Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine
When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't know, are they really ready to lose all that tourist cash?
When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't know, are they really ready to lose all that tourist cash?
The bigger question is... "ARE THEY REALLY THAT STUPID?"

Well... yes... yes they are. That's islam. Destroy EVERYTHING ON EARTH THAT THEY CAN that isn't part of their filthy cult.
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When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't know, are they really ready to lose all that tourist cash?

Don't underestimate the stupidity and blind fanaticism of some.
But in the end it won't happen I think.
When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

I don't know, are they really ready to lose all that tourist cash?

Don't underestimate the stupidity and blind fanaticism of some.
But in the end it won't happen I think.

If the Egyptians do this they will be condemned internationally and lose alot of friends, and they can kiss that American aid money goodbye.
If we decided to fill in the Grand Canyon with dirt and make it a parking lot.

Do you think we would listen to other countries who told us not to do it and scrap our plans??
What I find mind numbingly stupid is that intelligent people said that when the muslim brotherhood took over Egypt that they would destroy Egypt's national heritage as we were called stupid, idiot, fucktard, and assured that muslims would not end the tourism industry.

All I can do is laugh. And reiterate what I said before. It's ironic that thieves would ultimately be the ones who preserved whatever of Egypt's history is preserved by stealing and selling Egyptian artifacts.
If the historians of Egypt have any sense, they are smuggling Egypt's history out right now to the London Museum and replacing them with reproductions. In fact, have been doing it all along.

The muslims aren't stupid for following their religion and destroying what is abhorrent to them. The WEST is stupid for thinking that they wouldn't! Stupid and completely idiotic.

But then, America is the same country that could both believe that muslims woudn't destroy the pyramids AND want to destroy every civil war monument, flag and cemetary in the South.
We don't have a national religion that commands it either. If we had a muslim majority, pretty much the whole of DC would be rubble and so would Mt. Rushmore.
But then, America is the same country that could both believe that muslims woudn't destroy the pyramids AND want to destroy every civil war monument, flag and cemetary in the South.
Every country seeks to eradicate parts of it's past that it views as objectionable.

America is no different in that regard. :cool:
When the WORLD has finally had enough of this BLOODY, IGNORANT, PEDOPHILIC, STONE AGE CULT called islam, the WORLD will be a MUCH better place...

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”

Calls to Destroy Egypt’s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

F'ing crazy! Get rid of one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world, smart! Get rid of a wonder of the world that's several 1000 years old! It's just like the taliban with blowing up those buddhadist statutes!
It's their country and their property.

If they want to tear them down that's their business.

Who are we to say different or try to stop them? :cool:

I say this is our country and if we want to destroy all the Islamic terorist recruitment centers aka the mosques then we should be able to? Are you OK with that!

If they destroy the pyramids, I same we LEVEK Mecca and Medna!

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