Biden Admits To The World He / His Administration Does NOT Have Control of the Border Crisis


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Demonstrating why his 'Handlers' don't want the President of United States Talking in public AT ALL, while walking along yesterday a reporter shouted out the question 'what are you going to do about the border crisis'. Biden responded by declaring, "We will get it under control." The reporter quickly followed-up by asking Biden to clarify y asking, 'Was that it IS under control or you WILL get it under control?" Biden responded while he kept walking, "We WILL get it under control!"

President Biden on Tuesday pledged to get the situation at the border "under control" as his administration faces a fresh border crisis in Del Rio, where more than 10,000 migrants have descended in recent days.

"We will get it under control," Biden said in response to a question about the border, after speaking at the United Nations General Assembly.

This is the 1st time President Biden has admitted that his Immigration Policies have failed thus far and that he and his administration do NOT have control of the border crisis that he and his policies have caused.

By admitting that he and his administration is NOT in control of our southern border and the border crisis, he inadvertently admitted that he, Mayorkas, Psaki, and his administration has lied and keep lying to Congress and the American people that 'The Border Is CLOSED'.

"Biden’s administration has been facing a surge in migration that has overwhelmed officials and capacity since taking office. In August there were more than 208,000 migrant encounters, the second month in a row where encounters have been above 200,000.

While the administration has been repeating its claim that the border is not open, and noting that a significant number of encounters result in a Title 42 expulsion, it has been facing accusations from Republicans of encouraging mass migration by rolling back Trump-era policies like the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP)"

You people seem confused as to what a closed border entails, the border was not closed during Trump ever, but I bet you think it was.
If he's left what Trump did in place he wouldn't have to answer questions about the border because the border would be secure.

If he'd left the wall construction in place he wouldn't have to answer questions about the border either.

Man's a flaming idiot.
I just heard a report that in 47 years as a corrupt politician, Joe Biden has never been to the southern border. Can that be true?
Demonstrating why his 'Handlers' don't want the President of United States Talking in public AT ALL, while walking along yesterday a reporter shouted out the question 'what are you going to do about the border crisis'. Biden responded by declaring, "We will get it under control." The reporter quickly followed-up by asking Biden to clarify y asking, 'Was that it IS under control or you WILL get it under control?" Biden responded while he kept walking, "We WILL get it under control!"

President Biden on Tuesday pledged to get the situation at the border "under control" as his administration faces a fresh border crisis in Del Rio, where more than 10,000 migrants have descended in recent days.

"We will get it under control," Biden said in response to a question about the border, after speaking at the United Nations General Assembly.

This is the 1st time President Biden has admitted that his Immigration Policies have failed thus far and that he and his administration do NOT have control of the border crisis that he and his policies have caused.

By admitting that he and his administration is NOT in control of our southern border and the border crisis, he inadvertently admitted that he, Mayorkas, Psaki, and his administration has lied and keep lying to Congress and the American people that 'The Border Is CLOSED'.

"Biden’s administration has been facing a surge in migration that has overwhelmed officials and capacity since taking office. In August there were more than 208,000 migrant encounters, the second month in a row where encounters have been above 200,000.

While the administration has been repeating its claim that the border is not open, and noting that a significant number of encounters result in a Title 42 expulsion, it has been facing accusations from Republicans of encouraging mass migration by rolling back Trump-era policies like the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP)"

Jesus Christ. Finish the wall, close the border, round up every illegal and send them home. It won't be quick, easy or simple but you gotta start doing it at some point. That's how you fix it.

If he wasn't so gung ho to reverse everything trump put in place this wouldn't be an issue. I don't think he even considered something was in place for a reason or that it was a good idea, all he knew was he hated trump so bad he overturned everything out of spite.
Biden is finding out that reversing everything Trump did wasn't such a good idea after all. Biden has caused more disasters in his first 9 months in office than any other President ever did in their 4-8 year term.
The House of Representatives is going to flip next year...bye bye Pelosi.

So who is slated to become Speaker?
The House of Representatives is going to flip next year...bye bye Pelosi.

So who is slated to become Speaker?
I hope they get rid of that pussy, McCarthy, and put Marjorie Taylor Green in. She's the kind of tuff leader it will take to deal with these Marxists. It's time to get rid of McConnell too.
Anyone who thinks what's happening at the southern border is due to just incompetence are kidding themselves. It's all intentional, everything is going just as the commie intend.


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