More pain ahead for Russia


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Lost in the news of this invasion is the very real economic pain Russians citizens will feel very soon as a growing list of American companies the Russian economy depends on are cutting ties. They include Visa, Mastercard, Delta Airlines, AT&T, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Dell, General Motors, Ford, FedEx, DHL, UPS, with more to follow. In addition, Boeing will no longer service airplanes that have been leased by Russian Aeroflot. This in addition to the many other companies around the world pulling out of Russia including Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, BMW, Honda, Mazda, Airbus, BP, Hapag Lloyd, Nokia, Adidas - with more to follow.

The Russian economy, already weakened by sanctions, will be facing some very ugly times as a result of this.

Putin is a remarkable leader and has been planning the peace keeping incursion into Ukraine for a long time. No doubt he has money stashed in reserve to keep the Russian economy solvent. Because he knew the U.S. and the European nations would portray him as the bad guy for trying to help free the people of Ukraine from the criminal government in Kyiv.
Putin is a remarkable leader and has been planning the peace keeping incursion into Ukraine for a long time. No doubt he has money stashed in reserve to keep the Russian economy solvent. Because he knew the U.S. and the European nations would portray him as the bad guy for trying to help free the people of Ukraine from the criminal government in Kyiv.
The Russian domestic economy depends on U.S. dollars and other currencies beside the Ruble, which has always been weak even in good times. As long as the dollar is strong Russia can likely survive economically.
Russia should be declared a "rogue state" until Putin is removed or killed. Russia is fast becoming a pariah which will lead to enormous suffering for the Russian people. What is unthinkable is the razing of modern cities and the permanent displacing of millions of peaceful, educated people who have built a modern nation. Putin is a deluded egotistical madman. Why the Russian military follows his orders is beyond understanding. They should be arresting Putin and returning Russia to sanity.
Lost in the news of this invasion is the very real economic pain Russians citizens will feel very soon as a growing list of American companies the Russian economy depends on are cutting ties. They include Visa, Mastercard, Delta Airlines, AT&T, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Dell, General Motors, Ford, FedEx, DHL, UPS, with more to follow. In addition, Boeing will no longer service airplanes that have been leased by Russian Aeroflot. This in addition to the many other companies around the world pulling out of Russia including Mercedes Benz, Mitsubishi, BMW, Honda, Mazda, Airbus, BP, Hapag Lloyd, Nokia, Adidas - with more to follow.

The Russian economy, already weakened by sanctions, will be facing some very ugly times as a result of this.

Putin really thought that when push came to shove, the invasion would only have short term minor consequences and his long term outlook was rosy. He didn't predict how bad the world would make it on him. It has totally surprised him and caught him off guard. Now he's got to figure out a way to save face and make it look like he won.
Putin really thought that when push came to shove, the invasion would only have short term minor consequences and his long term outlook was rosy. He didn't predict how bad the world would make it on him. It has totally surprised him and caught him off guard. Now he's got to figure out a way to save face and make it look like he won.
Before the invasion a Russian army officer opined rather blithely that the Ukrainians would quickly surrender after just a few rockets were sent their way.
Russia should be declared a "rogue state" until Putin is removed or killed. Russia is fast becoming a pariah which will lead to enormous suffering for the Russian people. What is unthinkable is the razing of modern cities and the permanent displacing of millions of peaceful, educated people who have built a modern nation. Putin is a deluded egotistical madman. Why the Russian military follows his orders is beyond understanding. They should be arresting Putin and returning Russia to sanity.
It must be pretty thinkable and at least tolerable to the left as they refuse to do what will end this adventure. It is amusing to see the pearl-clutching of the left crying over innocent deaths yet refusing to step up and make the hard choices.
It must be pretty thinkable and at least tolerable to the left as they refuse to do what will end this adventure. It is amusing to see the pearl-clutching of the left crying over innocent deaths yet refusing to step up and make the hard choices.
I believe Putin will lose. The question is how much damage will he inflict on Ukraine. Will the refugees have anything to come back to.
Putin is a remarkable leader and has been planning the peace keeping incursion into Ukraine for a long time. No doubt he has money stashed in reserve to keep the Russian economy solvent. Because he knew the U.S. and the European nations would portray him as the bad guy for trying to help free the people of Ukraine from the criminal government in Kyiv.
Wow. Just wow
Putin is talking about martial law in Russia (that oughta make him real popular) and there is concern about Russians arresting westerners in Russia.

