Most Pathetic Joint News Conference With A Foreign Leader Ever Held By A US President - Joe Shows The World Weakness


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Reporters stunned as British PM takes questions from media, but Biden refuses

Reporters stunned as British PM takes questions from media, but Biden refuses

- Press pool filed formal complaint after being denied questions

Once again the President of the United States was silenced by his 'handlers' during a Joint Press Conference with British PM Boris Johnson. Biden's White House controllers SHOUTED DOWN the media when they attempted to ask the President questions. While the British PM answered any and all questions asked of him, Biden sat silent as his handlers refused to allow reporters to ask ANY questions.

Biden looked like one of those elderly patients sitting in a chair in the hall of a nursing home, not speaking, just looking around.

"Reporters faced a bizarre scenario on Tuesday as White House aides shouted down their attempts to ask President Biden questions during an Oval Office meeting.

Biden met with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the White House, where the two discussed an array of issues. Johnson took several questions, but when Biden was asked questions, White House aides promptly escorted reporters out of the Oval Office."

The event succeeded in showcasing what a mentally competent leader (Johnson) looks like compared to an obviously dementia-suffering President who is weak and unfit mentally and physically to serve as a country's leader.

Once again, Biden and his administration has humiliated the US and projected weakness to both allies and enemies.

Reporters stunned as British PM takes questions from media, but Biden refuses

Reporters stunned as British PM takes questions from media, but Biden refuses

- Press pool filed formal complaint after being denied questions

Once again the President of the United States was silenced by his 'handlers' during a Joint Press Conference with British PM Boris Johnson. Biden's White House controllers SHOUTED DOWN the media when they attempted to ask the President questions. While the British PM answered any and all questions asked of him, Biden sat silent as his handlers refused to allow reporters to ask ANY questions.

Biden looked like one of those elderly patients sitting in a chair in the hall of a nursing home, not speaking, just looking around.

"Reporters faced a bizarre scenario on Tuesday as White House aides shouted down their attempts to ask President Biden questions during an Oval Office meeting.

Biden met with U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the White House, where the two discussed an array of issues. Johnson took several questions, but when Biden was asked questions, White House aides promptly escorted reporters out of the Oval Office."

The event succeeded in showcasing what a mentally competent leader (Johnson) looks like compared to an obviously dementia-suffering President who is weak and unfit mentally and physically to serve as a country's leader.

Once again, Biden and his administration has humiliated the US and projected weakness to both allies and enemies.

Even Democrats can't be dumb enough to vote for this guy . 80 million ? Sur , sure. Election was stolen.
I will say the tendency for the administration to distance Biden more and more from public interaction is getting a bit concerning.

That is for sure. I have a bet with my wife that Harris will be POTUS before the start of 2023, and it seems more and more like I might be right but a year early.
That is for sure. I have a bet with my wife that Harris will be POTUS before the start of 2023, and it seems more and more like I might be right but a year early.
I never bought into that theory but more and more it actually seems I may be proven incorrect. It does not look good when the administration is so adamant about keeping him on script. It certainly does not foster trust and confidence.
I will say the tendency for the administration to distance Biden more and more from public interaction is getting a bit concerning.
And if his own staff have so little respect for the man that they would embarrass him this way, making him look so weak, why WOULD our sallies or enemies have / show any respect for him?!
I never bought into that theory but more and more it actually seems I may be proven incorrect. It does not look good when the administration is so adamant about keeping him on script. It certainly does not foster trust and confidence.
I dont think that is a concern with these people. They arent trying to cater to decent minded people. They dont have to.
The sheep eat it up and thats all that matters.
This is weakness.


This is weakness.

Trump did more against Putin that Obama did.

Biden took millions from Putin during his election campaign

In response to Russia's testing their cyber warfare ops against the US, interrupting both energy and food distribution in the US, along with dozens of more cyber attacks against the US Biden presented Putin with a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and begged Putin not to attack THOSE, seemingly sending the signal that attacking anything else NOT on that list was ok.

Biden was also one half of the administration that denied critical weapons/ammo Ukraine needed to hold off a Russian attack, pretty much just handing Crimea over to Putin.

Biden isn't even allowed to speak for himself, must read what his handlers write for him, can only call on reporters he is told he can, can only answer questions he is told he can, and if he tries to demonstrate any independent thinking by going off script his 'handlers' cut his microphone off.

Biden just had a joint press conference with UK PM Boris Johnson. While the PM answered every question asked of him, Biden sat silently as his 'handlers' shouted down reporters, refusing to allow Biden to speak.

Jimmy Carter looks like Rambo compared to Biden.
There are no signs of ANY cognitive decline in Joe Biden AT ALL! :auiqs.jpg: :hyper: :rolleyes:

That is why he does not take questions.

Remember when you left wing communist cuck asshole faggots claimed Trump was mean to the press?


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