Mueller Spokesman Issues Clarification: OLC Opinion Had NO Impact On Mueller Decision

And the Shapiro guy from your article is also wrong on not being able to investigate a president on criminal actions, ever, because he can't be charged.

The Supreme Court already weighed in on this in a Nixon case.... just because a president can not be indicted, does NOT mean the president can not be investigated for criminal actions by the department of justice...

This guy's opinion in your article is simply flat out WRONG. Probably because he is not familiar with the Watergate court cases that worked this all out in the 70's.... this guy was not even born for another 10 years after watergate. :)
So when are you going to demand Nadler subpoena Mueller and have him testify under oath about his investigation, answer some questions, and clarify once and all what he is actually claiming...and back it up?

If not, why not?
Hilarious...Mueller's Office backtracked / issued a 'clarification' of what Mueller claimed in his 'Drive-By' press conference yesterday (and his report), contradicting his own statements while shooting a huge hole in the snowflake narrative of how Trump was not found / declared 'guilty' because of the OLC decision that sitting Presidents can not be indicted....

"Mueller refused to allege a crime. So evidence of something -- something that wasn’t prosecutable right now, and that Mueller refused to suggest amounted to a crime for the future. Mueller himself said the investigation was justified because perhaps it would have resulted in evidence that “could be used if there were co-conspirators who could be charged now.” But Mueller didn’t charge co-conspirators in obstruction."

"Mueller’s second justification is more obvious: he essentially said he was doing Congress’ impeachment groundwork for them. “The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,” Mueller stated. This is an invitation to impeachment."

"A criminal investigation that cannot possibly result in charges is a conflict in terms. Mueller never should have agreed to such an investigation under the law, and Mueller’s own standard makes that clear."

DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments
How come you did not post the JOINT statement and instead pasted some guy named Shapiro's opinion instead?

Here is the joint statement:

The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel's report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination - one way or the other - about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements.

Mueller's office in this statement with the Justice department, is saying EXACTLY what Mueller has said all along.... he did not make a determination on the obstruction, one way, or the other....
More Barr spin. What else is new?
That flatly contradicts Mueller's words. So Who is lying? Must have been
Mueller as Barr's statement is unchanged. I think Mueller just found himself in peril of legal recourse as he has already destroyed his legacy. Mueller will be known as a partisan hack.
Lol, this "joint statement" actually says there is not difference between the two statements.
Nice claim / opinion...
Dude, you posted the fucking thing, didn't you read it?

From.your link:
The Special Counsel's report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination - one way or the other - about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements.

And your name of Stupidus rings true again. You're so dumb you don't know when you're being trolled. Mueller embarrassed himself and his own office contradicted the lying Bobby. Barr likely won't be pleased and Mueller may face some problems later on.
A. The very fact that you try to change my name to be an insult labels you as an uneducated moron. Look it up.

Nobody in the tRump *administration* is trolling.

Says Stupidus who does nothing but show how uneducated he is by insulting Trump supporters every day. So where's that Trump removal you promised for 2 years. See, again, you're too stupid to know you're being trolled.
And the Shapiro guy from your article is also wrong on not being able to investigate a president on criminal actions, ever, because he can't be charged.

The Supreme Court already weighed in on this in a Nixon case.... just because a president can not be indicted, does NOT mean the president can not be investigated for criminal actions by the department of justice...

This guy's opinion in your article is simply flat out WRONG. Probably because he is not familiar with the Watergate court cases that worked this all out in the 70's.... this guy was not even born for another 10 years after watergate. :)
So when are you going to demand Nadler subpoena Mueller and have him testify under oath about his investigation, answer some questions, and clarify once and all what he is actually claiming...and back it up?

If not, why not?
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that, but I would like to see him in front of congress to answer questions that were not addressed or answered in the report... all in due time, I think he will be in front of congress, to answer those questions, even if he would like to just relax now.
And the Shapiro guy from your article is also wrong on not being able to investigate a president on criminal actions, ever, because he can't be charged.

The Supreme Court already weighed in on this in a Nixon case.... just because a president can not be indicted, does NOT mean the president can not be investigated for criminal actions by the department of justice...

This guy's opinion in your article is simply flat out WRONG. Probably because he is not familiar with the Watergate court cases that worked this all out in the 70's.... this guy was not even born for another 10 years after watergate. :)
So when are you going to demand Nadler subpoena Mueller and have him testify under oath about his investigation, answer some questions, and clarify once and all what he is actually claiming...and back it up?

