Muslims Are People too!

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You know -- there might be some pills you can take for that. Believing so many things that are not real is a symptom that something might be amiss.[/QUOTE]

You know, you just could be right, but what if I am not? Can we afford to take that chance. Following you will find a short bio. After reading this, tell me if you still think I am crazy.

Alan Adaschik was born in New London, Connecticut, on June 27th, 1943. He was raised in Brooklyn, New York and attended Franklin K. Lane High School. Upon graduation, he was accepted as an engineering student by the University of Michigan in its Naval ROTC program. Upon completing college, Al qualified for Navy flight training and received his wings as a Jet Fighter Pilot in June of 1966. After completing his tour of duty, he left the service and earned a MBA from Long Island University.

Al has worked as a Flight Test Conductor for the Grumman Aerospace Corporation, a Financial Analyst for the Singer Company, a Senior Financial Analyst for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, and a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale. In 1994, Congress passed the unconstitutional General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which made the United States a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Acting as Attorney Pro-se for the voting citizens of this nation, Al sued our government over the constitutionality of GATT. The Court ruled his lawsuit was without merit on technical reasons and Al did not pursue the matter further.

Al has written three books. His first book is “While We Sleep – A story of government without law”, the second book is “An Alaskan Adventure – A Travelogue and Environmental Treatise” and his latest book is “100 Years of Deception”. Al also developed and hosted a web site called “The Constitution forum” which is no longer on line. As host of this web site, he authored a plethora of political articles and essays many of which can still be found on line at various websites.

Also add to the above that I am 72 years old and own a top of the mountain retreat in North Carolina comprising twenty acres which I fly to from Florida in my Piper Cherokee Aircraft when the mood strikes me.

In consideration of all the afflictions identified above, what pill would you recommend I take?[/QUOTE]

Again with the mutilating of the quote button!

Well your made up "history"...doesn't preclude you from mental illness, now does it? Some of you dumb pollacks are the biggest antisemites on earth. Of course it comes as no surprise because the Polish were responsible for killing most of the Jews and manned the death camps for the Nazis very willingly. As with the other Polish antisemites I've observed, your anti semtism is deeply rooted in upbringing, childhood environment, education, religious teachings and envy.

Now I ask you again, what does your hatred and demonization so of Jews have anything do with "Muslims are people too!" And where is your evidence from an impartial site that "Israel asked the US the nuke Cairo"

You are obviously mentally ill which is no wonder that you're big on Jew hate. It kind of goes hand in hand.

My diagnosis and suggestion is for you to take the following medication:

Lithium (medication) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lithium compounds, also known as lithium salts are primarily used as a psychiatric medication. This includes in the treatment of major depressive disorder that does not improve following other antidepressants and bipolar disorder.[1] In these disorders it reduces the risk of suicide.[2] Lithium is taken by mouth.[1]

Common side effects include increased urination, shakiness of the hands, and increased thirst. Serious side effects include hypothyroidism, diabetes insipidus, and lithium toxicity. Blood level monitoring is recommended to decrease the risk of potential toxicity. If levels become too high diarrhea, vomiting, poor coordination, sleepiness, and ringing in the ears may occur. Lithium may cause problems in the baby if used during pregnancy.[1] It appears to be okay during breastfeeding.[3] Lithium salts are classified as mood stabilizers. How they work is not specifically known.[1]

In the 1800s lithium was used in people who had gout, epilepsy, and cancer. Its use in the treatment of mental illness began in 1948 by John Cade in Australia.[4] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[5] It is available as a generic medication.[1] The wholesale cost in 2014 was between 0.12 to 0.20 USD per day.[6] In the United States at usual doses it costs about 0.90 to 1.20 USD per day.[1]
[/QUOTE] Got it: Israel is the enemy. Is it? Jews are people TOO, ya know. They don't perpatrate stonings, suicide bomb attacks, crash planes into buildings or outlaw religions or tax them or condemn converts to death. Islam DOES all that, so they aren't quite the poor little victims the OP makes them out to be. Palestine was created in 1919 or so, Israel 30 years later. Put this all in perspective.[/QUOTE]

I never said Israel is the enemy. However I did say that Zionism is a curse upon the world. There is a very big difference between Zionism and Judaism; the former is a political movement which had destabilized the world, rekindled the long dead Crusades, and brought upon us a perpetual war on terror. Judaism on the other hand is a religion. If we take Zionism out of the equation, the Jews and Palestinians would live at peace together as they have done for thousands of years. This would give the world a chance for a peaceful future.

