.....Mitch McConnell puts his money where his mouth is. Attaboy, Mitch!....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
I'm sure many of you have seen today's Reuter's piece (also cited in many other newsfeeds) where Mitch McConnell is funding an advertising campaign (in Kentucky) to urge his constituents to go get their jab.

It is money raised by his campaign organization and donors.
It was designated for his re-election.
You could say it is "his" money. So to speak.
But he is seeing a better more pragmatic use of those funds.

Who can't applaud that?
If other politicians, or former politicians, are sitting on huge piles of cash generated by their constituents, campaign donors or just plain ol' supporters......well, now would be great time for them to step up to the plate and be a responsible leader. Use their pile to get the word out.

Attaboy, Mitch. A refreshing example of leadership.


"In an interview with Reuters, McConnell reiterated his concerns about low vaccination rates in Republican-led states—many of which are now being rocked by surging numbers of infections due to the delta variant.
“Not enough people are vaccinated,” said the Kentucky Republican, who blamed misinformation about the jab he said is coming from “all over the place.”
McConnell said he is actively working to combat “bad advice” and announced his re-election campaign will be funding a slew of radio ads to promote vaccines in Kentucky.

I say only DemoKKKrats refuse to get the Trump Vaccine. Sounds fair.

I'm sure many of you have seen today's Reuter's piece (also cited in many other newsfeeds) where Mitch McConnell is funding an advertising campaign (in Kentucky) to urge his constituents to go get their jab.

It is money raised by his campaign organization and donors.
It was designated for his re-election.
You could say it is "his" money. So to speak.
But he is seeing a better more pragmatic use of those funds.

Who can't applaud that?
If other politicians, or former politicians, are sitting on huge piles of cash generated by their constituents, campaign donors or just plain ol' supporters......well, now would be great time for them to step up to the plate and be a responsible leader. Use their pile to get the word out.

Attaboy, Mitch. A refreshing example of leadership.


"In an interview with Reuters, McConnell reiterated his concerns about low vaccination rates in Republican-led states—many of which are now being rocked by surging numbers of infections due to the delta variant.
“Not enough people are vaccinated,” said the Kentucky Republican, who blamed misinformation about the jab he said is coming from “all over the place.”
McConnell said he is actively working to combat “bad advice” and announced his re-election campaign will be funding a slew of radio ads to promote vaccines in Kentucky.
His encouraging trump Nazis to accept the COVID-19 vaccines as necessary, contradicts many months of GOP rejection of the serious nature of the novel coronavirus, and the many recommendations by health officials.

These actions by Moscow Mitch are essentially calling the former cheeto-in-chief a liar, as well as every other hero of the trump Nazis. He is also calling out the liars on FOX Noise for their propaganda that has supported all the Republican liars.

Moscow Mitch could find himself an enemy of the 74 million trump Nazis, in the same way as Lia Cheney.

BUMP - I was just going to post this but the Dupe-o-meter caught me. Yes, there is nobody I loathe more in DC. But when even pols you loathe step up and do something admirable. Hip Hip - Three cheers for the Turtle! :cool-45:


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