Musk sold himself to Kremlin KGB thugs during a Kremlin-sponsored event he said "Tesla May Build Plant in Muscovy Eventually"


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
Musk sold himself to Kremlin KGB thugs during a Kremlin-sponsored event he said "Tesla May Build Plant in Muscovy Eventually"

Looks like Elon Musk's dream of meeting Putin may come true after he praised Muscovit ulus at a Kremlin-run conference this morning. Putin's spokesman said "in time it’ll probably happen at some point." Key Navalny ally Lyubov Sobol says Musk took part in an "instrument of state PR + propaganda, an instrument for upholding the myth that in modern Muscovy , which is mired in corruption and lies, the development of science and technology is still possible." shame on you Musk , now you are officially part of Putin´s propaganda war against our democratic world , or its all about cheap nickel and cobalt?

Elon Musk spoke warmly of Russia during a Kremlin-sponsored event for students, praising its history of achievements in space and expressing openness to one day building a Tesla Inc. factory in the country.

The Tesla chief executive officer took questions for roughly 45 minutes at the invitation of Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman....Russia that is electric is less than 0.2%,..."

Here's how PROGS think:

A. Global economy is good.
B. Business in Russia is bad.
C. Business in China is good.
D. Trump business in China bad.
E. Foreign involvement in our affairs for Democrats is good.
F. Foreign involvement in our affairs for Trump is bad.
G. 24/7 MSM left propaganda is good.
Elon Musk is a rich boy that will sell to whomever he wants because that is what capitalist do, they sell to your (Republican)enemy.
Well, this is the biggest I-told-you-so story I've seen.

As soon as the globalists take over, American manufacturing goes overseas.
what gave Moscow to him in return ?
What did Moscow give him in return?
the slaves, Musk badly needs the natural Muscovite slaves (prisoners)
Putin last year calls for creating two kinds of labor camps: entire colonies where inmates will be put to work either for the state or for businesses on a contract basis and special “correction centers” attached to business sites.

As the editors of point out, “comparisons with the GULAG are no accident: in Soviet times, those who landed behind bars were put in a position equivalent to slavery, with the loss of all human rights and facing an extremely high probability of rapid death.” Now, there is a great danger that Putin’s move will have similar consequences.

What makes this possibility so distressing, the portal continues, is that “in present-day Russia, just as in Stalinist times, many inmates are serving sentence not so much for real crimes as for poorly concealed dissent.” The total numbers of both real criminals and political prisoners are in the thousands or even more.

Worse, this new arrangement will give the Russian powers that be an additional incentive to put people behind bars whether they deserve it or not.

Already since the law went into force, businesses and officials are calling on the federal penal system to create “industrial clusters” very much like “labor camps” where inmates are to be held and put to work as a cheap labor force, reports."

We have a Commerce Clause. Only right wingers have more of a problem with Capitalism than they do with the general warfare.
Plus they have a severe problem with allowing people their right to privacy.
Greed is good under Capitalism. We have a Commerce Clause, what can go wrong?
Ah yes, that golden age of pyramids and capitalist..
A simple concept to understand; and, someone has to make a profit.
We have a Commerce Clause. Only right wingers have more of a problem with Capitalism than they do with the general warfare.
Plus they have a severe problem with allowing people their right to privacy.
Greed is good under Capitalism. We have a Commerce Clause, what can go wrong?
Waiting in line for 2 hrs to get bread in Venezuela is what could go wrong.......My lord
Like we had in in 1929 was that from socialism?
Musk sold himself to Kremlin KGB thugs during a Kremlin-sponsored event he said "Tesla May Build Plant in Muscovy Eventually"

Looks like Elon Musk's dream of meeting Putin may come true after he praised Muscovit ulus at a Kremlin-run conference this morning. Putin's spokesman said "in time it’ll probably happen at some point." Key Navalny ally Lyubov Sobol says Musk took part in an "instrument of state PR + propaganda, an instrument for upholding the myth that in modern Muscovy , which is mired in corruption and lies, the development of science and technology is still possible." shame on you Musk , now you are officially part of Putin´s propaganda war against our democratic world , or its all about cheap nickel and cobalt?

Elon Musk spoke warmly of Russia during a Kremlin-sponsored event for students, praising its history of achievements in space and expressing openness to one day building a Tesla Inc. factory in the country.

The Tesla chief executive officer took questions for roughly 45 minutes at the invitation of Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman....Russia that is electric is less than 0.2%,..."

"In Russia. Death solves all problems"........Josef Stalin
We have a Commerce Clause. Only right wingers have more of a problem with Capitalism than they do with the general warfare.
Plus they have a severe problem with allowing people their right to privacy.
Greed is good under Capitalism. We have a Commerce Clause, what can go wrong?
Waiting in line for 2 hrs to get bread in Venezuela is what could go wrong.......My lord
Like we had in in 1929 was that from socialism?
No. The dizzy speculation and unreal margins in the stock market caused a lot. Excess inventories.

Depressions are usually 2 or 3 yrs with little goobermint intervention. The pathetic crippled cheat caused it to last 15 miserable years

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