[/QUOTE] Okay, so your premise is not that the concept of self-determination of the Jewish people is evil. That's fine. You just think that the way the Jewish people achieved self-determination is "evil" . Out of curiosity, because this is absolutely fascinating, do you think that the Jewish people could have achieved self-determination without murdering 50 million people, and if so, do you think we did it just because we are evil? In other words, what motivated the Jewish people to commit the atrocities which you claim we committed? Was it some sort of inherent evil? Was it intentional? Were we just too lazy to find a different way? What?

The rest of your post is so vile I can't even come up with words to address it. Why would you want to even attempt to quantify and measure that sort of evil, other than the need to portray the Jews as the epitome of evil beyond all reason and any measure of humanity?[/QUOTE]


I think you are playing word games here, the issue being what you mean by self-determination. I think you take self-determination as meaning creating a nation for yourselves. If this is the case, be advised that while I have nothing against the establishment of new nations, per se, I do stand solidly against the establishment of new nations with a religion based government. Religious governments, by their very nature are the well springs of tyranny. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is no greater power than those who rule in God's name, because no one can question the decisions such tyrants make.

Now I have a question for you. Why do you think Jews should have a nation of their own? Christians do not have one. If this status quo is good enough for Christians, why is it so bad for Jews? Also, keep in mind that there are many Jews who stand against Israel because they believe it is wrong for Jews to have a nation of their own.

Let me caution you about something, my purpose here is not vile. To be sure it is to wake people up to the truth about what has happened in our world and I do this because the only way to solve the worlds problems is to understand why and how they occurred. I am a man or peace and this is my ultimate goal.
.[/QUOTE] Got it: Israel is the enemy. Is it? Jews are people TOO, ya know. They don't perpatrate stonings, suicide bomb attacks, crash planes into buildings or outlaw religions or tax them or condemn converts to death. Islam DOES all that, so they aren't quite the poor little victims the OP makes them out to be. Palestine was created in 1919 or so, Israel 30 years later. Put this all in perspective.[/QUOTE]

No Israel is not the enemy, Zionism is. I know the Jews are people too. The point is that there have been terrible things done on both sides of this conflict and no side is not guilty of doing terrible things.

What I find most discerning here is that everyone seems to believe that Muslims are monsters. War will never cease as long as both sides demonize the other and it is obvious that this all many posters here do. The Muslims are evil scum, so let's ill them all. This is exactly how people once felt about American Indians. We were wrong then and we are wrong now about the Muslims. No they are people too and as a people are very similar to the Jews in many ways.
Thanks for the suggestions, but for now, I will stick with Viagra.

You didn't read the warning label.

"Use with caution for patients with the following conditions:
Schizoaffective Disorder
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Drug induced psychosis
Alzheimers disease
Borderline Intellectual Functioning disorder
Alchoholic Halucinosis
Fregoli Delusion
Schizotypal personality disorder
Generalized complete dickhead disorder
The Muslim world has been attacking the West and Western ideals for the last 40 years at least. They are clearly against freedom and democracy, and are unable to coexist and treat women and non Muslims as equals. And they wonder why Islam is hated and Muslims are mistrusted so much? Unfortunately for them, Western nations are starting to wake up, and are taking a closer look at who they so foolishly let in.
Thanks for the suggestions, but for now, I will stick with Viagra.

You didn't read the warning label.

"Use with caution for patients with the following conditions:
Schizoaffective Disorder
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Drug induced psychosis
Alzheimers disease
Borderline Intellectual Functioning disorder
Alchoholic Halucinosis
Fregoli Delusion
Schizotypal personality disorder
Generalized complete dickhead disorder

Dear Dogpoop:

I have always been crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.
I think the time has come again for me to get on my soapbox and make a statement.

I am a patriotic American, Constitutionalist, and born again Christian. As such, I love my country, believe in being a law abiding citizen, and hate nobody including those who do evil. However, I am not a pacifist and will defend myself or others who are victims of injustice or physical harm. In consideration of all these things, I as much as any other honorable human being, I want to live in a peaceful world where justice and good will reign supreme. As we are so aware, the world we live in is anything but these things and war and injustice are the order of the day.

