Mitch McConnell warns GOP senators they’ll face ‘incoming’ if they back Hawley bill to limit corporate giving in campaigns


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
(CNN) - Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell bluntly warned Republican senators in a private meeting not to sign on to a bill from Sen. Josh Hawley aimed at limiting corporate money bankrolling high-powered outside groups, telling them that many of them won their seats thanks to the powerful super PAC the Kentucky Republican has long controlled.

According to multiple sources familiar with the Tuesday lunch meeting, McConnell warned GOP senators that they could face “incoming” from the “center-right” if they signed onto Hawley’s bill. He also read off a list of senators who won their races amid heavy financial support from the Senate Leadership Fund, an outside group tied to the GOP leader that spends big on TV ads in battleground Senate races. On that list of senators: Hawley himself, according to sources familiar with the matter.

McConnell has long been a chief opponent of tighter campaign finance restrictions.

I know, fuck CNN but the other source seemed written by a 12 year old.

They don't even try to hide it anymore, I mean they really don't. I miss the days when they at least tried to pretend they weren't crooks on the take.

Its not D&R so much as the Career Politician that is our enemy.....Citizens United sure didn't help in that regard.
Citizens United was horrible and made every politican a prostitute.

Incoming lawmakers are instructed to spend upwards of four hours per day raising money, which is time taken away from the legislative responsibilities of being an elected official. Many members will explain, however, that fundraising is a sacrifice that makes the rest of their work possible. Indeed, winning a congressional seat is not cheap. According to data compiled by MapLight, successful House members in the 2012 cycle raised an average of $1,689,580, while winning Senators, on average, raised $10,476,451.

Note that these figures are dated.

Citizens United was horrible and made every politican a prostitute.

Incoming lawmakers are instructed to spend upwards of four hours per day raising money, which is time taken away from the legislative responsibilities of being an elected official. Many members will explain, however, that fundraising is a sacrifice that makes the rest of their work possible. Indeed, winning a congressional seat is not cheap. According to data compiled by MapLight, successful House members in the 2012 cycle raised an average of $1,689,580, while winning Senators, on average, raised $10,476,451.

Note that these figures are dated.

you can draw a straight line from this back to the 1974 campaign finance reform act passed by the Democrats over Gerald Ford's veto. The political parties were deluded and PACs empowered. The lawsuits stemming from this made the situation what it is today. Yes there needed to be some reforms after the 72 Nixon business but the Democrats went way too far and we are all paying for it now.
We are all paying for the damage of Silent money. That is DEFINITLY not working too make AMERICA a better place for all Americans.
Have you noticed that the stalwarts for either "side" have not chimed in on why the the "spice" should be kept flowing?

Both sides want the money to keep their PACs fat but know it's a very bad thing.

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