Any Americans or Europeans in Russian ought to be scrambling to get the hell out

Great business then huh?
That's a real wild
Putin is talking about martial law in Russia (that oughta make him real popular) ...
That's a wild card, how the Russian people will react when the full weight of sanctions lands on their heads. I feel sorry them, however they've had decades to rid themselves of the autocratic rule of tyrants like Putin.
That's a real wild

That's a wild card, how the Russian people will react when the full weight of sanctions lands on their heads. I feel sorry them, however they've had decades to rid themselves of the autocratic rule of tyrants like Putin.
Not so much "tyrants like Putin"...Putin is the tyrant and has been for twenty years.

And yes...they need to get rid of him.
Given the gas price increase (a 34-cents a gallon increase in my AO this week) we are feeling the pain ourselves.
Yes. US gas prices have increased and likely will increase more.
We knew that they would. We've been told as much by our leaders.
But while they confirmed what we are seeing......anybody who follows the news should have known it would come to this.
Oil is a fungible commodity. All nations use it. A lot of 'em produce it. But still, strictures in the worldwide flow will have impacts all along the supply chain and right to the ultimate consumer, be it that factory burning fuel oil, the long haul coast to coast trucker, be it Karen taking the kids to school.

We knew....or should have could come to this.

But, the overriding intent of any it fuel oil, or soybeans, is that it will hurt the other guy more than it hurts you. You know pain is coming for you, but more pain, bigger pain, deeper pain is intended for the other guy. So live with your decision.

But make no mistake that in a global economy and the criticalness of petroleum to that economy.......there will be pain everywhere. The determinant what degree? And to whom?

Because he knew the U.S. and the European nations would portray him as the bad guy for trying to help free the people of Ukraine from the criminal government in Kyiv.

Well, I know next to nothing about he 'criminality' of Ukraine, or for that matter Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan or any of those Eastern Bloc countries. But the real topic here is not the relative criminality of those former Soviet Union partners, but rather the degree of pain that a more united effort can inflict on Bad Vlad.

All is fair in war, some say .......but the real message of that ignorant mantra is that war does play to different rules. And the Ukraine and the West are gonna do all that they can to sully Vlad and Russia.

Better, I suppose, Vlad reputation and future potential be dinged........than we have WWIII.

Yes. US gas prices have increased and likely will increase more.
We knew that they would. We've been told as much by our leaders.
But while they confirmed what we are seeing......anybody who follows the news should have known it would come to this.
Oil is a fungible commodity. All nations use it. A lot of 'em produce it. But still, strictures in the worldwide flow will have impacts all along the supply chain and right to the ultimate consumer, be it that factory burning fuel oil, the long haul coast to coast trucker, be it Karen taking the kids to school.

We knew....or should have could come to this.

But, the overriding intent of any it fuel oil, or soybeans, is that it will hurt the other guy more than it hurts you. You know pain is coming for you, but more pain, bigger pain, deeper pain is intended for the other guy. So live with your decision.

But make no mistake that in a global economy and the criticalness of petroleum to that economy.......there will be pain everywhere. The determinant what degree? And to whom?

Well, I know next to nothing about he 'criminality' of Ukraine, or for that matter Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan or any of those Eastern Bloc countries. But the real topic here is not the relative criminality of those former Soviet Union partners, but rather the degree of pain that a more united effort can inflict on Bad Vlad.

All is fair in war, some say .......but the real message of that ignorant mantra is that war does play to different rules. And the Ukraine and the West are gonna do all that they can to sully Vlad and Russia.

Better, I suppose, Vlad reputation and future potential be dinged........than we have WWIII.

The first mistake you made was implying that we have competent leadership....It went downhill quickly from there.
..It went downhill quickly from there.

Well, that is regrettable that a scholar such as the poster above chose not to join the discussion about sanctions ....their effect on us, and their intended effect on the other guy.

More fulsome participation in a subject that is now and will more so....impact our families lives could be productive.
But each of us carries the toolbox we own or have developed.
It is what it is.

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