Mystery Babylon

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
A message given on Hand of Help back in 1984 by Brother Dumitru Duduman. Brother Duduman died years ago but today we see the unfolding of the vision he was given and the prophecy of America's fall. Surely America is Mystery Babylon as identified in Revelation 18 and also Jeremiah 51.

Mystery Babylon


Why did God name America Mystery Babylon?

"Tell them, because all the nations of the world immigrated to America with their own gods and were not stopped. Encouraged by the freedom here, the wickedness began to increase. Later on, even though America was established as a Christian nation, the American people began to follow the strange gods that the immigrants had brought in, and also turned their backs on the God who had built and prospered this country."
From September 1984 archives of Hand of Help:

The Message For America

September, 1984

Late one night, I could not sleep, The children were sleeping on the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside and walked around. I didn't want them to see me cry. I walked around the building, crying and saying, "God! Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can't understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear is, "I don't know."

I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock. Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.

He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.

He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."

Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"

I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me." I said, "How did they forsake you?" He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible.

Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live."

I said, "How will America burn?" America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?"

He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,,.." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!"

"What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked. He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them."

The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessing they received in this country. Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan, and other nations to go against the Russians. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris.

Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel. When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought."

When I heard all of this I said, "if you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in the Bible." He said, "Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8-15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory," the angel said, "there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be no need for light. The Lamb of God will be the Light. There will be no sickness, no tears, and no deaths. There will only be eternal joy and God will be the ruler. There will be only one language. Only one song. And no need for a translator! ... And, Dumitru," he continued, "a word of warning. If you keep anything from the American people that you are told, I will punish you severely." "How will I know that this is for real -that it will really happen?" I asked. "As a sign that I have spoken to you, tomorrow before you wake, I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which I will send someone to pay your rent." The next day someone brought Dumitru a bed, and at noon a car arrived with the bucket of honey. His rent was also paid, as God had promised him. (See chapter 10, "THROUGH THE FIRE WITHOUT BURNING.") Then the angel left.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000
What to do if you are a Christian:

If You are a Christian

If You are a Christian

If you are a Christian living in sin, you must put an end to it today. Tomorrow will be too late! Just say to God from your heart that you are sorry for what you have done in disgracing the name of God and Jesus to all those around you, through them seeing you living in sin. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you clean. God never gets tired of forgiving - it doesn't matter what you have done in the past, but now go and do not sin anymore!

If you have never prayed to receive the Holy Spirit, then pray everyday without ceasing. He will replace the emptiness inside of you with peace, love and joy. He will guide you in all truth, comfort you in your times of distress and help you say no to sin.

"Many who carry the name of CHRISTIAN are overcome by greed, fornication, drunkenness, and a pursuit for great wealth. Those who live in defilement and meditate upon evil things will have no escape..."
What to do if you are not a Christian:

If You are a not Christian

If You are not a Christian

If you are not a Christian and have not received the gift of forgiveness, which God grants freely, then right now ask God for it. Just pray to God from your heart and say that you are sorry for every sin and every evil thought or desire. Ask Jesus to come into your heart; it is the most important thing in your life. "You must believe and confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." be baptized in water and pray everyday without ceasing to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help you turn your life around so that you can, as Jesus instructed the woman caught in adultery, "Go and sin no more." Get to know God better by reading the Bible. You may find it helpful to start with the gospel of John in the New Testament.
What to do:

What To Do

What To Do

Everything is ready to happen right now. It will be on a day just like today. "In one day America will burn." It will be a surprise attack just like Pearl Harbor, except this time America will be the target of nuclear weapons. It will happen when we least expect it, only it will be in your city or a place near you. As Americans, our only hope is to turn away from sin to a new life in Jesus Christ. God is not asking us to do hard things, but to stop lying, cheating, stealing and sinning in all possible ways. He is not telling us to run out of America or run to the mountains or forest to hide. God is telling us to run to Him and He will protect us, even if a nuclear bomb falls right next to us. But without God's protection, what defense would you have against a nuclear attack.
This is very important. Please read -

God's Promises to Americans

God's Promises to Americans

"The pure in heart will not be punished...Those who are faithful and true, will hear the trumpet of God and the voice of God's angel crying WAKE UP! They will be told where to go."...l looked down and saw beautiful cities... "This is your refuge when the times of tribulation fall upon California. Your family and all those who hear the voice of the Lord will understand the message of God's mighty trumpet. "Only the righteous will I save, some out of the midst of the fire."

"I the Lord will work in ways that you cannot imagine, but be Holy."

A great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. "This army will go to battle to save my chosen ones."

"At the appointed time, I will speak to them like I speak to you as to what they must do."

"I will send a chariot of salvation and take each one out in his appointed time."

