More guns keeping us safe.......

Should we ban cars when some nut case intentionally runs over somebody or their negligence leads to someone's death? Since automobiles became popular early in the 20th century there have been 3, 613, 732 automobile fatalities. Who do we see about that?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns

You do? Where? How many more of these do you want me to present to show you how stupid your claim is?

Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI
Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI

King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
Should we ban cars when some nut case intentionally runs over somebody or their negligence leads to someone's death? Since automobiles became popular early in the 20th century there have been 3, 613, 732 automobile fatalities. Who do we see about that?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns
They already take the firearms away from felons. Dolt
And yet the stats prove that your guns do not make you safe, Europe is safer and we do not have guns. How can that be ?
They do not have nearly the gang violence we have here or drug dealers shooting each other in the streets. When 12% of the population commits over half of the murders, you can't ignore the facts. Go ahead. Call me what you will, but the fact will remain. if guns killed people, the bodies would be 5 deep outside my door. I, sir am not a gang banger a drug dealer or a thief, but son, if you confront me with a
Thank God for Second Amendment remedies

A woman was trying to shoot someone in a road rage incident, police say, but shot her husband instead - CNN

Nicholas Cole is in intensive care after being shot in the head during a road rage incident Saturday.

Unfortunately, police say it was his wife, Erica, who accidentally shot him.
According to the Cullman County Sheriff's Office, there was a road rage episode on Highway 69 in Dodge City, Alabama, about 6:45 p.m. Saturday. It carried over to a home on County Road 160 in Bremen.

During the incident, an altercation occurred in which, the offender, Erica Cole, attempted to shoot a second party but shot her husband, Nicholas Cole, striking him in the head," Cullman County Deputy Brad Williams said in a statement.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans over the last 26 years have owned and carried guns...our accidental gun death rate has gone down, not up........lives saved, tragedies stopped........

600 million guns in private hands, likely more......320 million people ......

Accidental gun deaths? 486

Accidental car deaths? 38,659

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

2017 accidental gun death.....486


What percentage of the population actually owns a gun? What percentage of the population owns more than one gun? Your stats don't point that out.
I own somewhere north of a dozen and I haven't killed a soul... yet. Only because it hasn't been necessary
If it came down to it, I would prefer to wound than kill. That way the perp would have the memory of the incident imprinted both mentally and physically. Also, I knew that 2 lives were saved.
You rarely have the opportunity to shoot to wound. The police are taught to shoot center mass for a reason. You have a big target where you can disable an opponent. Knees are hard to hit
Should we ban cars when some nut case intentionally runs over somebody or their negligence leads to someone's death? Since automobiles became popular early in the 20th century there have been 3, 613, 732 automobile fatalities. Who do we see about that?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now
Link? If I remember correctly cars kill around 3 times the people guns do. This is just off the top of my head.
The answer to gun violence is that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens make us safer.

Unfortunately, all of the above is negated by the fact that the USA has the most violent crime, AND the most guns in the hands of civilians.

Oh well~~~~

Untrue. Latin America has 8% of the world's population yet suffers 31% of the world's murders. Care to guess the origin point for the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens who now inundate this country?

Care to guess the origin country from which all those guns came from?
Many from Eastern Europe and right there in Brazil. And yes, a lot of guns got into Latin America during the Obama administration as I remember.
The answer to gun violence is that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens make us safer.

Unfortunately, all of the above is negated by the fact that the USA has the most violent crime, AND the most guns in the hands of civilians.

Oh well~~~~

Untrue. Latin America has 8% of the world's population yet suffers 31% of the world's murders. Care to guess the origin point for the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens who now inundate this country?

Care to guess the origin country from which all those guns came from?
Many from Eastern Europe and right there in Brazil. And yes, a lot of guns got into Latin America during the Obama administration as I remember.