In 1981, I was hired by the City of Fort Lauderdale, on a fast track to become head of its Water & Sewer Department. All went well for three years, but one fateful day, I learned that the department I worked for was dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of the City; the river upon which my home was located. Not being able to tolerate this crime against nature and the citizens of Fort Lauderdale, I took action which corrected the problem. However, having done this brought me close to having a nervous breakdown, broke up my marriage of nine years, and destroyed my career in the Public Service. I do not tell you this for sympathy, but it was these transpiring’s which started me down the path of finding out what was wrong with my government and indeed, what was wrong with the world we lived in.

Here I am at the ripe old age of 72 and after 32 years of probing and study, I believe I have a very good and solid idea of what has happened to us and what is really going on. I love my country and love my fellow man. This being true, I could not in good conscience, sit back and let what I know die with me. This is why I wrote my book “100 Years of Deception”, and this is why I sit at this keyboard doing intellectual battle, the purpose of which is to wake people up to the reality which I know to be true. However, in this I am a complete failure. By airing my honest and heartfelt beliefs, I am viewed by most of you as being, at best, out of touch with reality and at worst, an enemy of the nation I love and a spreader of lies and hate. As bad as this is, I go on because I know that God can see into my heart and God is the only judge I care about.

There is a great evil in the world and as I have often preached, it is not really Zionism. The evil of which I speak is central bank in the hands of private individuals. The reason this state of affairs is evil is because central banking like a Ponzi Scheme, is a con and fraud. It is these things, because it gives its owners the ability to siphon huge amounts of money from a nation without giving anything in return or doing anything to earn it. This being the truth, the question is why isn’t such nefarious activity banned or outlawed. The answer to this question is that the money stolen from the people of a nation makes these criminals so rich and powerful, they are able to buy off or neutralize (kill) any politician who opposes or stands against them. Governments arose between men by necessity and overtime, these governments have been taken over and/or corrupted by these demented criminal central bankers.

Now here’s where it gets complicated! As things turn out, several of the super-rich central banking families happened to be of Jewish lineage. And one of them, the Rothschild’s took up the torch of establishing the State of Israel in Palestine, not for religious reasons or to help the Jews, most of whom were opposed to this radical idea at the turn of the last century, but to serve as the tip of a spear thrust into the heart of the Middle East so as to control its oil. Unfortunately, the Rothschild’s have succeeded in their quest and while, most Jews now stand behind the wrongful seizure of Palestine, the fact remains that a horrible and terrible price has been paid so 8.2 million Jews can live on land which belongs to someone else. Unfortunately, because of this unresolved situation, there is no end in sight to the abominations and carnage.

Where does all this leave us. It leaves me trying to wake people up as to what is really happening and apparently, it leaves most of those posting on this thread using disparagement, hateful comments, and despicable lies to shout down this voice of truth, reason, and common sense. I want to live in a peaceful world. This is my birthright as a human being. This world will only have peace when it has Justice. And the world we live in will never be just when one group of people can take land owned by someone else. This being true, the solution to our problem is that the Jews and Palestinians must once again become brothers and live in peace as they once did. However, this will only happen if the Jews accept the Palestinian people as equals under the law and give up the insane and heretical concept of a Jewish State where everyone not a Jew is a second class citizen.

In closing, I would like to say that if believing in what I have just written, in your mind, makes me a despicable human being and an enemy of the Jewish people, then so be it. I know where I am coming from and what I stand for. If you don't, then I will say a prayer for you in the hope that someday your eyes are opened and you will be able to see the truth.
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Got it: Israel is the enemy. Is it? Jews are people TOO, ya know. They don't perpatrate stonings, suicide bomb attacks, crash planes into buildings or outlaw religions or tax them or condemn converts to death. Islam DOES all that, so they aren't quite the poor little victims the OP makes them out to be. Palestine was created in 1919 or so, Israel 30 years later. Put this all in perspective.[/QUOTE]

I never said Israel is the enemy. However I did say that Zionism is a curse upon the world. There is a very big difference between Zionism and Judaism; the former is a political movement which had destabilized the world, rekindled the long dead Crusades, and brought upon us a perpetual war on terror. Judaism on the other hand is a religion. If we take Zionism out of the equation, the Jews and Palestinians would live at peace together as they have done for thousands of years. This would give the world a chance for a peaceful future.


Ha ha ha ha! Now that was a good one. It's obvious you aren't taking your meds. There is no Judaism without Zionism, you moron.