If not, why not?
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that, but I would like to see him in front of congress to answer questions that were not addressed or answered in the report... all in due time, I think he will be in front of congress, to answer those questions, even if he would like to just relax now.

Did he tell you that he wants to relax now, buffoon?
Hilarious...Mueller's Office backtracked / issued a 'clarification' of what Mueller claimed in his 'Drive-By' press conference yesterday (and his report), contradicting his own statements while shooting a huge hole in the snowflake narrative of how Trump was not found / declared 'guilty' because of the OLC decision that sitting Presidents can not be indicted....

"Mueller refused to allege a crime. So evidence of something -- something that wasn’t prosecutable right now, and that Mueller refused to suggest amounted to a crime for the future. Mueller himself said the investigation was justified because perhaps it would have resulted in evidence that “could be used if there were co-conspirators who could be charged now.” But Mueller didn’t charge co-conspirators in obstruction."

"Mueller’s second justification is more obvious: he essentially said he was doing Congress’ impeachment groundwork for them. “The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,” Mueller stated. This is an invitation to impeachment."

"A criminal investigation that cannot possibly result in charges is a conflict in terms. Mueller never should have agreed to such an investigation under the law, and Mueller’s own standard makes that clear."

DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments
How come you did not post the JOINT statement and instead pasted some guy named Shapiro's opinion instead?

Here is the joint statement:

The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel's report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination - one way or the other - about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements.

Mueller's office in this statement with the Justice department, is saying EXACTLY what Mueller has said all along.... he did not make a determination on the obstruction, one way, or the other....
More Barr spin. What else is new?
Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all stated Mueller's report is not enough and questions still remain (see new thread)...

So when are they going to subpoena Mueller and have him testify under oath before Congress?
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
Where did he state the decision should be "handed off?"
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,

YOU keep trying to claim 'this is what Mueller really meant / said' when Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all said Mueller's report is NOT enough and that he needs to testify under oath and answer questions....

Why are you and Mueller so against that?
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
Where did he state the decision should be "handed off?"
when he said he could not do it in the criminal sense but the Constitution provides the way, a process in which a president can be addressed for wrong doing... no one is above the law.
THAT is CONGRESS, the constitution gives that power and process, to congress.
I want to see Mueller in front of Congress.

He wants to be done with this mess.

Too bad. He'll BE subpoenaed
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
Where did he state the decision should be "handed off?"
when he said he could not do it in the criminal sense but the Constitution provides the way, a process in which a president can be addressed for wrong doing... no one is above the law.
THAT is CONGRESS, the constitution gives that power, to congress.
AGAIN, you continue to provide personal opinion in defense of Mueller's report / decision, a decision / report Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have declared is 'NOT sufficient' and that Mueller needs to testify under oath before Congress to personally defend / clarify / expound on and answer questions....

Hilarious...Mueller's Office backtracked / issued a 'clarification' of what Mueller claimed in his 'Drive-By' press conference yesterday (and his report), contradicting his own statements while shooting a huge hole in the snowflake narrative of how Trump was not found / declared 'guilty' because of the OLC decision that sitting Presidents can not be indicted....

"Mueller refused to allege a crime. So evidence of something -- something that wasn’t prosecutable right now, and that Mueller refused to suggest amounted to a crime for the future. Mueller himself said the investigation was justified because perhaps it would have resulted in evidence that “could be used if there were co-conspirators who could be charged now.” But Mueller didn’t charge co-conspirators in obstruction."

"Mueller’s second justification is more obvious: he essentially said he was doing Congress’ impeachment groundwork for them. “The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,” Mueller stated. This is an invitation to impeachment."

"A criminal investigation that cannot possibly result in charges is a conflict in terms. Mueller never should have agreed to such an investigation under the law, and Mueller’s own standard makes that clear."

DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments

Barr probably played him a tape of their phone conversation

Mueller remember it - which is why he doesn't want to testify under oath before Congress.

Nadler will never invite Mueller now. He'll disregard Mueller's walk back and proceed as if nothing happened.
But what Mueller should fear is when the Senate goes after him to testify and have to explain his actions.

