More reason to vote Trump: Liberals threaten suicide if he wins vs "Babe's for Trump" movement

Love love love the white babe's for Trump....too bad most of these babes for Trump, is fuckin Tyrone on the side, eh?

Yeah right. These chick's aren't 350 pounds with corn rows and a fake black accent. They're not even hanging with Tyrone.

Dude, lets get something clear, there isn't a white family in the south, that doesn't have a birracial something somewhere in the family. Now you can deny and put these babes on the highest pedestal all you want, of the lot, I can bet at least half got a bi baby somewhere, cause that's what ww want these days, a ******.

Well there's no doubt white women are desired by all men. Black men love white women. So do Hispanic and Asian men. Asian and Hispanic women are very attractive also.

Black men chase white women because half of all black women have the Herpes virus.
This is a huge, I mean H-U-G-E incentive for me to vote for Trump.
If only 1% of all liberals would kill themselves it would be a dream come true.

In fact if Goono alone would kill himself it would be a huge dream come true !!

Sadly my friend, its you white fucks that are killing it. Negro's do not commit roaches, nothing can kill us off.
Love love love the white babe's for Trump....too bad most of these babes for Trump, is fuckin Tyrone on the side, eh?

Yeah right. These chick's aren't 350 pounds with corn rows and a fake black accent. They're not even hanging with Tyrone.

Dude, lets get something clear, there isn't a white family in the south, that doesn't have a birracial something somewhere in the family. Now you can deny and put these babes on the highest pedestal all you want, of the lot, I can bet at least half got a bi baby somewhere, cause that's what ww want these days, a ******.

Well there's no doubt white women are desired by all men. Black men love white women. So do Hispanic and Asian men. Asian and Hispanic women are very attractive also.

Black men chase white women because half of all black women have the Herpes virus.

Yeah, we got the aides, the herpes, the clap, you name it we got it....however, we're the only one's that give you women these black men they crave. No other race on the planet can produce a dark chocolate nappy headed black man, but if I were you, I'd get the vaccines ready, cause the supply is dwindling.

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