"Jews against Zionism" hee hee hee...they are a cult that represent less than one percent of Jews and are laughed at. The rest of the 99% of the Jews are Zionists, even the most liberal leftist ones. Yes Jesus was a Zionist Jew who loved Israel and his people, and Christianity too is Zionist. And oh, there was no Palestine when Jesus walked the earth.

If Muslims accept the fact that Israel is here to stay and stop their Islamic jihads to Islamicize the Jewish holy land and the world, then there will be peace, and they will once again be looked at as "people". If they don't who gives a fuck, let them and dumb Polish Nazis like you rot in hell.. :clap2:
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I think the time has come again for me to get on my soapbox and make a statement.

I am a patriotic American, Constitutionalist, and born again Christian. As such, I love my country, believe in being a law abiding citizen, and hate nobody including those who do evil. However, I am not a pacifist and will defend myself or others who are victims of injustice or physical harm. In consideration of all these things, I as much as any other honorable human being, I want to live in a peaceful world where justice and good will reign supreme. As we are so aware, the world we live in is anything but these things and war and injustice are the order of the day.

In 1981, I was hired by the City of Fort Lauderdale, on a fast track to become head of its Water & Sewer Department. All went well for three years, but one fateful day, I learned that the department I worked for was dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of the City; the river upon which my home was located. Not being able to tolerate this crime against nature and the citizens of Fort Lauderdale, I took action which corrected the problem. However, having done this brought me close to having a nervous breakdown, broke up my marriage of nine years, and destroyed my career in the Public Service. I do not tell you this for sympathy, but it was these transpiring’s which started me down the path of finding out what was wrong with my government and indeed, what was wrong with the world we lived in.

Here I am at the ripe old age of 72 and after 32 years of probing and study, I believe I have a very good and solid idea of what has happened to us and what is really going on. I love my country and love my fellow man. This being true, I could not in good conscience, sit back and let what I know die with me. This is why I wrote my book “100 Years of Deception”, and this is why I sit at this keyboard doing intellectual battle, the purpose of which is to wake people up to the reality which I know to be true. However, in this I am a complete failure. By airing my honest and heartfelt beliefs, I am viewed by most of you as being, at best, out of touch with reality and at worst, an enemy of the nation I love and a spreader of lies and hate. As bad as this is, I go on because I know that God can see into my heart and God is the only judge I care about.

There is a great evil in the world and as I have often preached, it is not really Zionism. The evil of which I speak is central bank in the hands of private individuals. The reason this state of affairs is evil is because central banking like a Ponzi Scheme, is a con and fraud. It is these things, because it gives its owners the ability to siphon huge amounts of money from a nation without giving anything in return or doing anything to earn it. This being the truth, the question is why isn’t such nefarious activity banned or outlawed. The answer to this question is that the money stolen from the people of a nation makes these criminals so rich and powerful, they are able to buy off or neutralize (kill) any politician who opposes or stands against them. Governments arose between men by necessity and overtime, these governments have been taken over and/or corrupted by these demented criminal central bankers.

Now here’s where it gets complicated! As things turn out, several of the super-rich central banking families happened to be of Jewish lineage. And one of them, the Rothschild’s took up the torch of establishing the State of Israel in Palestine, not for religious reasons or to help the Jews, most of whom were opposed to this radical idea at the turn of the last century, but to serve as the tip of a spear thrust into the heart of the Middle East so as to control its oil. Unfortunately, the Rothschild’s have succeeded in their quest and while, most Jews now stand behind the wrongful seizure of Palestine, the fact remains that a horrible and terrible price has been paid so 8.2 million Jews can live on land which belongs to someone else. Unfortunately, because of this unresolved situation, there is no end in sight to the abominations and carnage.

Where does all this leave us. It leaves me trying to wake people up as to what is really happening and apparently, it leaves most of those posting on this thread using disparagement, hateful comments, and despicable lies to shout down this voice of truth, reason, and common sense. I want to live in a peaceful world. This is my birthright as a human being. This world will only have peace when it has Justice. And the world we live in will never be just when one group of people can take land owned by someone else. This being true, the solution to our problem is that the Jews and Palestinians must once again become brothers and live in peace as they once did. However, this will only happen if the Jews accept the Palestinian people as equals under the law and give up the insane and heretical concept of a Jewish State where everyone not a Jew is a second class citizen.

