MORE TRUMP WINNING: +250K Jobs -- Layoffs Lowest Since 1990...

I was especially happy to see folks not getting laid off as much. Trump is killing it. Good on em. :thup:

So, is this an actual quote from you, something that you said?

Trump is both highly effective and highly infuriating. As long as people vote their pocketbooks Pence and Haley will carry on his agenda for a long time to come.
Great news for America. WTG President Trump. :thup:

US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000

Private sector job creation surged in December as a strong holiday shopping season pushed companies to hire more workers, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March.

"The job market ended the year strongly," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist said in a statement. "Robust Christmas sales prompted retailers and delivery services to add to their payrolls."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday...

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

Let the butthurt flow from the Obama haters.hee hee.
Jake, we’ll revisit that statement at the end of his first four years.
And even with a great December 2017 still lags well behind the previous 4 years for average job creation per month.

But hey, I am sure Trump will turn it around soon.
^^ thinks Trump will last all four years.
You’re an unintentional comedian.

Why would Trump not last 8 years.
You can’t still be hanging onto that Russian thingy are you.
Hey look everyone it’s a silly liberal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jake, we’ll revisit that statement at the end of his first four years.
And even with a great December 2017 still lags well behind the previous 4 years for average job creation per month.

But hey, I am sure Trump will turn it around soon.
^^ thinks Trump will last all four years.
You’re an unintentional comedian.

Why would Trump not last 8 years.
You can’t still be hanging onto that Russian thingy are you.
Hey look everyone it’s a silly liberal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Please demonstrate that there are non-silly liberals.
Great news for America. WTG President Trump. :thup:

US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000

Private sector job creation surged in December as a strong holiday shopping season pushed companies to hire more workers, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March.

"The job market ended the year strongly," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist said in a statement. "Robust Christmas sales prompted retailers and delivery services to add to their payrolls."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday...

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

Let the butthurt flow from the Obama haters.hee hee.

Ha yeah, the usual suspect butthurts will show up to the thread. Bet on it. :lol:
Great news for America. WTG President Trump. :thup:

US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000

Private sector job creation surged in December as a strong holiday shopping season pushed companies to hire more workers, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March.

"The job market ended the year strongly," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist said in a statement. "Robust Christmas sales prompted retailers and delivery services to add to their payrolls."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday...

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

Let the butthurt flow from the Obama haters.hee hee.

Ha yeah, the usual suspect butthurts will show up to the thread. Bet on it. :lol:

Trumpchange: A bit short of one-half of American workers can't afford their rent.
Trumpchange: I took a cab ride last night here in Vegas and had an interesting conversation with the driver. As of 1-1-18, Vegas (only Vegas) cab drivers now have a 21% tip tax.

Lets see, cab drivers lost 50% of their business to UBER and Lyft, whom Republicans in Nevada allowed in, and now a 21% Republican tip tax.
Great news for America. WTG President Trump. :thup:

US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000

Private sector job creation surged in December as a strong holiday shopping season pushed companies to hire more workers, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March.

"The job market ended the year strongly," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist said in a statement. "Robust Christmas sales prompted retailers and delivery services to add to their payrolls."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday...

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

Let the butthurt flow from the Obama haters.hee hee.

Ha yeah, the usual suspect butthurts will show up to the thread. Bet on it. :lol:

Trumpchange: A bit short of one-half of American workers can't afford their rent.

I actually hear ya on that. That is a big problem. I expect homelessness to increase in the coming years. It's very sad.
Great news for America. WTG President Trump. :thup:

US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000

Private sector job creation surged in December as a strong holiday shopping season pushed companies to hire more workers, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March.

"The job market ended the year strongly," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist said in a statement. "Robust Christmas sales prompted retailers and delivery services to add to their payrolls."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday...

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

Not sure where CNBC got the 250,000 as it seems the real number is 148,000.

U.S. Added 148,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 4.1%
Great news for America. WTG President Trump. :thup:

US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000

Private sector job creation surged in December as a strong holiday shopping season pushed companies to hire more workers, according to a report Thursday from ADP and Moody's Analytics. Companies hired 250,000 new workers to close out the year, well above Wall Street expectations of 190,000. The month was the best for job creation since March.

"The job market ended the year strongly," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist said in a statement. "Robust Christmas sales prompted retailers and delivery services to add to their payrolls."

Private sector job creation surged in December as holiday shopping boomed

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year's total to a low not seen since 1990, global outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas reported Thursday...

Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990

Let the butthurt flow from the Obama haters.hee hee.

I just now noticed the mistake i made,the post SHOULD read-Let the butthurt for from the Obama worshippers.LOL i think you knew what i meant though.LOL
Jake, we’ll revisit that statement at the end of his first four years.
And even with a great December 2017 still lags well behind the previous 4 years for average job creation per month.

But hey, I am sure Trump will turn it around soon.
^^ thinks Trump will last all four years.
You’re an unintentional comedian.

Why would Trump not last 8 years.
You can’t still be hanging onto that Russian thingy are you.
Hey look everyone it’s a silly liberal

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I would be flabbergasted beyond words if Trump lasted more than one term.Not because of the reason these stupid fuck morons like Depoto,Jake and others think but BECAUSE "and this logic and common sense is something they cannot grasp since they are in denial mode how evil our government really is." but the REASON i have a hard time believing that he will be more than a one term president is because the GOOD presidents in this day and age never serve more than one term.

The CIA controlled media has done a brilliant job with their propaganda machine getting everyone to think that Carter was the worst president ever and that is because he was our last halfway decent president we DID have and that is WHY he only served one term.

The CIA who dictate our government policys and events around the world as well,they demonize Carter and have brainwashed americans to think he was such a bad president because same as JFK our last great president we had,he also tried to get rid of the CIA as he did. The only reason the CIA did not kill Carter as they did JFK was because they already knew carter was on his way out.They had it all set up with the rigged election of Reagan to make sure Reagan got elected.

Remember we dont elect these presidents as our corrupt school system has taught us,they are SELECTED for us by the establishment.whoever they want in,they make sure gets in. I guess the way Trump got in over Hellery is him being so wealthy,he had the money to buy off the establishment to make sure he got in.who knows. so yeah,I dont see how he will possibly get elected a second term.I cant ever remember the establishment trying to impeach a president after being in office for just a short few months so they are doing everything they can already to try and make sure he doesnt last even one term as carter did.:D

Dschrute,YOU understand all of what I am saying here to be true.what are YOUR thoughts on this post,anything to add?
Trumpchange: I took a cab ride last night here in Vegas and had an interesting conversation with the driver. As of 1-1-18, Vegas (only Vegas) cab drivers now have a 21% tip tax.

Lets see, cab drivers lost 50% of their business to UBER and Lyft, whom Republicans in Nevada allowed in, and now a 21% Republican tip tax.
He should drive for Uber. Sorry, dude, the taxicab cartel is DONE!
Trumpchange: I took a cab ride last night here in Vegas and had an interesting conversation with the driver. As of 1-1-18, Vegas (only Vegas) cab drivers now have a 21% tip tax.

Lets see, cab drivers lost 50% of their business to UBER and Lyft, whom Republicans in Nevada allowed in, and now a 21% Republican tip tax.
He should drive for Uber. Sorry, dude, the taxicab cartel is DONE!

And Nevada is run by Democrats, not Republicans. The poster is very uninformed. He or she should retire from Message Boards. ;)

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