More than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems: Report


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've been flip flopping on this decision, even as Ontario has now enacted a Vaccine Passport. This report doesn't comfort me, It is still very rare, 20 per million for Moderna, and only 7 per for Pfizer. That said, what impact on the heart could it have that isn't followed with a visit to the hospital and thus isn't being measured? Or, just "slight", small palpations etc.

With the advent of new mutations, I am leaning towards not getting it. Not because I am anti-vax, the dirty buzzword they love to use (just as they use terms like "climate denier" etc for anyone who question the science), but because I am not in the highest risk and I take precautions as best I can.

A report quietly released last week by Public Health Ontario (PHO) tallies the number of people in the province who have presented to hospital with heart inflammation following mRNA vaccination, and it skews heavily towards young people.

Broken down further, 31 of these cases were in 12- to 17-year-olds and 75 were in 18- to 24-year-olds. The vast majority — 80% — were in males.

The report explains that PHO issued a directive in June for public health units to increase their surveillance of this side effect following reports from the United States and Israel of similar concerns unfolding in those countries.

“The reporting rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was higher following the second dose of mRNA vaccine than after the first, particularly for those receiving the Moderna vaccine as the second dose of the series (regardless of the product for the first dose),” the report explains.




This is the problem, the new strands. Some evil country could even cook up a mutation specifically to defy a particular vaccine for all we know...

The FDA Did NOT Approve the drug, they approved their APPLICATION for the use of a brand name for the drug.

If you read the actual letters that the FDA sent to Pfizer on August 23, 2021, you'll see that the FDA did not approve the drug. In the sense that the term "FDA approval" is generally understood, this drug is not approved by the FDA. It is still under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). It is still an experimental drug.

The FDA sent two letters. The first one was a letter of BLA (Biologics License Application) approval, and the second was a letter of EUA extension to COMIRNATY.

The BLA approval letter approves Pfizer's application for a license to label its COVID-19 drug with the brand name COMIRNATY. This letter also spells out the terms and requirements for nine additional clinical trials over five years, and yearly status reports, to study the acknowledged occurrences of myocarditis and pericarditis that have followed the administering of the Pfizer shots. This license to label and manufacture is not a full approval of the drug, which clearly is still subject to many years of clinical trials.

The FDA Did NOT Approve the drug, they approved their APPLICATION for the use of a brand name for the drug.

If you read the actual letters that the FDA sent to Pfizer on August 23, 2021, you'll see that the FDA did not approve the drug. In the sense that the term "FDA approval" is generally understood, this drug is not approved by the FDA. It is still under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). It is still an experimental drug.

The FDA sent two letters. The first one was a letter of BLA (Biologics License Application) approval, and the second was a letter of EUA extension to COMIRNATY.

The BLA approval letter approves Pfizer's application for a license to label its COVID-19 drug with the brand name COMIRNATY. This letter also spells out the terms and requirements for nine additional clinical trials over five years, and yearly status reports, to study the acknowledged occurrences of myocarditis and pericarditis that have followed the administering of the Pfizer shots. This license to label and manufacture is not a full approval of the drug, which clearly is still subject to many years of clinical trials.
Stupid lies. yes, the Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval.

Does it give you pause at all when paid liars write those lying articles to fool you? What do you suppose their motivation is? Besides stealing money from gullible people. Maybe that's all.
Stupid lies. yes, the Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval.

Does it give you pause at all when paid liars write those lying articles to fool you? What do you suppose their motivation is? Besides stealing money from gullible people. Maybe that's all.


I backed up my stance with facts from a source that isn't bought and paid for by a media conglomerate or the government. They are able to research and discern reality from media lies and corruption.

I don't see YOUR source of YOUR stance. Leads me to believe you just pulled that out of your ass.
FDA approval doesn't mean shit. Big Pharma is paying out hundreds of millions in settlements for many drugs and products deemed "safe" by the FDA. Some of which were already banned in other countries.
I am thoroughly convinced to stay in the control group for this one.
A very small number that shows how safe the vaccines are, even IF every one of those cases was caused by the vaccines (not likely).

While I took the Moderna 1 and 2, the current death rate from the vaccines are not finalized by any means.
The whole point of what is deadly about covid infections is NOT the virus, but the hype up and over active immune response.
So hyping up the immune system even more with spike proteins, is very risky.
If these spike protein vaccines were to hype up the immune system response to other coronaviruses, like the common cold, they could cause an essentially benign virus to become potentially fatal like covid-19 is.
A very small number that shows how safe the vaccines are, even IF every one of those cases was caused by the vaccines (not likely).
The vax is deadly.

There are hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines administered across approximately 70 vaccines each year in the United States.

The amount of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to the CDC are staggering in comparison to decades of data.

The 670,000 deaths are all caused by an excessive immune response.
If the vaccine increases immune response, it is going to increase deaths.
If the vaccine decreases immune response, then why not just take an immuno-suppressant instead?
I've been flip flopping on this decision, even as Ontario has now enacted a Vaccine Passport. This report doesn't comfort me, It is still very rare, 20 per million for Moderna, and only 7 per for Pfizer. That said, what impact on the heart could it have that isn't followed with a visit to the hospital and thus isn't being measured? Or, just "slight", small palpations etc.

With the advent of new mutations, I am leaning towards not getting it. Not because I am anti-vax, the dirty buzzword they love to use (just as they use terms like "climate denier" etc for anyone who question the science), but because I am not in the highest risk and I take precautions as best I can.

A report quietly released last week by Public Health Ontario (PHO) tallies the number of people in the province who have presented to hospital with heart inflammation following mRNA vaccination, and it skews heavily towards young people.

Broken down further, 31 of these cases were in 12- to 17-year-olds and 75 were in 18- to 24-year-olds. The vast majority — 80% — were in males.

The report explains that PHO issued a directive in June for public health units to increase their surveillance of this side effect following reports from the United States and Israel of similar concerns unfolding in those countries.

“The reporting rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was higher following the second dose of mRNA vaccine than after the first, particularly for those receiving the Moderna vaccine as the second dose of the series (regardless of the product for the first dose),” the report explains.


It's still early----------LONG TERM death rates will be interesting. I am thinking the average lifespan will forever be changed for the worse.
It was stated quite some time ago that COVID-19 is a thrombotic disease. The vaccine is exposing what the commie virus is about.

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