NASDAQ and S&P 500 reach record highs today!


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
Now THAT'S good news! Thanks for the post.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, standing up to China, being found not guilty of all accusations, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations. I also believe the guilty plea of someone found guilty of altering documents to spy on Trump helped. It proves Trump was right, yet again. It WAS a coup to remove a duly elected president. And now we have proof.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people were unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment. Thanks to quick action by Trump and others, over half of these people are working again and jobless claims dropped below one million last week for the first time since March.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people are unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
A money shortage is when places tell you to use plastic only because banks are not giving out money to businesses. If 50 million people have no job then the economy sucks for them.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people are unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
A money shortage is when places tell you to use plastic only because banks are not giving out money to businesses. If 50 million people have no job then the economy sucks for them.

That's not a money shortage. There is a shortage of coins because the mint is shut down due to covid19 you dumbass. Has nothing to do with "banks not giving money to businesses. Why do you just make this shit up?


Yea, talk to Obama about that. A hell of a lot of people had a "Money shortage" under Obama, didn't hear much complaint from the left.

Things really turned around when Biden chose Kamala Harris, which sealed his doom. He found the one black candidate who will cause him to lose black votes. He found the one California candidate who will cause him to lose California votes. He chose the one woman candidate who will cause him to lose women's votes.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, standing up to China, being found not guilty of all accusations, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations. I also believe the guilty plea of someone found guilty of altering documents to spy on Trump helped. It proves Trump was right, yet again. It WAS a coup to remove a duly elected president. And now we have proof.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
"By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man"


By "handling," you mean a 39.8% approval rating for the way he's handling it.

This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people are unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
A money shortage is when places tell you to use plastic only because banks are not giving out money to businesses. If 50 million people have no job then the economy sucks for them.

That's not a money shortage. There is a shortage of coins because the mint is shut down due to covid19 you dumbass.

Yea, talk to Obama about that. A hell of a lot of people had a "Money shortage" under Obama, didn't hear much complaint from the left.
Oblama is not president or did you not know that? The mint wants you to spend your coins have you done your duty and spent your coins today so WalMart can have change to give yous? Oh, when did coins stop being money?
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people are unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
A money shortage is when places tell you to use plastic only because banks are not giving out money to businesses. If 50 million people have no job then the economy sucks for them.

That's not a money shortage. There is a shortage of coins because the mint is shut down due to covid19 you dumbass.

Yea, talk to Obama about that. A hell of a lot of people had a "Money shortage" under Obama, didn't hear much complaint from the left.
Oblama is not president or did you not know that? The mint wants you to spend your coins have you done your duty and spent your coins today so WalMart can have change to give yous? Oh, when did coins stop being money?

Money isn't being circulated like it was pre-pandemic, dumbass.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, standing up to China, being found not guilty of all accusations, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations. I also believe the guilty plea of someone found guilty of altering documents to spy on Trump helped. It proves Trump was right, yet again. It WAS a coup to remove a duly elected president. And now we have proof.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
"By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man"


By "handling," you mean a 39.8% approval rating for the way he's handling it.

Oh, another POLL. LOL


Things really turned around when Biden chose Kamala Harris, which sealed his doom. He found the one black candidate who will cause him to lose black votes. He found the one California candidate who will cause him to lose California votes. He chose the one woman candidate who will cause him to lose women's votes.

Your message doesn't agree with your ......Hell, you are so full of it. The fact remains, right after Biden announced Harris, the Stock Market shot up. This shows that the stock traders support the Biden/Harris ticket. No matter how you try and spin it, that's a fact.

And after tonight, look for it to go up even further.
Dupe thread.

I did put mine in the wrong damn section though. I looked for stock market for several minutes, how the hell did I miss it? I only found it once I made the thread. Ugh.
Last edited:
Nothing better than an overvalued stock market that is worth more than the US GDP. I smell a bubble about to burst, especially with no new stimulus and a decline in retail sales which has already started....and the event called "the golden cross"...(ominous music rises).
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people were unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment. Thanks to quick action by Trump and others, over half of these people are working again and jobless claims dropped below one million last week for the first time since March.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
Uh, no, they were unemployed because Impeached Trump paid them not to work.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people are unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
A money shortage is when places tell you to use plastic only because banks are not giving out money to businesses. If 50 million people have no job then the economy sucks for them.

That's not a money shortage. There is a shortage of coins because the mint is shut down due to covid19 you dumbass.

Yea, talk to Obama about that. A hell of a lot of people had a "Money shortage" under Obama, didn't hear much complaint from the left.
Oblama is not president or did you not know that? The mint wants you to spend your coins have you done your duty and spent your coins today so WalMart can have change to give yous? Oh, when did coins stop being money?

Money isn't being circulated like it was pre-pandemic, dumbass.
When did you notice that?
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people were unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment. Thanks to quick action by Trump and others, over half of these people are working again and jobless claims dropped below one million last week for the first time since March.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
Uh, no, they were unemployed because Impeached Trump paid them not to work.

Really? I could have sworn that was a bipartisan bill passed by Nancy Pissloser.

Last time I checked, nothing gets through without pisslosers approval.

Try again.
This is unbelievable!! During a global pandemic Trump manages to keep the economy humming.

We are also expecting GDP to be up almost 25% for the 3Q.

Thank you Donald John Trump!
How is Trump doing it?

By handling the covid19 crisis like a real man, showing confidence in our country, encouraging jobs to move back from China, removing job killing regulations.

If the markets would be crashing would you be asking the liberals who would blame him how he was responsible? Didn't think so.

Remember he doesn't have the blood of 30,000 elderly on his hands like Cuomo does.
I'd say it was that 4 trillion dollar slush fund from Trump at taxpayer expense and a interest free money grab. Why is the US having a money shortage when Trump is in control of the economy?

50 million people were unemployed because governors shut down their places of employment. Thanks to quick action by Trump and others, over half of these people are working again and jobless claims dropped below one million last week for the first time since March.

WTF is a "money shortage?"
Uh, no, they were unemployed because Impeached Trump paid them not to work.

Really? I could have sworn that was a bipartisan bill passed by Nancy Pissloser.

Last time I checked, nothing gets through without pisslosers approval.

Try again.
Actually Trump is the final say of yae or nay and maybe nada...

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