Another Obama failure


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
That affirmative action Boy fucked up everything he touched, didn't he?

Federally Funded Study: Common Core Sunk U.S. Kids' Test Scores

Federally Funded Study: Common Core Sunk U.S. Kids’ Test Scores

In several cases student achievement reversed under Common Core, and in every subject studied students would have been better off if states had not adopted Common Core.

Researchers the Obama administration funded to assist Common Core’s rollout recently found, to their surprise, that under Common Core U.S. student achievement has sunk (h/t Lance Izumi).

“Contrary to our expectation, we found that [Common Core] had significant negative effects on 4th graders’ reading achievement during the 7 years after the adoption of the new standards, and had a significant negative effect on 8th graders’ math achievement 7 years after adoption based on analyses of NAEP composite scores,” the Center on Standards, Alignment, Instruction and Learning (C-SAIL) preliminary study said.

The study found not only lower student achievement since Common Core, but also performed data analysis suggesting students would have done better if Common Core had never existed. The achievement declines also grew worse over time, study coauthor Mengli Song told Chalkbeat, an education news website: “That’s a little troubling.”

Common Core is 640 pages of K-12 curriculum and testing mandates that nearly every state switched to between 2010 and 2013 under heavy federal pressure. President Obama, his education secretary Arne Duncan, and private financier Bill Gates promised the nation that overhauling what students learn and how it is measured would lead to student achievement gains.
one thing he really fucked up -

RW's tiny little minds.

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