In closing, I would like to say that if believing in what I have just written, in your mind, makes me a despicable human being and an enemy of the Jewish people, then so be it. I could care less, because someday it will be you burning in Hell and not me.

Where it leaves us is you're fucking insane and there was no state of Palestine, ever in history. Which isn't anything new because antisemites are all usually insane. In fact antisemtism is like a mental illness. You started a thread wanting people to look at Muslims as people, and then started rambling all kinds of antisemetic conspiracy theories and blood libel Jew hate. Boy you sure achieved your goal didn't you!

Now go take your meds and immediately turn yourself into the nearest asylum, you are clearly a danger to yourself and the public.
I think the time has come again for me to get on my soapbox and make a statement.

I am a patriotic American, Constitutionalist, and born again Christian. As such, I love my country, believe in being a law abiding citizen, and hate nobody including those who do evil. However, I am not a pacifist and will defend myself or others who are victims of injustice or physical harm. In consideration of all these things, I as much as any other honorable human being, I want to live in a peaceful world where justice and good will reign supreme. As we are so aware, the world we live in is anything but these things and war and injustice are the order of the day.

In 1981, I was hired by the City of Fort Lauderdale, on a fast track to become head of its Water & Sewer Department. All went well for three years, but one fateful day, I learned that the department I worked for was dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of the City; the river upon which my home was located. Not being able to tolerate this crime against nature and the citizens of Fort Lauderdale, I took action which corrected the problem. However, having done this brought me close to having a nervous breakdown, broke up my marriage of nine years, and destroyed my career in the Public Service. I do not tell you this for sympathy, but it was these transpiring’s which started me down the path of finding out what was wrong with my government and indeed, what was wrong with the world we lived in.

Here I am at the ripe old age of 72 and after 32 years of probing and study, I believe I have a very good and solid idea of what has happened to us and what is really going on. I love my country and love my fellow man. This being true, I could not in good conscience, sit back and let what I know die with me. This is why I wrote my book “100 Years of Deception”, and this is why I sit at this keyboard doing intellectual battle, the purpose of which is to wake people up to the reality which I know to be true. However, in this I am a complete failure. By airing my honest and heartfelt beliefs, I am viewed by most of you as being, at best, out of touch with reality and at worst, an enemy of the nation I love and a spreader of lies and hate. As bad as this is, I go on because I know that God can see into my heart and God is the only judge I care about.

There is a great evil in the world and as I have often preached, it is not really Zionism. The evil of which I speak is central bank in the hands of private individuals. The reason this state of affairs is evil is because central banking like a Ponzi Scheme, is a con and fraud. It is these things, because it gives its owners the ability to siphon huge amounts of money from a nation without giving anything in return or doing anything to earn it. This being the truth, the question is why isn’t such nefarious activity banned or outlawed. The answer to this question is that the money stolen from the people of a nation makes these criminals so rich and powerful, they are able to buy off or neutralize (kill) any politician who opposes or stands against them. Governments arose between men by necessity and overtime, these governments have been taken over and/or corrupted by these demented criminal central bankers.

Now here’s where it gets complicated! As things turn out, several of the super-rich central banking families happened to be of Jewish lineage. And one of them, the Rothschild’s took up the torch of establishing the State of Israel in Palestine, not for religious reasons or to help the Jews, most of whom were opposed to this radical idea at the turn of the last century, but to serve as the tip of a spear thrust into the heart of the Middle East so as to control its oil. Unfortunately, the Rothschild’s have succeeded in their quest and while, most Jews now stand behind the wrongful seizure of Palestine, the fact remains that a horrible and terrible price has been paid so 8.2 million Jews can live on land which belongs to someone else. Unfortunately, because of this unresolved situation, there is no end in sight to the abominations and carnage.

Where does all this leave us. It leaves me trying to wake people up as to what is really happening and apparently, it leaves most of those posting on this thread using disparagement, hateful comments, and despicable lies to shout down this voice of truth, reason, and common sense. I want to live in a peaceful world. This is my birthright as a human being. This world will only have peace when it has Justice. And the world we live in will never be just when one group of people can take land owned by someone else. This being true, the solution to our problem is that the Jews and Palestinians must once again become brothers and live in peace as they once did. However, this will only happen if the Jews accept the Palestinian people as equals under the law and give up the insane and heretical concept of a Jewish State where everyone not a Jew is a second class citizen.

