Music can be the great unifier.....


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
All of these threads here about racism posted by the racists, of either color, are done to drive people apart. Their goal is to not allow black, brown, green, blue, white people to exist peacefully in a world where the color of your skin truly doesn't matter as dreamed by the great MLK.

Music I think is an area where we, who aren't racists, can begin building relationships with those of like mind, and even some of the fence sitters. I love going to blues clubs in New Orleans, and Louisville and while the crowds are usually black there are also white folks scattered around and we are there for a mutual love. Blues music. After the concerts many of us will then go out for a drink or a bite to eat and we will talk about the music.

The color of the musician never comes up. Only their skill level, or how moved a person was by the music etc. Recently i found some videos of hip hop people listening to old music and reacting to it. I found it quite interesting...

All of these threads here about racism posted by the racists, of either color, are done to drive people apart. Their goal is to not allow black, brown, green, blue, white people to exist peacefully in a world where the color of your skin truly doesn't matter as dreamed by the great MLK.

Music I think is an area where we, who aren't racists, can begin building relationships with those of like mind, and even some of the fence sitters. I love going to blues clubs in New Orleans, and Louisville and while the crowds are usually black there are also white folks scattered around and we are there for a mutual love. Blues music. After the concerts many of us will then go out for a drink or a bite to eat and we will talk about the music.

The color of the musician never comes up. Only their skill level, or how moved a person was by the music etc. Recently i found some videos of hip hop people listening to old music and reacting to it. I found it quite interesting...

You could be right, and I promise to watch both your videos as soon as I finish reading this story about the Dixie Chicks.
All of these threads here about racism posted by the racists, of either color, are done to drive people apart. Their goal is to not allow black, brown, green, blue, white people to exist peacefully in a world where the color of your skin truly doesn't matter as dreamed by the great MLK.

Music I think is an area where we, who aren't racists, can begin building relationships with those of like mind, and even some of the fence sitters. I love going to blues clubs in New Orleans, and Louisville and while the crowds are usually black there are also white folks scattered around and we are there for a mutual love. Blues music. After the concerts many of us will then go out for a drink or a bite to eat and we will talk about the music.

The color of the musician never comes up. Only their skill level, or how moved a person was by the music etc. Recently i found some videos of hip hop people listening to old music and reacting to it. I found it quite interesting...

Depends upon the music. Some music genres suck and thus aren't unifying, but rather off-putting.
My hate list:
1. Polka.
2. Boring Classical pieces (usually stringed pieces or piano solos).
3. Country (old style). Country-rock okay.
4. Rap. (really crappy poetry done via beat-box).
5. Hip Hop.
That's my personal hated music list and thus it doesn't bring me together with those that favor them.
As for good music:
1. Modern Jazz.
2. Blues.
3. Rock (including oldies, Doo-wop and newer, pop-rock, heavy metal and folk-rock).
4. Bombastic Classical.
5. Bombastic Theatrical themes (Two Steps From Hell Composer a good example).
6. Big Band era.
7. Some foreign cultural music.
So to me, while some music can be unifying to me, other styles are definitely me personally.
All of these threads here about racism posted by the racists, of either color, are done to drive people apart. Their goal is to not allow black, brown, green, blue, white people to exist peacefully in a world where the color of your skin truly doesn't matter as dreamed by the great MLK.

Music I think is an area where we, who aren't racists, can begin building relationships with those of like mind, and even some of the fence sitters. I love going to blues clubs in New Orleans, and Louisville and while the crowds are usually black there are also white folks scattered around and we are there for a mutual love. Blues music. After the concerts many of us will then go out for a drink or a bite to eat and we will talk about the music.

The color of the musician never comes up. Only their skill level, or how moved a person was by the music etc. Recently i found some videos of hip hop people listening to old music and reacting to it. I found it quite interesting...



Depends upon the music. Some music genres suck and thus aren't unifying, but rather off-putting.
My hate list:
1. Polka.
2. Boring Classical pieces (usually stringed pieces or piano solos).
3. Country (old style). Country-rock okay.
4. Rap. (really crappy poetry done via beat-box).
5. Hip Hop.
That's my personal hated music list and thus it doesn't bring me together with those that favor them.
As for good music:
1. Modern Jazz.
2. Blues.
3. Rock (including oldies, Doo-wop and newer, pop-rock, heavy metal and folk-rock).
4. Bombastic Classical.
5. Bombastic Theatrical themes (Two Steps From Hell Composer a good example).
6. Big Band era.
7. Some foreign cultural music.
So to me, while some music can be unifying to me, other styles are definitely me personally.

That's not the point. The point is that music IS a unifying point. No matter what music you may personally like, there are others, of different races, who will like it too. That is the common denominator. This is a case in point, a classical music flash mob that was done in Spain I think. Mainly whites were there, but there were other races as well. All came together for this one moment in time to listen and enjoy.

If we can get more of these moments, then we can talk, person to person, without the race hustlers trying to drive us apart.
And here is the same piece performed by a Japanese symphony. Which, if you have ever listened to traditional Japanese music is pretty foreign.


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