Mormon Doctrine: As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Some time ago someone on the Board was saying Joseph Smith and other LDS leaders did not preach the ongoing perfection of God and did not preach that man could become as God.

This will settle that for good, I should hope.

April 7, 1844 (Sunday Afternoon) Joseph Smith Journal, kept by Willard Richards: [God] Is a man like one of yourselves.--should you see him to day. you would see a man in fashion and in form.Adam was formed in his likeness.—refute the Idea that God was God from all eternity
(Words of Joseph Smith, 341)

Wilford Woodruff: hear it O Earth! God who sits in younder heavens is a man like yourselves That God if you were to see him to day that holds the worlds you would see him like a man in form, like yourselves (Words of Joseph Smith ,344)

Thomas Bullock report: God himself who sitsenthroned in younder Heavens is a man like unto one of yourselves who holds this world in its orbit & upholds all things by his power if you were to see him today you wod. see him a man ... (Words of Joseph Smith , 349)

William Clayton report: 1st God that sits enthroned is a man like one of yourselves. ... (Words of Joseph Smith , 357)

First, God himself, who sits enthroned in yonder heavens, is a man like unto one of yourselves, that is the great secret. If the vail was rent to-day, and the great God, who holds this world in this orbit, and upholds all things by his power; if you were to see him to-day, you would see him in all the person, image and very form as a man ...
“Conference Minutes,” Times and Seasons 5, no. 15 (August 15, 1844):613-14
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Many Christians, maybe most, would agree with you, Sunni Man.
Are Mormons Christians as they claim? We can discover if they are by seeing if they uphold the Christian distinctives that are the essential teachings in the bible? On almost all points from the beginning of God and man in the Garden of eden to the after life they have a different view than the Holy Scriptures. They believe man is a spirit creature finding his origin in heaven before coming to earth. That Christ is also in the same class as man as well as the spirit brother of Lucifer, therefore we are all spirit brothers. They teach that we incarnate on earth to be offered a way to exaltation where we can become a God on our own planet. We then can have many wives who will birth numerous spirit children and repeat the process as all other Gods did before us.

Mormonism teaches God was first a mortal man He lived on a planet like our ownand became exalted becoming a God. That God has a body just as we do. Christ is not the one God, but just one of the many exalted children of Elohim. The Trinity is made up of three main Gods with many more as well.

They also teach that there are as many Gods as there are stars and that we can become a God by obedience to the Mormon gospel. Salvation is by baptism as the gate, and then the numerous commands which includes tithing. If one does not repent in this life they have another chance in the afterlife as they are visited by spirit missionaries who will teach them the gospel. But first they are baptized by proxy (another takes their place) in the temple to have them prepared to hear it.

Jesus was conceived as Mary was visited by God the father who had sex with her and had the offspring Jesus. Jesus then was married at Cana and had many wives as a polygamist. Jesus also had many children and they believe Joseph Smith their founder is a descendant of Jesus.

The have 12 apostles in their church structure and the president of the Church is a living prophet that can speak new Scripture.So the bible continues to be made.

Mormons believe they are the only true and restored Church on earth, although lately they have opted for a softer view, it is for the purpose of making inroads into Christian Church to draw people out.

They do not believe the bible was translated correctly and so the book of Mormon was necessary to explain and teach the many things missing and corrupted. Without this translation by Joseph smith their prophet they believe the gospel would have been completely lost.

Basics of Mormonism
Smith was brilliant in his endeavors to promote himself. Before he was through, he had promoted himself to a god, who sits at the thrown of god the father. I did something similar in my professional career, in that I promoted myself from Director to vice President. My aims were more modest.
The last minute and a half of the South Park is the meat of the narrative. The boy explains why he likes being Mormon.
Well it makes sense.....everything transforms solid liquid gas....nothing isin a constant organisms have a potential to reproduce and propagate their species...intelligent species as human what other purpose makes sense? But to become the best highest order? Are you saying once you reach heaven it stops? Paradise forever? Paradise would be to be like god and create, we are very creative anyway so the result and final outcome should be to gain that level....just saying. Nothing else makes sense if it just stopped and your spirit/soul just hung out with god for all eternity...
Christians and Mormons believe in the fallacy of an Almighty God, sustainer of the universes to be a man or to have a son. Let alone the wickedness and the offense to God, whose Majesty does not tolerate offenses; it is very sad, terrible and horrible.