In closing, I would like to say that if believing in what I have just written, in your mind, makes me a despicable human being and an enemy of the Jewish people, then so be it. I know where I am coming from and what I stand for. If you don't, then I will say a prayer for you in the hope that someday your eyes are opened and you will be able to see the truth.

That was quite the manic wall of words.

What a shame that you spent such frenzied effort on matters that only exist in your overactive imagination.
I think the time has come again for me to get on my soapbox and make a statement.

I am a patriotic American, Constitutionalist, and born again Christian. As such, I love my country, believe in being a law abiding citizen, and hate nobody including those who do evil. However, I am not a pacifist and will defend myself or others who are victims of injustice or physical harm. In consideration of all these things, I as much as any other honorable human being, I want to live in a peaceful world where justice and good will reign supreme. As we are so aware, the world we live in is anything but these things and war and injustice are the order of the day.

In 1981, I was hired by the City of Fort Lauderdale, on a fast track to become head of its Water & Sewer Department. All went well for three years, but one fateful day, I learned that the department I worked for was dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of the City; the river upon which my home was located. Not being able to tolerate this crime against nature and the citizens of Fort Lauderdale, I took action which corrected the problem. However, having done this brought me close to having a nervous breakdown, broke up my marriage of nine years, and destroyed my career in the Public Service. I do not tell you this for sympathy, but it was these transpiring’s which started me down the path of finding out what was wrong with my government and indeed, what was wrong with the world we lived in.

Here I am at the ripe old age of 72 and after 32 years of probing and study, I believe I have a very good and solid idea of what has happened to us and what is really going on. I love my country and love my fellow man. This being true, I could not in good conscience, sit back and let what I know die with me. This is why I wrote my book “100 Years of Deception”, and this is why I sit at this keyboard doing intellectual battle, the purpose of which is to wake people up to the reality which I know to be true. However, in this I am a complete failure. By airing my honest and heartfelt beliefs, I am viewed by most of you as being, at best, out of touch with reality and at worst, an enemy of the nation I love and a spreader of lies and hate. As bad as this is, I go on because I know that God can see into my heart and God is the only judge I care about.

There is a great evil in the world and as I have often preached, it is not really Zionism. The evil of which I speak is central bank in the hands of private individuals. The reason this state of affairs is evil is because central banking like a Ponzi Scheme, is a con and fraud. It is these things, because it gives its owners the ability to siphon huge amounts of money from a nation without giving anything in return or doing anything to earn it. This being the truth, the question is why isn’t such nefarious activity banned or outlawed. The answer to this question is that the money stolen from the people of a nation makes these criminals so rich and powerful, they are able to buy off or neutralize (kill) any politician who opposes or stands against them. Governments arose between men by necessity and overtime, these governments have been taken over and/or corrupted by these demented criminal central bankers.

Now here’s where it gets complicated! As things turn out, several of the super-rich central banking families happened to be of Jewish lineage. And one of them, the Rothschild’s took up the torch of establishing the State of Israel in Palestine, not for religious reasons or to help the Jews, most of whom were opposed to this radical idea at the turn of the last century, but to serve as the tip of a spear thrust into the heart of the Middle East so as to control its oil. Unfortunately, the Rothschild’s have succeeded in their quest and while, most Jews now stand behind the wrongful seizure of Palestine, the fact remains that a horrible and terrible price has been paid so 8.2 million Jews can live on land which belongs to someone else. Unfortunately, because of this unresolved situation, there is no end in sight to the abominations and carnage.

Where does all this leave us. It leaves me trying to wake people up as to what is really happening and apparently, it leaves most of those posting on this thread using disparagement, hateful comments, and despicable lies to shout down this voice of truth, reason, and common sense. I want to live in a peaceful world. This is my birthright as a human being. This world will only have peace when it has Justice. And the world we live in will never be just when one group of people can take land owned by someone else. This being true, the solution to our problem is that the Jews and Palestinians must once again become brothers and live in peace as they once did. However, this will only happen if the Jews accept the Palestinian people as equals under the law and give up the insane and heretical concept of a Jewish State where everyone not a Jew is a second class citizen.

In closing, I would like to say that if believing in what I have just written, in your mind, makes me a despicable human being and an enemy of the Jewish people, then so be it. I know where I am coming from and what I stand for. If you don't, then I will say a prayer for you in the hope that someday your eyes are opened and you will be able to see the truth.

