bipartisan support of Israel into a partisan split because he is unable to work with the President. The only reason Boehner is doing this at THIS time, is to create further divides and scuttle any attempts at a negiated resolution with Iran.

Boehner s Netanyahu ploy runs onto the rocks Our view

For Netanyahu, the speech offered a high-profile chance to push his top objective: derailing negotiations to arrest Iran's nuclear weapons program, which he's convinced will produce a deal that leaves Israel vulnerable. The timing of the speech, two weeks before Israeli elections, could also give Netanyahu a political boost.

For Boehner, the yield was similar. By breaking long-standing protocol, he upstaged President Obama on the day after his State of the Union Address and served notice that the new Republican Congress would carve its own path, even in foreign policy, where national unity is most important. The move also pleased political contributors and hard-liners in Congress who share Netanyahu's misgivings.

....Even if the ploy succeeds in torpedoing the arms negotiations, it would be a costly win, raising troubling questions about the degree of control Netanyahu has over decisions that could cost American lives.

There is no more sensitive task — or a more hazardous one — than trying to keep nuclear weapons out of Iran's hands. Throughout the talks, the six nations negotiating with Iran have shown remarkable unity.

It would be a shame if all that effort was lost because of political gamesmanship here or in Israel. Politics, as they used to say, should end at the water's edge.

I think this editorial also sums up what a dangerous game is being played by Boehner and Netanyahu:

The Netanyahu Disaster - The Atlantic
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.
You arent the biggest idiot and ignoramus on this board only because competittion is very steep.
Obama is undermining our relationship with a close ally. He has been doing so since he took office.
President Bush to you, bytch, was concerned about Iran. Republicans want sanctions restored because Obama's strategy with them has failed miserably. Obama is the ne allowing Iran to get a nuclear bomb. His agreement with them did not dismantle a single centrifuge or retard their program n any way. But it did ease sanctions, which were working to destabilize the regime.

It's not Obama undermining the relationship.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.

It's disgusting to see American republicans trying to harm our nation.

The bush boy and republicans screamed about Iran yet now they want Iran to keep being unmonitored with no sort of any agreement on their nuclear program.

Why would anyone vote for people who actively work against our nation that way?

It certainly proves to me that they have no problem with what Iran has been doing and don't want to stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. They just want to use Iran as a boogieman to scare people into voting for republicans and devoting more money to the military industrial complex.

The second to last thing the republicans want to do is solve any problem without war and violence.

The last thing the republicans want to do is anything that will help America and make Obama look good.
You arent the biggest idiot and ignoramus on this board only because competittion is very steep.
Obama is undermining our relationship with a close ally. He has been doing so since he took office.
President Bush to you, bytch, was concerned about Iran. Republicans want sanctions restored because Obama's strategy with them has failed miserably. Obama is the ne allowing Iran to get a nuclear bomb. His agreement with them did not dismantle a single centrifuge or retard their program n any way. But it did ease sanctions, which were working to destabilize the regime.

It's not Obama undermining the relationship.
Reports Netanyahu Humiliated by Obama Snub Fox News
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.
Im sure you have.
Did Democrats work to insure Bush's success in his re-election? Or ddi they work to make him a one term president?

Democrats worked better with Bush then they Republicans have with Obama. And one thing the Democrats did not do was openly side with other nations against our President. In foreign affairs - while there was internal dispute, there was external unity. The Republicans of today have taken things to an unprecidented level - whether it's the sheer number of unfilled positions (compared to previous administrations) or this open split on foreign policy. Hell - you guys even openly applaud strong man dictators like Putin. It's a dangerous game.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.
Israel did not have unified support. Idiots like Ron Paul and others were opposed to Israel.
Democrats who support Israel will continue to support Israel because their voters want them to.
It will divide the Democrat party into those who support Israel and the anti-semites.

Israel had very strong bipartisan support. And Ron Paul never went and openly attacked and divided the US' foreign policy like this.
Readers digest version: The Republicans care more about sinking any potential success of Obama then they do about what is best for our country. This was evident by their constant proclamation of making Obama a one term president. When that failed, they're going to make sure he has no legacy regardless of the effect on our country.

Standard Coyote version: Republicans are racists.

Making shit up woodie? Never said that.
Im sure you have.
Did Democrats work to insure Bush's success in his re-election? Or ddi they work to make him a one term president?

Democrats worked better with Bush then they Republicans have with Obama. And one thing the Democrats did not do was openly side with other nations against our President. In foreign affairs - while there was internal dispute, there was external unity. The Republicans of today have taken things to an unprecidented level - whether it's the sheer number of unfilled positions (compared to previous administrations) or this open split on foreign policy. Hell - you guys even openly applaud strong man dictators like Putin. It's a dangerous game.
It is more accurate to say Bush worked better with Democrats than Obama has worked with Republicans.
Someone already posted the story about Pelosi going to Syria against White House wishes, so your second statement is a lie.
Netanyahu's speech is almost certainly guaranteed to divide Israel's previously unified support along partisan lines. I don't see how that can be helpful in any way other than providing yet one more attempt for the Republicans to scuttle negotiations in an attempt to deny Obama any sort of success. It's really gotten to the point of irrationality where the Republicans are more interested in cutting Obama down then in leading our country.
Israel did not have unified support. Idiots like Ron Paul and others were opposed to Israel.
Democrats who support Israel will continue to support Israel because their voters want them to.
It will divide the Democrat party into those who support Israel and the anti-semites.

Israel had very strong bipartisan support. And Ron Paul never went and openly attacked and divided the US' foreign policy like this.
Israel will continue to have bipartisan support.
You understand you have moved the goalposts, first from "unified support" to "strong bipartisan support"
You also moved the goalpost from "support" to "openly attack and divide."
Do you do this because you are dishonest or are you actually too stupid to understand that's the case?

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