Multiple states had repubs send in fake cerification documenrs

All irrelevant whining. Forging these documents is a crime.
All irrelevant whining because it doesn't flush with your preconceived opinion.

Lawrence Eastman was the one who advised those people. I'm sure he has a much greater knowledge on how, in this situation, what would be legal and what would be not.

It'll be dealt with in court, possibly.

I can link the DNC donation site if need be.
Not what happened. Based upon active lawsuits and filing of electoral votes for Biden, the outcome wouldn't be known until the lawsuits were finished. If they were found in Trumps favor (regardless of what anyone's opinion on that is) the cast Biden votes wouldn't count. So, on a contingent basis, if Trump succeeded in court, Trump electors filed their votes, as indicated, based upon legal advice.
If that were the case then the ACTUAL electors would have been on those slates (in many cases they weren't) and the Governor of the state in question would certify that slate AS an alternate slate. That did not happen
If that were the case then the ACTUAL electors would have been on those slates (in many cases they weren't) and the Governor of the state in question would certify that slate AS an alternate slate. That did not happen

Stick with it Dude...

"Is that something you ever worked on or would support, for example, in Michigan?" MSNBC's Ari Melber asked him Friday night.
"Yes, I was part of the process to make sure there were alternate electors for when, as we hoped, the challenges to the seated electors would be heard, and would be successful," replied Epshteyn, who is a lawyer, after insisting that the electors were indeed "alternate" and not "fraudulent electors."

He also said that everything he did was legal and cited the 1960 presidential election in Hawaii as a precedent for "alternate" electors. In the 1960 presidential election, Richard Nixon initially led John F. Kennedy by 141 votes in the state, a much narrower margin than any of the contested states in the 2020 election, but Nixon ended up losing the state after a legal recount. While there were multiple panels of electors, it was because the results in the state changed after the recount showed a different result

Former Trump campaign adviser acknowledges being part of 2020 fake electors plot
Please stay in topic. Your efforts at deflection are not working. The fake elector certificates were just one of the many illegal efforts the trump regime attempted to destroy this country.
Oh, sorry, I forgot pointing out leftist hypocrisy is not allowed.
trump is nothing more that a Mafia Boss...who Putin helped elect. Now Putin is staging a build up near Ukraine to make Biden look bad.

Why do repubs Love Putin?
It's hilarious that you believe Putin is doing anything to make Biden look bad.

Biden doesn't need any help.

Why do leftists love Biden? He's a miserable failure.
People magazine?!?


Oddball? Seriously? LOL, he's so out of touch with reality it's a wonder he has the ability to turn on his computer.
Oh, sorry, I forgot pointing out leftist hypocrisy is not allowed.

It's hilarious that you believe Putin is doing anything to make Biden look bad.

Biden doesn't need any help.

Why do leftists love Biden? He's a miserable failure.
Putin wants trump back in office so he can finish destroying the US. Everyone knows the repub party loves Putin.
Did they use a fake dossier they got from Russian intelligence to set up and then remove / impeach a duly elected president?

This if true is amateur compared to the shit the treasonous Democrats have done in the last 5 years.
Did they use a fake dossier they got from Russian intelligence to set up and then remove / impeach a duly elected president?

This if true is amateur compared to the shit the treasonous Democrats have done in the last 5 years. was the goddess Hillary....
Putin wants trump back in office so he can finish destroying the US. Everyone knows the repub party loves Putin.
Actually Putin has the goods on the Biden crime family and Biden will do and say as Putin says so. That's why Biden started his presidency by shutting down a main US pipeline while giving a pass to the Russian one going into Europe. Which sane president does that? This is like committing national suicide.
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