That was quite the manic wall of words.

What a shame that you spent such frenzied effort on matters that only exist in your overactive imagination.

Yeah the guy thinks he conquered the world and if not for the Jews he wouldn't have been such a failure who suffered a mental breakdown and got dumped by his wife. Lets us pray it didn't procreate.

So now he gets on the Internet to tell the whole world that it's because of the evil Joooos and Zionists that People have negative views of Islam and Muslims.
I think the time has come again for me to get on my soapbox and make a statement.

I am a patriotic American, Constitutionalist, and born again Christian. As such, I love my country, believe in being a law abiding citizen, and hate nobody including those who do evil. However, I am not a pacifist and will defend myself or others who are victims of injustice or physical harm. In consideration of all these things, I as much as any other honorable human being, I want to live in a peaceful world where justice and good will reign supreme. As we are so aware, the world we live in is anything but these things and war and injustice are the order of the day.

In 1981, I was hired by the City of Fort Lauderdale, on a fast track to become head of its Water & Sewer Department. All went well for three years, but one fateful day, I learned that the department I worked for was dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of the City; the river upon which my home was located. Not being able to tolerate this crime against nature and the citizens of Fort Lauderdale, I took action which corrected the problem. However, having done this brought me close to having a nervous breakdown, broke up my marriage of nine years, and destroyed my career in the Public Service. I do not tell you this for sympathy, but it was these transpiring’s which started me down the path of finding out what was wrong with my government and indeed, what was wrong with the world we lived in.

Here I am at the ripe old age of 72 and after 32 years of probing and study, I believe I have a very good and solid idea of what has happened to us and what is really going on. I love my country and love my fellow man. This being true, I could not in good conscience, sit back and let what I know die with me. This is why I wrote my book “100 Years of Deception”, and this is why I sit at this keyboard doing intellectual battle, the purpose of which is to wake people up to the reality which I know to be true. However, in this I am a complete failure. By airing my honest and heartfelt beliefs, I am viewed by most of you as being, at best, out of touch with reality and at worst, an enemy of the nation I love and a spreader of lies and hate. As bad as this is, I go on because I know that God can see into my heart and God is the only judge I care about.

There is a great evil in the world and as I have often preached, it is not really Zionism. The evil of which I speak is central bank in the hands of private individuals. The reason this state of affairs is evil is because central banking like a Ponzi Scheme, is a con and fraud. It is these things, because it gives its owners the ability to siphon huge amounts of money from a nation without giving anything in return or doing anything to earn it. This being the truth, the question is why isn’t such nefarious activity banned or outlawed. The answer to this question is that the money stolen from the people of a nation makes these criminals so rich and powerful, they are able to buy off or neutralize (kill) any politician who opposes or stands against them. Governments arose between men by necessity and overtime, these governments have been taken over and/or corrupted by these demented criminal central bankers.

Now here’s where it gets complicated! As things turn out, several of the super-rich central banking families happened to be of Jewish lineage. And one of them, the Rothschild’s took up the torch of establishing the State of Israel in Palestine, not for religious reasons or to help the Jews, most of whom were opposed to this radical idea at the turn of the last century, but to serve as the tip of a spear thrust into the heart of the Middle East so as to control its oil. Unfortunately, the Rothschild’s have succeeded in their quest and while, most Jews now stand behind the wrongful seizure of Palestine, the fact remains that a horrible and terrible price has been paid so 8.2 million Jews can live on land which belongs to someone else. Unfortunately, because of this unresolved situation, there is no end in sight to the abominations and carnage.

Where does all this leave us. It leaves me trying to wake people up as to what is really happening and apparently, it leaves most of those posting on this thread using disparagement, hateful comments, and despicable lies to shout down this voice of truth, reason, and common sense. I want to live in a peaceful world. This is my birthright as a human being. This world will only have peace when it has Justice. And the world we live in will never be just when one group of people can take land owned by someone else. This being true, the solution to our problem is that the Jews and Palestinians must once again become brothers and live in peace as they once did. However, this will only happen if the Jews accept the Palestinian people as equals under the law and give up the insane and heretical concept of a Jewish State where everyone not a Jew is a second class citizen.

In closing, I would like to say that if believing in what I have just written, in your mind, makes me a despicable human being and an enemy of the Jewish people, then so be it. I know where I am coming from and what I stand for. If you don't, then I will say a prayer for you in the hope that someday your eyes are opened and you will be able to see the truth.

