Biden shrugs off worst jobs report of his presidency; critics say he botched the economy

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden shrugs off worst jobs report of his presidency; critics say he botched the economy

7 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jeff Mordock
President Biden on Friday shrugged off the worst jobs report of his presidency as the U.S. economy added less than half the number of jobs expected in December amid a massive surge in COVID-19 cases.
Mr. Biden showed up about an hour late for his speech and emphasized the report’s lone bright spot, that unemployment dropped slightly to 3.9% in December from 4.2% in November, even though economists say that reflects fewer people seeking work.
“Today is a historic day for economic recovery,” Mr. Biden said, calling the drop the sharpest one-year drop in U.S. history. “I would argue that the Biden economic plan is working, and America is getting back to work, back on its feet.”
But the Labor Department report showed the U.S. added just 199,000 jobs in December. That was the fewest jobs in any month of 2021 and the worst month of job creation since December 2020, when the country shed 306,000 jobs.
Economists had expected about 422,000 jobs would be added last month after several weeks of reduced unemployment claims and signs private-sector payrolls were increasing.

Strangely, the biased Quisling Media is telling us how great the jobs report would be since it included the period of time before Omicron hit.
Then the jobs report gets released and they change their reporting 180 degrees.
Imagine that...
Don't get too excited, but the massive inflation Joey Xi has created will soon be followed by the Great Depression III soon.
Will Joey Xi and his Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commies create a war to get the nation refocused?
Indeed, it will take a while to get the US public realigned to that kind of new reality.
P.S. - the “unemployment rate” of 3.9% is entirely bogus.
Lest we forget, Joey Xi Bai Dung screwed up the border, was wrong on Afghanistan, created the supply chain crisis, and inflation, etc.
PMS/DSA Commies are doing exactly what they set out to do, they're chipping away at the complete destruction of America. Once we citizens get that through our heads, it all makes perfect sense.
Joey Xi Bai Dung was selected as their puppet over Bernie Sanders because he was so thoroughly compromised, he had to obey, plus he and his ambitious wife wanted the position more than anything.
Has anyone gone shopping lately? Grocery shelves empty, costs of essential items rising. etc...
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Biden shrugs off worst jobs report of his presidency; critics say he botched the economy​

7 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jeff Mordock
President Biden on Friday shrugged off the worst jobs report of his presidency as the U.S. economy added less than half the number of jobs expected in December amid a massive surge in COVID-19 cases.
Mr. Biden showed up about an hour late for his speech and emphasized the report’s lone bright spot, that unemployment dropped slightly to 3.9% in December from 4.2% in November, even though economists say that reflects fewer people seeking work.
“Today is a historic day for economic recovery,” Mr. Biden said, calling the drop the sharpest one-year drop in U.S. history. “I would argue that the Biden economic plan is working, and America is getting back to work, back on its feet.”
But the Labor Department report showed the U.S. added just 199,000 jobs in December. That was the fewest jobs in any month of 2021 and the worst month of job creation since December 2020, when the country shed 306,000 jobs.
Economists had expected about 422,000 jobs would be added last month after several weeks of reduced unemployment claims and signs private-sector payrolls were increasing.

Strangely, the biased Quisling Media is telling us how great the jobs report would be since it included the period of time before Omicron hit.
Then the jobs report gets released and they change their reporting 180 degrees.
Imagine that...
Don't get too excited, but the massive inflation Joey Xi has created will soon be followed by the Great Depression III soon.
Will Joey Xi and his Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commies create a war to get the nation refocused?
Indeed, it will take a while to get the US public realigned to that kind of new reality.
P.S. - the “unemployment rate” of 3.9% is entirely bogus.
Lest we forget, Joey Xi Bai Dung screwed up the border, was wrong on Afghanistan, created the supply chain crisis, and inflation, etc.
PMS/DSA Commies are doing exactly what they set out to do, they're chipping away at the complete destruction of America. Once we citizens get that through our heads, it all makes perfect sense.
Joey Xi Bai Dung was selected as their puppet over Bernie Sanders because he was so thoroughly compromised, he had to obey, plus he and his ambitious wife wanted the position more than anything.
Has anyone gone shopping lately? Grocery shelves empty, costs of essential items rising. etc...
the xiden aid has been nothing but dark times for the american people

