Most and least moral countries in the world


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.
1.6. Global Peace Index (2012)

1 Iceland 1.11
2 New Zealand 1.24
3 Denmark 1.24
4 Canada 1.32
5 Japan 1.33
6 Austria 1.33
7 Ireland 1.33
8 Slovenia 1.33
9 Finland 1.35
10 Switzerland 1.35
11 Belgium 1.38
12 Qatar 1.39
13 Czech Rep. 1.40
14 Sweden 1.42
15 Germany 1.42
16 Portugal 1.47
17 Hungary 1.48
18 Norway 1.48
19 Bhutan 1.48
20 Malaysia 1.49
21 Mauritius 1.49
22 Australia 1.49
23 Singapore 1.52
24 Poland 1.52
25 Spain 1.55
26 Slovakia 1.59
27 Taiwan 1.60
28 Netherlands 1.61
29 UK 1.61
30 Chile 1.62
1.18. Religion Importance (2009)

Most Religious
114 Bangladesh 99.5%
113 Niger 99.5%
112 Malawi 99%
111 Yemen 99%
110 Sri Lanka 99%
109 Indonesia 99%
108 Burundi 98%
107 Somaliland 98%
106 Djibouti 98%
105 Mauritania 98%
104 Afghanistan 97%
103 Thailand 97%
102 Comoros 97%
101 Morocco 97%
100 Egypt 97%
99 Cameroon 96%
98 Senegal 96%
97 Philippines 96%
96 Malaysia 96%
95 Nigeria 96%

Least Religious
1 Estonia 16%
2 Sweden 17%
3 Denmark 19%
4 Hong Kong 24%
5 Japan 24%
6 UK 27%
7 France 30%
8 Vietnam 30%
9 Belarus 34%
10 Russia 34%
11 Albania 39%
12 Latvia 39%
13 Luxembourg 39%
14 Hungary 39%
15 Germany 40%
16 Switzerland 41%
17 Uruguay 41%
18 Lithuania 42%
19 Canada 42%
20 Kazakhstan 43%
21 Korea, S. 43%
22 Ukraine 46%
23 Slovenia 47%
24 Spain 49%
25 Azerbaijan 50%
26 Israel 51%
27 Uzbekistan 51%
28 Ireland 54%
29 Serbia 54%
30 USA 65%
31 Argentina 66%
32 Croatia 70%
33 Chile 70%
34 Singapore 70%
35 Montenegro 71%
36 Greece 71%
37 Italy 72%
38 Moldova 72%
39 Kyrgyzstan 72%
40 Mexico 73%
Amazing!! ......a list compiled by white europeans......ranks white european countries as the "Best" 10 in the survey.

Who would have thunk it?? ...... :cool:

Amazing!! Australia and New Zealand reared their heads and sailed to Europe. Who'da thunk it?
They must have sailed around Cape Horn. No way Australia makes it through the Panama Canal.
Hmm...... Interesting. Not that I give a fuck about any other country in the world but at least it was good for a laugh or two.
Interesting that the "less religious" list seems to correlate with the more "peaceful", wealthier, stabler places while "more religious" seems to correlate with poverty, civil unrest, and dearth of hope.

Of course this begs the question of how "religious" is defined. If one presumes they mean how much one follows an organized religion, what the question may ultimately measure might be "degree of independent thought".
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.

Delta: "Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world?

"Best example" applying a very subjective standard.

My attitude if it makes the country happy why not as long as there is no harm done due to religious persecution etc
So basically you are saying rich white people are great and poor black people are bad. Rich white liberals are so very very wonderful as they exploit poor people of color and bomb helpless civilians in Muslim countries.

25 Afghan Civilians Killed By NATO Bombs

French imperialism out of Mali!

NATO'S Massacre at Majer, Libya - Salem-News.Com

European arms sales to Middle East hit record high

Undermining Africa's wealth | Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA)

UN Calls For Protecting Indigenous While US, Corporations Scramble To Buy African Land

CO2 emissions are being 'outsourced' by rich countries to rising economies

Slavery Footprint

Limousine liberals can't stop ignoring reality and telling us how wonderful they are. lol Thankfully due to their pathetic birth rate we won't have to listen much longer.
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What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.

I made a bet with myself before clicking the link that this would be defining moral as "greatest distribution of leftist ideals". Imagine my total lack of surprise when I won that bet.
What is the Best Country in the World? An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

"Which countries set the best examples to the rest of the world? Which ones would we do best to copy, to emulate and to admire for their foresight, hard work and long-term conscience? Which countries would have humanity survive gleaming into a clean, happy, bright future?

And who are tardy on humanitarian issues, science or development? Which nations and cultures cling to barbarian ethics on gender and sexual equality? Who is holding us back?

I compile relevant statistics on a wide range of issues and put them into a database-driven system, which calculates points per country. The country's overall score is an average of all the datasets that a country appears in. So, countries don't get penalized for lack of data about them. I've arrived at a shortlist of countries that beat all the others. Be the best!


