Move over Budlight/Target... Walmart loses $18B in 14 days not being woke!

Screenshot from 2023-05-29 11-53-25.png

Walmart looks fine, to me, and after another week we will see the sales increase as ex-Target shoppers shop at Walmart
Once again lefties show their ignorance by assuming that some mysterious right wing force caused Bud Lite and Target to lose billions. If the right wing was that well organized the Biden administration would be in deeper shit than they are. You can't have it both ways. It was ordinary Americans who were fed up with this stuff and decided Bud Lite wasn't that good and they didn't need to go out of their way to go to Target.
I am just shocked that it cost more to be unwoke than it does to be woke. How do you explain Walmart's market loss if it isnt directly linked to the lack of wokeism? I mean wokeism is targets problem... right?
Inflation has a lot to do with market loses. People cannot shop with no money to spend. In the Democrattic shitholes they now just steal what they want.
Liberals being disingenuous? Well, I suppose, it just another day that ends in y. When looking at Target and Bud Light anyone can pinpoint the exact instance that created their problems. Whereas with Walmart there are various factors spread across the entire reporting period which contributed to their situation. Once again our liberal fiends fail to comprehend the basic notions of legitimate comparisons.
citygator has no clue why investors are dumping store stocks like Walmart. It's NOT because they aren't "woke" enough.
It's because they are losing money due to the lawlessness of the areas they are in and closing hundreds of unprofitable stores.

Once again lefties show their ignorance by assuming that some mysterious right wing force caused Bud Lite and Target to lose billions. If the right wing was that well organized the Biden administration would be in deeper shit than they are. You can't have it both ways. It was ordinary Americans who were fed up with this stuff and decided Bud Lite wasn't that good and they didn't need to go out of their way to go to Target.
Oh yea? Then why is Walmart down more?
The authoritarian ends of the spectrum sure do lean on Cancel Culture, don't they?

You play that drumbeat a lot but the big difference is Trump, Desantis and right wingers want to use the government to build culture and the left just wants government out of the way. Target and bud light cancels will be ineffective cuz they are jokes but they are within those nuts’ rights to whine and bitch.

What is unique to the right wing is the assaults on speech rights of Disney, the public school dismantling, the marginalizing of minority votes through gerrymandering and court systems that are politically poisoned that’s occurring.
You play that drumbeat a lot but the big difference is Trump, Desantis and right wingers want to use the government to build culture and the left just wants government out of the way. Target and bud light cancels will be ineffective cuz they are jokes but they are within those nuts’ rights to whine and bitch.

What is unique to the right wing is the assaults on speech rights of Disney, the public school dismantling, the marginalizing of minority votes through gerrymandering and court systems that are politically poisoned that’s occurring.
The drumbeat remains the same because I know it's true, but there's no doubt that the Right has found a way to go even more off the rails than the Left. I didn't even think that was possible. The Right actually got me to vote for a Democrat, for fuck's sake. Who knew.

On the other hand, I should have seen it coming. We don't just go back and forth, we overcompensate each time, we escalate it each time. So it just gets worse with time.

When Trump first won, I expressed my concern that he and his tribe would screw up so badly that the hardcore Left would be able to push us back too far in the other direction. I may end up being right on that.
Walmart over the last 2 weeks has received zero backlash from the right wing culture warriors and as a result has lost $18B dollars in market value. That's right. Being not woke has cost them $8B since Target only lost $10B during that same time. Companies are responding everywhere by offering up woke merchandise and ads as a result of Walmart's $8B misstep. Disney investors dodged a bullet this month by releasing a woke Little Mermaid to huge release... they can only wonder how they would have responded to Walmarts financial mistake.

For those bad at math... Stock was $153 and the company was worth $413B two weeks ago. After a fine earnings release their stock dropped to $394 so the company is now only worth $394B in market value, $18B less than two weeks ago. Poor unWoke Walmart.

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Clearly libs are trying to replace whites in entertainment media with black people

But the black little mermaid is very talented and black mermaids are not uncommon off the coast of Africa

So that one has not triggered me the way wall-to-wall faggots are at the moment
The drumbeat remains the same because I know it's true, but there's no doubt that the Right has found a way to go even more off the rails than the Left. I didn't even think that was possible. The Right actually got me to vote for a Democrat, for fuck's sake. Who knew.

On the other hand, I should have seen it coming. We don't just go back and forth, we overcompensate each time, we escalate it each time. So it just gets worse with time.

When Trump first won, I expressed my concern that he and his tribe would screw up so badly that the hardcore Left would be able to push us back too far in the other direction. I may end up being right on that.
But if you look at what has come out of the democrats the last 2.5 years it’s very centered. Your fears of government policy shifting way left in response hasn’t really materialized. You don’t like democrats expressing their social dissatisfaction of right wing intolerance. Fine. But it doesn’t creep into governing. Democrats aren’t passing laws on transgendered sports or bathrooms. Righties are. Lefties want government out of those decisions.
But if you look at what has come out of the democrats the last 2.5 years it’s very centered. Your fears of government policy shifting way left in response hasn’t really materialized. You don’t like democrats expressing their social dissatisfaction of right wing intolerance. Fine. But it doesn’t creep into governing. Democrats aren’t passing laws on transgendered sports or bathrooms. Righties are. Lefties want government out of those decisions.
I don't disagree for the most part. The Left was/is enforcing PC & Identity Politics through the culture, and the Right is enforcing their "morality" (ha) through government. That's what makes it worse. And how ironic it is that the Right is using the government so aggressively.

That's not to say I think the Left would never try to enforce PC & Identity Politics through legislation, but I agree that the Right is much worse at that. The two ends are leveraging their authoritarianism in different ways.

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