Don't really care whose administration is involved. The US is the largest arms dealer in the world, and we profit by spreading death. The government will prosecute anyone dealing arms to other countries without authorization, only because they are competing with the American military industrial complex, and that is not allowed. Sometimes it comes back to haunt us, like when Afghanistan used our own US produced weapons against us, after driving out the Soviets. But we choose to forget things like this quickly, because selling death is big business in the USA. That also applies to the civilian arms market.
Should we ban cars when some nut case intentionally runs over somebody or their negligence leads to someone's death? Since automobiles became popular early in the 20th century there have been 3, 613, 732 automobile fatalities. Who do we see about that?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns
Why just from drunk drivers? how about drug addicts? and why do you want to just single them out? You didn't single out gun owners you said it's time to take the guns.
What percentage of the population actually owns a gun? What percentage of the population owns more than one gun? Your stats don't point that out.
In rural America firearms out number people many many, times over... And the most lax gun control laws.
Far less violence than urban America… That should tell you something
It tells me that you reach conclusions rather easily. Do you really think guns make the difference between rural and urban crime?

There is still rural crime. Domestic abuse, assault, rape, and, regretfully, the opioid epidemic.
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime, blame the person not the firearm
In a thread which the OP tells the tale of a road rage incident gone tragic. Who in this situation would have not been shot if the gun wasn't there? The gun took this situation down the rabbit hole. If she had any other tool, would anyone get shot?

and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
In rural America firearms out number people many many, times over... And the most lax gun control laws.
Far less violence than urban America… That should tell you something
It tells me that you reach conclusions rather easily. Do you really think guns make the difference between rural and urban crime?

There is still rural crime. Domestic abuse, assault, rape, and, regretfully, the opioid epidemic.
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime, blame the person not the firearm
In a thread which the OP tells the tale of a road rage incident gone tragic. Who in this situation would have not been shot if the gun wasn't there? The gun took this situation down the rabbit hole. If she had any other tool, would anyone get shot?

and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
victim count would be a lot higher or didn't you realize that?
and unless the gun is shot most times it's not going to be reported to the police.
Should we ban cars when some nut case intentionally runs over somebody or their negligence leads to someone's death? Since automobiles became popular early in the 20th century there have been 3, 613, 732 automobile fatalities. Who do we see about that?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

40000 gun deaths a year?
Hardly any.
Bunch of pantywaists, never been in a real war in their lives
That's counting suicides

Those of us with half a brain know that suicide is a choice not a crime
Should we ban cars when some nut case intentionally runs over somebody or their negligence leads to someone's death? Since automobiles became popular early in the 20th century there have been 3, 613, 732 automobile fatalities. Who do we see about that?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns

We don't take the cars away from drunk drivers

All we do is take their drivers licenses and there are literally hundreds of offenses for which a person can lose a concealed carry permit
around 1200 murders is excessive with over ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION GUN OWNERS?
US murder rate is four times civilized nations

10,000 murders for a population of 330 million
Total number of gun deaths 38,000
Suicide 28,500
Gang and drug related 7,885
Remaining 1615
So you are whining over 1,615 murders with over One Hundred and Fifty million gun owners with Three hundred million guns in America? Do something with gangs and mental health and there is no problem.

When we have 38,000 killed by falling down stairs we can talk about reducing stair deaths

But we have 38,000 gun deaths....we need to do something about guns
The majority of people using firearms In violent crime are in progressive controlled urban areas, With extremely strict gun control laws.
Rural America does not have this problem, Firearms outnumber the people many, many times over... And the most lax gun control laws in the country.

You fuckers need to quit shitting where you’re eat... You fucking spineless control freak. Lol

Nothing like driving around with your trusty sidearm to keep you safe

It also ensures that if anyone fuks with you.....YOU WIN
And millions of people carry concealed every day but how many instances of these people drawing a gun and waving it around do you see on a daily basis?
It tells me that you reach conclusions rather easily. Do you really think guns make the difference between rural and urban crime?

There is still rural crime. Domestic abuse, assault, rape, and, regretfully, the opioid epidemic.
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime, blame the person not the firearm
In a thread which the OP tells the tale of a road rage incident gone tragic. Who in this situation would have not been shot if the gun wasn't there? The gun took this situation down the rabbit hole. If she had any other tool, would anyone get shot?

and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
victim count would be a lot higher or didn't you realize that?
and unless the gun is shot most times it's not going to be reported to the police.
Your response suggests that in some cases, a gun was brandished, but not fired. How many of those 1.1 million times a day did that happen?
We do things to make cars safer.......Driver education and licensing, registration and inspection of cars, safety features on cars and roads, prosecution of infractions

We can do the same thing with guns

And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns

You do? Where? How many more of these do you want me to present to show you how stupid your claim is?

Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI
Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI

King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
Do i need to list all the drivers who lost their licences due to a DUI?

Need to do the same with irresponsible gun owners
Firearms have nothing to do with violent crime, blame the person not the firearm
In a thread which the OP tells the tale of a road rage incident gone tragic. Who in this situation would have not been shot if the gun wasn't there? The gun took this situation down the rabbit hole. If she had any other tool, would anyone get shot?

and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
victim count would be a lot higher or didn't you realize that?
and unless the gun is shot most times it's not going to be reported to the police.
Your response suggests that in some cases, a gun was brandished, but not fired. How many of those 1.1 million times a day did that happen?
Gun owners fantasy...

You get in an argument and pull your gun. The other guy backs off

That means you saved a life
In a thread which the OP tells the tale of a road rage incident gone tragic. Who in this situation would have not been shot if the gun wasn't there? The gun took this situation down the rabbit hole. If she had any other tool, would anyone get shot?

and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
victim count would be a lot higher or didn't you realize that?
and unless the gun is shot most times it's not going to be reported to the police.
Your response suggests that in some cases, a gun was brandished, but not fired. How many of those 1.1 million times a day did that happen?
Gun owners fantasy...

You get in an argument and pull your gun. The other guy backs off

That means you saved a life
It would confirm my Hero Gunslinger theory. The Dirty Harry complex.

I know that America isn't as savage as the gun owner come hero thinks. But I empathize with his fear.
And yet less than half the number of cars kill more people than the guns do. Who knew!
Cars kill less than guns now

Nope, they don't. Drunk drivers kill more people than guns do in the hands of murderers. Been that way since there were cars.

And we take away the cars of drunk drivers

Time to take away the guns

You do? Where? How many more of these do you want me to present to show you how stupid your claim is?

Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI
Man arrested in Bay County for 13th DUI

King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
King County man pleads not guilty to 17th DUI
Do i need to list all the drivers who lost their licences due to a DUI?

Need to do the same with irresponsible gun owners

By all means do so, then provide the number of times they were arrested on further DUI charges. Funny how that works, isn't it.

Criminals don't seem to care about losing their licenses. They continue to drink and drive.

I thought you claimed that they lost their cars and stuff?
In a thread which the OP tells the tale of a road rage incident gone tragic. Who in this situation would have not been shot if the gun wasn't there? The gun took this situation down the rabbit hole. If she had any other tool, would anyone get shot?

and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
victim count would be a lot higher or didn't you realize that?
and unless the gun is shot most times it's not going to be reported to the police.
Your response suggests that in some cases, a gun was brandished, but not fired. How many of those 1.1 million times a day did that happen?
Gun owners fantasy...

You get in an argument and pull your gun. The other guy backs off

That means you saved a life

Wrong. That is not a defensive gun use.
and yet Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives.....and as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years....our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%

You want to make victims out of 1.1 million Americans each year, on average, because a criminal uses a gun illegally?

So then, because a drunk crashes into another car and kills someone.....all cars must be banned...right?

According to your logic?
I did the math. According to your 1.1 million times a year Americans use guns to thwart crime. Holy Gunslinger! Someone in post apocalyptic America a gun stops crime once every thirty seconds. Twenty four hours a day for 365 days.
victim count would be a lot higher or didn't you realize that?
and unless the gun is shot most times it's not going to be reported to the police.
Your response suggests that in some cases, a gun was brandished, but not fired. How many of those 1.1 million times a day did that happen?
Gun owners fantasy...

You get in an argument and pull your gun. The other guy backs off

That means you saved a life
It would confirm my Hero Gunslinger theory. The Dirty Harry complex.

I know that America isn't as savage as the gun owner come hero thinks. But I empathize with his fear.

Those of us who carry don't do so out of fear no matter how hard you try and believe that to be true.

We carry out of preparedness. Do you have insurance because you're afraid or to be prepared in the event some other fool manages to crash into you?

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