If Jesus was God, then Christians ought to worship the Jews who killed him, supposedly. If Jesus was the son of God, then let Christians ask him where his father was when they killed him.
Observe how religion corrupts.

Observe how one class of YHWH worshippers leaps at the oppurtunity to hurl insults and demean another class of YHWH worshippers.

Observe the YHWH worshippers who choose to make enemies of their brothers and sisters who worship the same God.

Observe the hypocrites who will complain about the specs of dirt in their neighbor's eye when they've got massive planks protruding from their own.

Observe the sheep who choose to Follow, and allow others to lead their life for them, determining their beliefs for them, who allow others to forge their Destiny and seal their Fate.

Observe this result of religious indoctrination and how it can be used to divide Christians and Mormons and Muslims and Jews and Catholics against one another... and they all WORSHIP THE SAME GOD.

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If Jesus was God, then Christians ought to worship the Jews who killed him, supposedly. If Jesus was the son of God, then let Christians ask him where his father was when they killed him.

Where was God the Father? Where He always is. We are told that Christ was thinking of Psalm 23 as he was dying. This is the Psalm that begins, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This Psalm ends in triumph:

All the ends of the earth will worship and turn to the Lord; all the families of nations will bow low before you. For the kingship belongs to the Lord, the ruler over the nations. All who sleep in the earth will bow low before God; all who have gone down into the dust will kneel in homage, and I will live for the Lord, my descendents will serve you. The generation to come will be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to a people yet unborn the deliverance you have brought.

The Crucifixion was not just an end of a story, but also a beginning. This story begins with the death of one who was obedient to the will of God. Therefore, death had no power over him, and he arose from the dead. Christ's entire life was devoted to both teaching and demonstrating that discerning and obeying the will of God--even when this obedience delivers one to death at the hands of evil--will result in eternal life.
ALMOST as bad as Scientology when L. Ron Hubbard stated the best way to become rich is MAKE UP your own religion.
Hubbard's made-up religion was based upon the model of made-up religions by made-up "prophets" before him.

He was a successful promoter like those before him.
So you deny that God became a man or that that He can make us like He is?
considering that's the central message of the new testament, that kind of puts those of you who profess faith in Christ in a difficult spot
So you deny that God became a man or that that He can make us like He is?
considering that's the central message of the new testament, that kind of puts those of you who profess faith in Christ in a difficult spot

no, the central message is we are saved by faith trusting in Jesus' perfect one time sacrifice/free gift of salvation. Jesus is our mediator between man and God. That is the message.
So you deny that God became a man or that that He can make us like He is?
considering that's the central message of the new testament, that kind of puts those of you who profess faith in Christ in a difficult spot

no, the central message is we are saved by faith trusting in Jesus' perfect one time sacrifice/free gift of salvation. Jesus is our mediator between man and God. That is the message.

so your denying that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh?
Some timeone on the Board was saying Joseph Smith and other LDS leaders did not preach the ongoing perfection of God and did not preach that man could become as God.

This will settle that for good, I should hope.

April 7, 1844 (Sunday Afternoon) Joseph Smith Journal, kept by Willard Richards: [God] Is a man like one of yourselves.--should you see him to day. you would see a man in fashion and in form.Adam was formed in his likeness.—refute the Idea that God was God from all eternity
(Words of Joseph Smith, 341)

Wilford Woodruff: hear it O Earth! God who sits in younder heavens is a man like yourselves That God if you were to see him to day that holds the worlds you would see him like a man in form, like yourselves (Words of Joseph Smith ,344)

Thomas Bullock report: God himself who sitsenthroned in younder Heavens is a man like unto one of yourselves who holds this world in its orbit & upholds all things by his power if you were to see him today you wod. see him a man ... (Words of Joseph Smith , 349)

William Clayton report: 1st God that sits enthroned is a man like one of yourselves. ... (Words of Joseph Smith , 357)

First, God himself, who sits enthroned in yonder heavens, is a man like unto one of yourselves, that is the great secret. If the vail was rent to-day, and the great God, who holds this world in this orbit, and upholds all things by his power; if you were to see him to-day, you would see him in all the person, image and very form as a man ...
“Conference Minutes,” Times and Seasons 5, no. 15 (August 15, 1844):613-14
The ancient Greeks told stories of men becoming gods. Christians believe it too. What do you become when you go to heaven? You live forever and you are never sad and never want anything.

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