I learned that the department I worked for was dumping raw sewage into the river which ran through the heart of the City

That's awful! Was it the Federal Reserve doing the dumping? The Rothschilds? Zionists?

the purpose of which is to wake people up to the reality which I know to be true. However, in this I am a complete failure.

Yeah, because you're far from reality.

It is these things, because it gives its owners the ability to siphon huge amounts of money from a nation without giving anything in return or doing anything to earn it.

The Federal Reserve made over $100 billion last year. I can show you where the money went.
I want to know why a guy who wrote a book about it can't tell me where the money went?

And the world we live in will never be just when one group of people can take land owned by someone else.

I agree, we need to roll back the Muslim invasion. Put them back where they were 1300 years ago.
Before they took land owned by someone else.
Why do you think Jews should have a nation of their own?

I believe all people seeking national self-determination should have a nation of their own. Its not limited to the Jewish people. Tibetans, Kurds, Catalans, First Nations, Palestinians, everyone.

The Jewish people don't just share a religion. The Jewish people are a cultural and ethnic group as well -- a people.

Let me caution you about something, my purpose here is not vile. To be sure it is to wake people up to the truth about what has happened in our world and I do this because the only way to solve the worlds problems is to understand why and how they occurred. I am a man or peace and this is my ultimate goal.

You may not feel that your intent is vile, but the EFFECT of your words is poison. You have been poisoned into believing that a select group is evil and the cause of all the world's problems and you are spreading that toxin to others by posting it here. Blaming an entire group for the evils of the world is exactly the kind of thinking that leads to pogroms, persecutions and atrocities like the Shoah. It justifies -- gives permission for -- drastic actions.

I don't believe you have answered my questions.
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Dear Roudy, Dogmaphobe, and Toddsterpatriot:

Your own words confirm that you are seriously ill people.

Please answer this question. Do you really think that your writings are a credit to Judaism and the Jewish people? If you honestly answer yes to this question, then you are far more disturbed than any of us could imagine. The truth is that the three of you are an embarrassment to this thread, this bulletin board, your friends, your family, America, Judaism, the human race, and yourselves.

I feel sorry for all of you and hope that someday you come to your senses. As things presently stand, count yourselves among Satan’s minions and unless you wake up you will be condemned.

May God have mercy on your souls.

Alan R. Adaschik
Dear Roudy, Dogmaphobe, and Toddsterpatriot:

Your own words confirm that you are seriously ill people.

Please answer this question. Do you really think that your writings are a credit to Judaism and the Jewish people? If you honestly answer yes to this question, then you are far more disturbed than any of us could imagine. The truth is that the three of you are an embarrassment to this thread, this bulletin board, your friends, your family, America, Judaism, the human race, and yourselves.

I feel sorry for all of you and hope that someday you come to your senses. As things presently stand, count yourselves among Satan’s minions and unless you wake up you will be condemned.

May God have mercy on your souls.

Alan R. Adaschik

I'm not Jewish, so my writings aren't a credit or a discredit.

Why don't you look in that book you wrote and tell me where the Fed sent their $100 billion in profits last year?
Got it: Israel is the enemy. Is it? Jews are people TOO, ya know. They don't perpatrate stonings, suicide bomb attacks, crash planes into buildings or outlaw religions or tax them or condemn converts to death. Islam DOES all that, so they aren't quite the poor little victims the OP makes them out to be. Palestine was created in 1919 or so, Israel 30 years later. Put this all in perspective.[/QUOTE]

I never said Israel is the enemy. However I did say that Zionism is a curse upon the world. There is a very big difference between Zionism and Judaism; the former is a political movement which had destabilized the world, rekindled the long dead Crusades, and brought upon us a perpetual war on terror. Judaism on the other hand is a religion. If we take Zionism out of the equation, the Jews and Palestinians would live at peace together as they have done for thousands of years. This would give the world a chance for a peaceful future.

Wow, I SEE all the evil Islam perpatrates, but that dosen't impugn all Muslims. Zionisism, (anyone ever hurt by a zionist?)I can't compare the two. Islam crashes planes into Manhattan, attacks people in Boston. Stones adulterers, hangs gays. Much more. I don't have to work hard hard to show how bad Islam can truly be. Zionism? You have to be joking. They are a threat? To WHO? Since when?
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