"All those who repent and turn back to God will be saved from the day of trouble."

In 1984, after years of intense persecution, Dumitru Duduman, a Romanian Pastor and the founder of the Hand of Help orphanage, was thrown out of his country for smuggling Bibles into Romania and Russia. With the help of the American Consulate, Dumitru and his family came to America. Feeling abandoned and discouraged, Dumitru asked God why he had brought him to America. God began to show Dumitru that he was brought to America to deliver a warning about impending judgment upon the country. Hand of Help would like to offer the Body of Christ the writings of Dumitru Duduman as a message of hope to all those who will stop sinning and turn to God.
You of all people should know Mystery Babylon was Rome.
Because the 2 nemesis of Israel and the Jews were it's capture early on Babylon then later in the time of these writtings was Rome.
The original trinity was father/mother/son, the church used the mystery religions mother son devotion and idols.

In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady." In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred. The same reasoning can be applied to the name of "Mediatrix", which Mary is also called. Mary received that title from "Mylitta" (mediatrix) which was one of the names of the Mother Goddess of Babylon. "The Queen of Heaven" is another name for Mary that has been adopted from the pagan Babylonian religions.

EASTER (ISHTAR) WAS THE WIFE OF THE SUN GOD BAAL father of the morning star.

Throughout the RCC they mention these mysteries they borrowed from Babylon.
Church elect have admited they borrowed from them as you know.
The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman p.359

The mystery is Babylon's Baal harvest god is the Father they never name in the trinity
of Father (Baal) Mother(Ishtar/Isis queen in heaven) son (morning star-rev 22:16)

This is why the number of his name =666
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.
You of all people should know Mystery Babylon was Rome.
Because the 2 nemesis of Israel and the Jews were it's capture early on Babylon then later in the time of these writtings was Rome.
The original trinity was father/mother/son, the church used the mystery religions mother son devotion and idols.

In his deified form, Ninrod the Sun god is known as Baal. Semiramis, as the female divinity, would be called Baalti. This word translated into English means "My Lady." In Latin it would be translated "Mea Domina". This name becomes the name "Madonna" which is the name by which Mary is often referred. The same reasoning can be applied to the name of "Mediatrix", which Mary is also called. Mary received that title from "Mylitta" (mediatrix) which was one of the names of the Mother Goddess of Babylon. "The Queen of Heaven" is another name for Mary that has been adopted from the pagan Babylonian religions.

EASTER (ISHTAR) WAS THE WIFE OF THE SUN GOD BAAL father of the morning star.

Throughout the RCC they mention these mysteries they borrowed from Babylon.
Church elect have admited they borrowed from them as you know.
The Development of the Christian Religion Cardinal Newman p.359

The mystery is Babylon's Baal harvest god is the Father they never name in the trinity
of Father (Baal) Mother(Ishtar/Isis queen in heaven) son (morning star-rev 22:16)

This is why the number of his name =666
Baal Jesus=666 in ascll used to secret numbers from names.

I do not disagree with you concerning the person of Mystery Babylon - the Whore of Babylon - being Rome - specifically - the Roman Empire -the Roman Catholic System - but I am telling you that this isn't the first time that G-d has specifically used the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets to point to more than one event / people / nation, HaShev.

I do disagree with you about your interpretation of Scripture concerning Messiah Jesus Christ, but you already know that.

If ever we were able to set aside our difference on that matter - it would surely result in a great exchange of information that would surprise us both (I believe) on the matter of how far reaching the Romanists are in their agenda for a One World false religion and 3rd Inquisition (or is it the 4th or 5th?) against both our people - Jews and Christians. Your comment about the strange happenings in Iraq - destroying of artifacts - by a certain people (can you say Jesuits?) and the agenda behind it - didn't go un-noticed by me. Although I agree - I didn't comment on your report - although vague - but I certainly picked up the meaning behind it.

I hope you have a good day today, HaShev. I am off to do some errands.
You're never going to convince the heathens to give up their false gods and find salvation in this LORD-forsaken land, and we know the LORD's vengeance will be both swift and mighty and the righteous such as yourself shouldn't be smote with the LORD's misguided children, so I figure you have two options:

1) Hit the road and find somewhere more in line with the City on the Hill. This is what Hay-zeus would probably go for.
2) Start killing the nonbelievers and purge the land with the blood of the sinners. Jehovah of the Old Testament's favorite approach.

Which will it be?
Quote"this isn't the first time that G-d has specifically used the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets to point to more than one event"

True, I've talked about the 3 layers the historical, the repeat emulation, the spiritual.
In this context, Rome is the Historical,
Saddam's Iraq is the repeat emulation,
The RCC is the Spiritual emulation.
If America mirrors any of it would be because that system of deception infiltrated and influenced ALL the kingdoms the harlot church slept with.

