Modern politics summed up with a little humor and the dangers for democracy

Not transparent enough because I’m unreasonable or because democrats will not give up trying to steal elections?

Clearly the former since you have nothing but your feeling that the dems stole the election. You are not using any reasoning at all
According to you, what is the nonsense that is hitting right now?
Manipulation. Fake news.

Here's a nice example, the Chinese using social media to influence Americans when Americans can't influence the Chinese because their social media is so controlled.

We could look at the Koch brothers who changed right wing politics (for the worst) by manipulating

"Everyone except you is wrong about everything, finds study"

"The survey, commissioned by you, consisted of you looking at a number of comments threads, noting that the most people held different opinions to you, and extrapolating that everyone is wrong about everything except you."

While this is clearly a joke website, what they're saying isn't really a laughing matter.

Modern democracy is going to need to
You're wrong!!!
Manipulation. Fake news.

Here's a nice example, the Chinese using social media to influence Americans when Americans can't influence the Chinese because their social media is so controlled.

We could look at the Koch brothers who changed right wing politics (for the worst) by manipulating

Thanks for the answer. Your chinese example is spot on. I had not even thought of that.
Clearly the former since you have nothing but your feeling that the dems stole the election. You are not using any reasoning at all

you got the election result you wanted and it doesnt matter how you got it

I predict that future elections will drive a further wedge between Americans as dems transform the country into one-party rule as they have in california and china

you got the election result you wanted and it doesnt matter how you got it

Still being unreasonable.

If I had gotten the election result you wanted Jo Jorgensen would be the president right now and the country would be far better off.

I predict that future elections will drive a further wedge between Americans as dems transform the country into one-party rule as they have in california and china

And now you have totally jumped the shark. Now the Dems are responsible for the Government in China.

Now you are making the flat earthers look down right reasonable.
You know I didnt say that

dems want to be like the CCP and win all the elections

they are practically there in california

You did say that if even by mistake..... "as dems transform the country into one-party rule as they have in california and china"
You did say that if even by mistake..... "as dems transform the country into one-party rule as they have in california and china"
If you misread my comment to mean that I blame libs for creating one-party rule in china I should have been more clear

dems have created a one-party government in california modeled on china
If you misread my comment to mean that I blame libs for creating one-party rule in china I should have been more clear

dems have created a one-party government in california modeled on china

I did not misread you comment, you mistyped it perhaps.
Er.... people can't be bothered to go out and vote every 4 years, let alone every day.
The People's Pocket Veto

Apathy is silent proof that they reject the Constitution, which gives away the citizens' power to untrustworthy politicians. You're not changing both sides of the equation: if they control the laws, that should motivate them to vote in referendums. Representative government represents only a bipartisan oligarchic clique.
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Proportional Representation of an uninformed populace that lacks Critical Thinking doesn't solve anything.
It may promote more Democracy simply in the since that it empowers the ignorant and easily led mob.

Constitutionalists Should Move to a Country Whose Citizens They Respect

What American people are you dissing? Your strawmen don't represent the kind of people who built this country. Your elitist heroes, whom you oppose to your strawmen, have only obstructed the American Way.

It was a "mob" who settled the frontier, not the paper-shuffling Founding Fodder.

It was a "mob" who built our industries, not the self-appointed owners.

It was a "mob" who died on the beaches of Normandy, not the upper-class Generals.

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