By lying to the American people in his "farewell" statement, he did the dems more damage than will ever be known.
Just think...One more member of the elitist government coupled with the MSM telling another lie to the people.
Trump may go down in history as the biggest prophet since Moses.
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
Where did he state the decision should be "handed off?"
when he said he could not do it in the criminal sense but the Constitution provides the way, a process in which a president can be addressed for wrong doing... no one is above the law.
THAT is CONGRESS, the constitution gives that power and process, to congress.
Please quote the text where he said what you claim.
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
Where did he state the decision should be "handed off?"
when he said he could not do it in the criminal sense but the Constitution provides the way, a process in which a president can be addressed for wrong doing... no one is above the law.
THAT is CONGRESS, the constitution gives that power and process, to congress.
Please quote the text where he said what you claim.

Ask him in the morning. He may dream about it again, tonight.
Hilarious...Mueller's Office backtracked / issued a 'clarification' of what Mueller claimed in his 'Drive-By' press conference yesterday (and his report), contradicting his own statements while shooting a huge hole in the snowflake narrative of how Trump was not found / declared 'guilty' because of the OLC decision that sitting Presidents can not be indicted....

"Mueller refused to allege a crime. So evidence of something -- something that wasn’t prosecutable right now, and that Mueller refused to suggest amounted to a crime for the future. Mueller himself said the investigation was justified because perhaps it would have resulted in evidence that “could be used if there were co-conspirators who could be charged now.” But Mueller didn’t charge co-conspirators in obstruction."

"Mueller’s second justification is more obvious: he essentially said he was doing Congress’ impeachment groundwork for them. “The Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,” Mueller stated. This is an invitation to impeachment."

"A criminal investigation that cannot possibly result in charges is a conflict in terms. Mueller never should have agreed to such an investigation under the law, and Mueller’s own standard makes that clear."

DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments
How come you did not post the JOINT statement and instead pasted some guy named Shapiro's opinion instead?

Here is the joint statement:

The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel's report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination - one way or the other - about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements.

Mueller's office in this statement with the Justice department, is saying EXACTLY what Mueller has said all along.... he did not make a determination on the obstruction, one way, or the other....
The easy solution is for Nadler to subpoena Mueller and have his testify under oath before Congress to make clear what he is claiming, to defend his decision and investigation, and to answer some questions....

Why is Mueller so afraid to / against doing so?

Why aren't snowflakes insisting he do so and are instead allowing Mueller to dictate what he will do and will not do?

Nadler claimed he wanted to know everything Mueller had to say in his report so badly that he demanded the US AG break the law by releasing Grand Jury information Mueller's team redacted and then voted to hold the US AG in 'Contempt' for refusing to break the law...WHEN ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS / IS SUBPOENA MUELLER AND have him testify under oath before Congress...

Why does he allow Mueller to tell him who can / can't and who should / should not testify under oath before Congress?

Simple, Because he does not want to answer the honest questions that would come from all the non-Dems. He would have to lie. Even under oath the snake would lie. Look what he does to innocent persons' he wants to use to frame others. He is a disgrace to rule of many of them are.
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that....

Democrats Nadler, Schiff, and Jeffries have all declared it is NOT and that they want Mueller to testify.

Funny how the very Democrats you seek to defend contradict your claims and prove you have only your own opinion, not fact.
Mueller suggested it be handed off, to the ONLY group of people who can do anything on it that our constitution provides, the congress... he did not make a decision on it, one way or the other.... it's up to others to decide wrong doing or not.... that's Congress.

Oh, and impeachment is not the only way for Congress to act, they could simply sanction a president for wrong doing,
Where did he state the decision should be "handed off?"
when he said he could not do it in the criminal sense but the Constitution provides the way, a process in which a president can be addressed for wrong doing... no one is above the law.
THAT is CONGRESS, the constitution gives that power and process, to congress.
Please quote what he actually said.
And the Shapiro guy from your article is also wrong on not being able to investigate a president on criminal actions, ever, because he can't be charged.

The Supreme Court already weighed in on this in a Nixon case.... just because a president can not be indicted, does NOT mean the president can not be investigated for criminal actions by the department of justice...

This guy's opinion in your article is simply flat out WRONG. Probably because he is not familiar with the Watergate court cases that worked this all out in the 70's.... this guy was not even born for another 10 years after watergate. :)
So when are you going to demand Nadler subpoena Mueller and have him testify under oath about his investigation, answer some questions, and clarify once and all what he is actually claiming...and back it up?

If not, why not?
It's already clear on what Mueller is stating on that, but I would like to see him in front of congress to answer questions that were not addressed or answered in the report... all in due time, I think he will be in front of congress, to answer those questions, even if he would like to just relax now.

Relax? He is working to string things out to 2020 and keep focus off the real Crimes by Comely brennan yates powers clapper.....the IG report etc.

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