Now when are you gonna reflect what you say back carefully;
"specifically used the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets to point to more than one event"
so the first messiah 1) ben Joseph=emulator we are warned about being like unto son of man-Rev 1:13
2) the true event in the time to come son of man Moshiach ben David
aka the Shiloh (one who's right it is).

Your own statement admits someone else can be the Moshiach of prophecy.
As Usual a couple of Erronous claims here..... First off the United States was not formed as a Christian nation...It is true that the majority residing in the United States are Christian but the forefathers did not promote Christianity per say.....It is best if you do not agree with me for any to look that up for themselves..... Secondly history does repeat itself till the lessons are learned obviously most people have a hard time learning so the lessons are repeated(not always the same) till said lesson is learned...It is no different when we try to teach our children or a teacher tries to teach his/her students....Mystery Babylon is a concept that has repeated because we cant seem to remember our lessons.....The "Baby" repeats what the father's couldnt or wouldnt correct.....Tough love follows till the behaviour is removed...It is a simple concept which many of us use with our own children...
Quote"this isn't the first time that G-d has specifically used the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets to point to more than one event"

True, I've talked about the 3 layers the historical, the repeat emulation, the spiritual.
In this context, Rome is the Historical,
Saddam's Iraq is the repeat emulation,
The RCC is the Spiritual emulation.
If America mirrors any of it would be because that system of deception infiltrated and influenced ALL the kingdoms the harlot church slept with.

Now when are you gonna reflect what you say back carefully;
"specifically used the prophecies of the Hebrew prophets to point to more than one event"
so the first messiah 1) ben Joseph=emulator we are warned about being like unto son of man-Rev 1:13
2) the true event in the time to come son of man Moshiach ben David
aka the Shiloh (one who's right it is).

Your own statement admits someone else can be the Moshiach of prophecy.

I missed your account of the 3 layers - dimensions - but spiritual would be the definition for Rome if were were to define each - on the subject of Iraq? Not possible, HaShev. Iraq is landlocked and while the name Babylon is historical it would not work for "Mystery Babylon" which is surrounded by many waters -this is clearly speaking of America.

Next you go into your beliefs about Jesus Christ which I do not agree with and Scripture does not support your view either so we'll leave that off. On a happy note - when Messiah returns you can say, Hey! You were right! Sorry about that and I'll say.............forget it! I'm happy for you that you received Jesus as your Messiah!
Saddam admitted emulating the grand scheme of Babylonand Nebuchadnezar, he even reverenced the old idols putting them on display. If you read where else this fit tri layer prophecy you'd understand it more especially other circumstances and relevance.

Once again I got you to say my name in relationship to Moshiach :)
"when Messiah returns"
Saddam admitted emulating the grand scheme of Babylonand Nebuchadnezar, he even reverenced the old idols putting them on display. If you read where else this fit tri layer prophecy you'd understand it more especially other circumstances and relevance.

Once again I got you to say my name in relationship to Moshiach :)
"when Messiah returns"

Interesting info, on Saddam, Michael. Give me the Scriptures on where else that is mentioned and I'll see if I understand it more. As to the other circumstances and relevance - how can I know that unless you give me Book, Chapter, verse? If you even gave me the name of the Hebrew prophet without the Chapter and verse I might figure it out - God willing.

As I recall in a former post some time ago - you mentioned to Shimon ( I think it was him) that you had heard about some certain "people" who were over there in Iraq destroy artifacts / documents concerning evidence for Scripture - do you recall the details? I found that interesting and should have asked about it when you first mentioned it. My mistake.
Mystery Babylon. I don't think I have that Bob Marley album. Is it any good?
Why is Is Redemption (HaShev) song your favorite
Bob Marley Song?
Jeremiah I found that new info interesting as well, I believe the History channel discussed it regarding men in black suits and ties raiding the museums not to steal the art & relics but to destroy them.

The Saddam emulating Nebuchadnezar is simple to find and I had at least 2-3 post regarding it,what is the most controversial depiction of the Babylon king? Isaiah 14
Here was one of my posts:
The verse Christians use describing Lucifer aka the morning star.
Fact: prophecy has many facits/layers those being
1) the historical description, because the Sages knew to see emulations in behavior, events, and power hungry leaders to predict future probable emulations and resemblances=prophecy.
Sure Isaiah is describing king Nebuchadnezzar, however the admitted emulator Saddam said so himself that he was emulating the Babylonian king trying to bring Babylon to it's amcient glory.
So that is layer
2) the future emulation prophecy fulfilled because Isaiah14 is also describing Saddam's fall, his dishevelled unrecognizable appearance and his being found in a pit.
In fact *I was the only one* to notice and point out that the day he was found coincided exactly with the verse. Remember, in that part of the world days come before months so Isaiah 14/12 is the 14th of Dec the day he was captured in his pit.
Christians themselves use these vwrses regarding anti christ and it was Nosty who predicted Saddam as 1 of 3 he called anti christs [anointed] (remember Neb. was anti the anointed ones).
Nostradamus predicted Mabus using Torah. I predicted both gulf wars & that Mabus was Saddam (reverse mirror protected anagram) through interpreting Nosty writings and proved it through the Tanakh matching the emulated verse with the date of his capture.