Biden shrugs off worst jobs report of his presidency; critics say he botched the economy

7 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jeff Mordock
President Biden on Friday shrugged off the worst jobs report of his presidency as the U.S. economy added less than half the number of jobs expected in December amid a massive surge in COVID-19 cases.
Mr. Biden showed up about an hour late for his speech and emphasized the report’s lone bright spot, that unemployment dropped slightly to 3.9% in December from 4.2% in November, even though economists say that reflects fewer people seeking work.
“Today is a historic day for economic recovery,” Mr. Biden said, calling the drop the sharpest one-year drop in U.S. history. “I would argue that the Biden economic plan is working, and America is getting back to work, back on its feet.”
But the Labor Department report showed the U.S. added just 199,000 jobs in December. That was the fewest jobs in any month of 2021 and the worst month of job creation since December 2020, when the country shed 306,000 jobs.
Economists had expected about 422,000 jobs would be added last month after several weeks of reduced unemployment claims and signs private-sector payrolls were increasing.

Strangely, the biased Quisling Media is telling us how great the jobs report would be since it included the period of time before Omicron hit.
Then the jobs report gets released and they change their reporting 180 degrees.
Imagine that...
Don't get too excited, but the massive inflation Joey Xi has created will soon be followed by the Great Depression III soon.
Will Joey Xi and his Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Commies create a war to get the nation refocused?
Indeed, it will take a while to get the US public realigned to that kind of new reality.
P.S. - the “unemployment rate” of 3.9% is entirely bogus.
Lest we forget, Joey Xi Bai Dung screwed up the border, was wrong on Afghanistan, created the supply chain crisis, and inflation, etc.
PMS/DSA Commies are doing exactly what they set out to do, they're chipping away at the complete destruction of America. Once we citizens get that through our heads, it all makes perfect sense.
Joey Xi Bai Dung was selected as their puppet over Bernie Sanders because he was so thoroughly compromised, he had to obey, plus he and his ambitious wife wanted the position more than anything.
Has anyone gone shopping lately? Grocery shelves empty, costs of essential items rising. etc...
200k jobs added is the worst jobs report of his presidency.

That statement needs some perspective.

I'll give you some perspective: More than likely, those jobs Biden was taking credit for were all in free states that don't have Draconian lockdowns, mandates, and other federal interference. Stupid Joe had absolutely nothing to do with those jobs, and yet he lies to you, making you think he's actually done something to earn his pay.

Any jobs that were filled under that idiot's watch, were filled in spite of his policies.
The unemployment rate was 6.7 percent when Biden took office.

It is now 3.9 percent, and wages have been rising steadily.

Let's go Brandon!

The Amazing Biden has added over 6 million jobs in the last year
A single month is not relevant

:clap: :clap: :clap:
“Today is a historic day for economic recovery,” Mr. Biden said, calling the drop the sharpest one-year drop in U.S. history. “I would argue that the Biden economic plan is working, and America is getting back to work, back on its feet.”

The Biden economic plan? What's that, attacking the oil and gas industry and forcing people off the job over ineffective and dangerous experimental injections?
“Today is a historic day for economic recovery,” Mr. Biden said, calling the drop the sharpest one-year drop in U.S. history. “I would argue that the Biden economic plan is working, and America is getting back to work, back on its feet.”

Biden economic plan:

Added over 6 million jobs
Dropped unemployment by 2.5 percent
3.9 percent unemployment
Stock Market gain of 27 percent
GDP over 6 percent

This is the "long, cold, dark Winter" he mentioned several times. And it sure as shit doesn't have anything to do with Trump or Republicans.
it’s all xiden and the demafascist policies ar play
You could show me where I said 200k jobs added was a disaster for Trump.

Problem is that’s not something I would say.
Might want to reread my post. When did any of the left put perspective
with Trump during his presidency? The left was too busy making up yarns.
Brandon's numbers weren't good, and that is the bottom line. The Omicron virus
hadn't done that much damage in Dec, if that's the perspective you were yielding to.
Seem that a logical conclusion is the businesses might be slowing the hiring due to slowing
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