My wife was in Walmart today during a shootout

Admiral Rockwell Tory

Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2015
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Sitting down in front of my computer
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
While I do agree that carrying a weapon for defense makes sense, I do have to say that if a person is going to carry one, they had better know how to use it well enough because if they fire at a dangerously armed person and they miss and instead shoot someone who is completely innocent, to me, that would only make the situation even worse.

God bless you and your wife always!!!

Why people will escalate from a verbal argument to a gun fight is beyond my mental capacity. I've never used a weapon in a fight, ever. Not a stick, a rock or a foam bat. Now, if I were raised around guns in a 2nd Amendment environment, maintained a firearm for just this type of scenario, defending ones life and/or that of a family; it would make perfect sense. I'm glad your wife is safe and that no one was killed. Thankfully this man exercized his right to bear arms and protectex his family. Unfortunately in todays charged and senselessly violent climate, the need to do so is sadly necessary and rightfully encouraged in jurisdictions that enact common sense laws.
Sorry your wife had to go through this event.

Glad no one died.
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.

Yes to the 2nd amendment

Also, we seem to have lost our mind as a society
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.

Also....I'm so glad your wife made it out safe. I have a family member who was on scene during a shooting. Though they were fine, but ended up going through a short stint of counseling, which was helpful.
It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.
Jesus I'm glad to hear she got out okay.

I've read some of the coverage in the local media.

That Walmart has a history. :shock:
Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero
Quite strange moral of the story. More likely that in reality, this 19-years old overgrown juvenile had some kind of argument with the family man. Over some minor trouble - whose turn was in the line, or a cart being put or pulled carelessly, etc.

The younger man decided that he is a badass and pulled his gun after the argument started. The family man knowing that he was also armed pulled his own gun and shooting started.
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
I'm glad to hear your wife escaped relatively unscathed.

I've always been a live & let live kind of person but have lately, like within the last 6 months to a year, been questioning that philosophy. I always figured stupid people are going to do stupid things, well fine, they have to live with whatever consequences result. But within the last year, stupid people doing stupid things have started to negatively impact others, specifically speaking of myself.

I'm not even sure if anything can be done HOWEVER, I received a card in the mail from my local state representative and I decided I was going to provide the information he's asking for - what's important to ME these days.

I had previously thought about reaching out because even though my candidate didn't win the presidency, two of them won here in Washington State (U.S. Attorney Nick Brown & former WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson for Governor).

Receiving an invitation to do so was just the push I needed.

Bob Ferguson, who has served as Washington State Attorney General since 2013, was elected Governor of Washington in November 2024 and is set to assume office in January 2025.
Nick Brown, who served as the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington from October 2021 until his resignation in June 2023, ran for the position of Washington State Attorney General.
In the November 2024 election, Brown was elected as the first Black Attorney General of Washington State, succeeding Bob Ferguson.
Recent Developments in Washington State Politics
FaviconAssociated Press​
Democratic Attorney General Bob Ferguson wins governor's race in Washington​
52 days ago​

Former "Survivor" Contestant Nick Brown Becomes First Black Person to be Elected Attorney General in Washington​
48 days ago​
Former Survivor Contestant Nick Brown Becomes First Black Person to be Elected Attorney General in Washington

FaviconAssociated Press​
AP Race Call: Democrat Bob Ferguson wins election for governor in Washington​
49 days ago​

This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
This is quite a harrowing description of events. I am glad your wife is okay. Consider yourself blessed this Christmas that you got your wife back safe and sound.

My wife was in Walmart today during a shootout

Bad news. :(
Apparently a 19-year-old man ..... pulled a gun ... Moral of the story: Concealed carry works!
Really❓From where did he pull it? Good thing he had his gun concealed.
..... At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. ... Moral of the story: Concealed carry works!
So they both had concealed weapons. Whew that's good! Tell me again who it was who shot first❓
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
It sounds to me like the moral of the story is that your poor wife and a whole bunch of other people in a Walmart, on Christmas Eve, almost got shot because this country is awash in weaponry. I've been shot at and have had loved ones shot and killed with guns, it never really made me glad for more of them....

Anyway... Merry Christmas I guess.
This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
Well that should make an interesting story around the Christmas dinner table! I'm glad nobody died.
Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry turned a minor scuffle into a shootout.
If your wife was carrying, she wouldn’t have had to run. She could have stood her ground and joined in
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