But prophecy also has a third layer, the spiritual emulation warning, that being the description of the fall of Lucifer Jesus, the image of a man that Rome created to deceive the world into worshiping Baal and falling for the ole baal harvest seed scam that you see on every single televangelist broadcast today especially running every show on TBN.
Jesus speared, earth did shake, called morning star, borrowed image of Babylon mysyery religion idol gods stories, went down to the pit (acts 2:27, 1 peter 3:19)
was made higher then god....etc
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Jeremiah I found that new info interesting as well, I believe the History channel discussed it regarding men in black suits and ties raiding the museums not to steal the art & relics but to destroy them.

The Saddam emulating Nebuchadnezar is simple to find and I had at least 2-3 post regarding it,what is the most controversial depiction of the Babylon king? Isaiah 14
Here was one of my posts:
The verse Christians use describing Lucifer aka the morning star.
Fact: prophecy has many facits/layers those being
1) the historical description, because the Sages knew to see emulations in behavior, events, and power hungry leaders to predict future probable emulations and resemblances=prophecy.
Sure Isaiah is describing king Nebuchadnezzar, however the admitted emulator Saddam said so himself that he was emulating the Babylonian king trying to bring Babylon to it's amcient glory.
So that is layer
2) the future emulation prophecy fulfilled because Isaiah14 is also describing Saddam's fall, his dishevelled unrecognizable appearance and his being found in a pit.
In fact *I was the only one* to notice and point out that the day he was found coincided exactly with the verse. Remember, in that part of the world days come before months so Isaiah 14/12 is the 14th of Dec the day he was captured in his pit.
Christians themselves use these vwrses regarding anti christ and it was Nosty who predicted Saddam as 1 of 3 he called anti christs [anointed] (remember Neb. was anti the anointed ones).
Nostradamus predicted Mabus using Torah. I predicted both gulf wars & that Mabus was Saddam (reverse mirror protected anagram) through interpreting Nosty writings and proved it through the Tanakh matching the emulated verse with the date of his capture.

But prophecy also has a third layer, the spiritual emulation warning, that being the description of the fall of Lucifer Jesus, the image of a man that Rome created to deceive the world into worshiping Baal and falling for the ole baal harvest seed scam that you see on every single televangelist broadcast today especially running every show on TBN.
Jesus speared, earth did shake, called morning star, borrowed image of Babylon mysyery religion idol gods stories, went down to the pit (acts 2:27, 1 peter 3:19)
was made higher then god....etc

I wish I had the History channel, I would have liked to have seen that story, HaShev. I remember you talking about the guys in the black suits but particularly your comment that you knew there was a reason behind it - you didn't go into it - I would have to agree with you about that and I suspect they were Jesuits working for the Jesuit General. I think we can expect them to plant their own "discoveries" in the future and I'd be quite skeptical about any news concerning "new Scroll discoveries", etc. as we can see Rome is in a big hurry to get their show on the road.

One thing I have thought more than once about - I am very grateful to see a Jewish man so informed about the history of the Roman Church and the roots of it in the Babylonian religion - it is rare I find someone as informed about the truth concerning them - even the fish hat (good job) and it is good to know you are going to keep your own people out of danger by sounding the alarm and warning them about this satanic organization (Roman Catholicism and their Vatican). I'm grieved over this visit that their anti-Christ Pope is making here and wish he'd stay home but as he is already over in Cuba with his communist friend, Castro, he's undoubtedly going to head this way tomorrow. My prayer is rain. Lots and lots of rain! Like Noah's Flood rain.

HaShev, Some day I'd like you to think about looking at the information ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera gave on the Vatican and the true history of what they did to the Jewish people. I believe for someone who knows as much as you do already - it would answer many questions you may have about how they got away with what they got away with. Of course we both know they didn't really get away with anything because they are going to answer to G-d Almighty for it all and He cannot be bought off.

p.s. I have never accepted Nostrodamus as prophet because his character was not that of the Hebrew prophets. He does not give glory to God, there is something not right about him and when I get a check in my spirit I know it is the LORD letting me know to disregard it. It's not Him.
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