1 Iceland 90.7
2 Sweden 90.2
3 Norway 89.2
4 Denmark 88.3
5 New Zealand 88.1
6 Finland 87.7
7 Netherlands 84.1
8 Australia 83.6
9 Luxembourg 83.6
10 Belgium 83.3


190 Afghanistan 27.4
189 Sudan 29.6
188 Somalia 29.7
187 Congo, DR 33.1
186 Mauritania 33.8
185 Central African Rep. 35.0
184 Chad 35.1
183 Yemen 35.5
182 Iraq 36.2
181 Niger 36.4"

Full methodology and source at link.

I made a bet with myself before clicking the link that this would be defining moral as "greatest distribution of leftist ideals". Imagine my total lack of surprise when I won that bet.

Who lost?
So basically you are saying rich white people are great and poor black people are bad. Rich white liberals are so very very wonderful as they exploit poor people of color and bomb helpless civilians in Muslim countries.

25 Afghan Civilians Killed By NATO Bombs

French imperialism out of Mali!

NATO'S Massacre at Majer, Libya - Salem-News.Com

European arms sales to Middle East hit record high

Undermining Africa's wealth | Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA)

UN Calls For Protecting Indigenous While US, Corporations Scramble To Buy African Land

CO2 emissions are being 'outsourced' by rich countries to rising economies

Slavery Footprint

Limousine liberals can't stop ignoring reality and telling us how wonderful they are. lol Thankfully due to their pathetic birth rate we won't have to listen much longer.

Complete non sequitur. Wasted links.
So basically you are saying rich white people are great and poor black people are bad. Rich white liberals are so very very wonderful as they exploit poor people of color and bomb helpless civilians in Muslim countries.

25 Afghan Civilians Killed By NATO Bombs

French imperialism out of Mali!

NATO'S Massacre at Majer, Libya - Salem-News.Com

European arms sales to Middle East hit record high

Undermining Africa's wealth | Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA)

UN Calls For Protecting Indigenous While US, Corporations Scramble To Buy African Land

CO2 emissions are being 'outsourced' by rich countries to rising economies

Slavery Footprint

Limousine liberals can't stop ignoring reality and telling us how wonderful they are. lol Thankfully due to their pathetic birth rate we won't have to listen much longer.

Complete non sequitur. Wasted links.
Why do you feel imperialism, arms dealing, and exploitation by rich white people in the wealthy countries is irrelevant? Are imperialism, arms dealing, and exploitation moral?
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So basically you are saying rich white people are great and poor black people are bad. Rich white liberals are so very very wonderful as they exploit poor people of color and bomb helpless civilians in Muslim countries.

25 Afghan Civilians Killed By NATO Bombs

French imperialism out of Mali!

NATO'S Massacre at Majer, Libya - Salem-News.Com

European arms sales to Middle East hit record high

Undermining Africa's wealth | Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA)

UN Calls For Protecting Indigenous While US, Corporations Scramble To Buy African Land

CO2 emissions are being 'outsourced' by rich countries to rising economies

Slavery Footprint

Limousine liberals can't stop ignoring reality and telling us how wonderful they are. lol Thankfully due to their pathetic birth rate we won't have to listen much longer.

Complete non sequitur. Wasted links.
Why do you feel imperialism, arms dealing, and exploitation by rich white people is irrelevant? Are imperialism, arms dealing, and exploitation moral?

YOU brought all that shit in. The OP didn't bring in value judgments about who's "great" or "wonderful" or "bad". Those are all part of your strawman, emotional slugs you dropped into the coin slot.

You could have had a point about how those countries at the top of the list got that way but you used a strawman to get there. Except that out of that top ten list you're stuck with those great imperial powers like the Icelands and the New Zealands and the Luxembourgs -- nations that pretty much leave the rest of the world the fuck alone.

Q - what would you call the United States if you removed the endless MIC imperialist warmongering?
A - "Canada"

Morality is entirely subjective so there is really no such thing as "the world's most moral countries".

YOU brought all that shit in. The OP didn't bring in value judgments about who's "great" or "wonderful" or "bad".
What?! Here's the title of this thread: Most and least moral countries in the world

Also from the OP: An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

No value judgments? Are you serious?

Q - what would you call the United States if you removed the endless MIC imperialist warmongering?
A - "Canada"

Canada's role in the Afghanistan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Mobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YOU brought all that shit in. The OP didn't bring in value judgments about who's "great" or "wonderful" or "bad".
What?! Here's the title of this thread: Most and least moral countries in the world

Also from the OP: An Index of Morality, Conscience and Good Life

No value judgments? Are you serious?

Q - what would you call the United States if you removed the endless MIC imperialist warmongering?
A - "Canada"

Canada's role in the Afghanistan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operation Mobile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remind me -- when did Canada invade Afghanistan?

When was the last time Iceland, New Zealand, Finland or Denmark went around colonizing?
Remind me -- when did Canada invade Afghanistan?
See post #18.

When was the last time Iceland, New Zealand, Finland or Denmark went around colonizing?
Denmark and Iceland are part of NATO. They don't contribute a lot to NATO wars, but they are tiny countries. All the countries you mentioned are wealthy and connected with the global economy which is rife with inequality.

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