Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source(Fox news!)

Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Dorian Johnson?
LMAO..surely you don't see him as credible?

Wilson is alleged to have had his service revolver. If the shot in the car missed then how come the autopsies discovered 6 gunshot wounds? How many service revolvers have 7 rounds?

A woman claimed days ago a shot hit the outside of her building.
Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Dorian Johnson?
LMAO..surely you don't see him as credible?

Wilson is alleged to have had his service revolver. If the shot in the car missed then how come the autopsies discovered 6 gunshot wounds? How many service revolvers have 7 rounds?

First of all, who told you it was a revolver?

Second, the autopsies both showed multiple entry and exit wounds..some caused by the same bullet.
Because he might have had 9 holes in him it doesn't necessarily mean he was hit by 9 separate bullets.
What IS Racism?
"A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science.

Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

—Ayn Rand
If I was charged by a fucking street monkey, I'd blow his fucking brains out too.

I dinged you for the racist lingo, which you have the right to use but I don't have the obligation to like.

And though i disagree with racists and racism it doesn't stop me from supporting the points they make which make sense, other than their race influenced ones.

But it is ok for blacks to want to hang this cop for being white. Who's the real racist? The ones that have a strong opinion against this shit or the ones that play the knock out game and burn down stores.

I don't play that tit-4-tat shit.

Each action brings its own rewards or criticisms.

If someone uses racist lingo it offends me.

if someone tries to escape their role in a crime it offends me.

If people try to unfairly accuse anyone of something they didn't do it offends me and it should offend every law abiding citizen.

Who's the real racist?

In the selected examples, hypothetically, BOTH could be racist, NEITHER could be racists or just one of them might be racist.

The idea here was that I was communicating my personal boundaries for all to know.
A woman claimed days ago a shot hit the outside of her building.

Yeah I remember that, I think it was the Tiffany and Pigeous (however you spell that) interview, and she said the police had gone and took it out of the building. I think they said there were other bullets being picked up too.
Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Dorian Johnson?
LMAO..surely you don't see him as credible?

Wilson is alleged to have had his service revolver. If the shot in the car missed then how come the autopsies discovered 6 gunshot wounds? How many service revolvers have 7 rounds?

A woman claimed days ago a shot hit the outside of her building.
Are you saying that the shot fired inside the car hit her house?
Where does she live in relation to where the shooting took place? In front? off on the side? behind them?
What are you implying?
I'd like to believe this, but something bugs me about it. The after-shooting video showing the officer and another together doesn't show the other officer tending to any injuries. If the assaulted officer was so injured the other officer seemed strangely unconcerned.

Hospital records should clear this up pretty quickly.
Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?
"they"? only one person shot saint michael of brown. You really ARE clueless.

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

GSR only travels about 3 or 4 feet.
saint michael of brown was farther away than that when he got shot in the head...Don't you know ANY of the details?

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
Not at all. My agenda is accuracy.

In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

Perhaps what isn't "RIGHT" about this is your inability to makes heads or tails of it due to insufficient information being provided you or because you are not looking at all of the possibilities.

For example, did it ever occur to you that Big Mike MAY have been falling down when the two head shots were fired?

That might explain why he was shot at the top of his head.

And consider how quickly a man shooting to stop someone from killing him can fire 6 rounds.

Before you can say, "top of his head."
Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Dorian Johnson?
LMAO..surely you don't see him as credible?

Wilson is alleged to have had his service revolver. If the shot in the car missed then how come the autopsies discovered 6 gunshot wounds? How many service revolvers have 7 rounds?

A woman claimed days ago a shot hit the outside of her building.
Are you saying that the shot fired inside the car hit her house?
Where does she live in relation to where the shooting took place? In front? off on the side? behind them?
What are you implying?

No, just posted what one woman was quoted as saying, no one will know until the investigations are complete and Grand Jury has returned a No True Bill or an Indictment.
What IS Racism?
"A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science.

Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

—Ayn Rand

An alternate definition;

racism (noun)
An undetectable and unmeasurable “systemic, societal, institutional, omnipresent, and epistemologically embedded phenomenon that pervades every vestige of our reality” (in the words of Negro scholar Omowale Akintunde), forcing brown-skinned people to fail out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of goddamn jungle savages, thus making them seem inferior to whites in every way outside of certain sports, or at least certain positions in certain sports (and to which Asians are somehow, mysteriously immune).
Usually rendered blatant racism.

In minorities, the leading cause of depression, death, animal and child abuse, tears, impotence, low self-esteem, persistent whining, and congestive heart failure. Literally the worst thing in the entire world.

  1. Expressing, suggesting, or hinting at discomforting truths about race.
  2. Failing to sufficiently denigrate and discriminate against whites.
  3. Directed at a white person by a non-white person: causing the speaker, or some (actual or hypothetical) like-race individual, to feel (or suspect that he may feel) unwanted, uncared for, unlikeable, uneasy, uncomfortable, upset, angry, guilty, hurt, cross, inferior, or stupid in some way.
but seriously...

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will.

Here's how the real world works; Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race.
Humans like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs and tend to reject outsiders who aren't like them.

That's just the way it is and all attempts at marxist social engineering to create artificial "equality"...or lowering standards in order to ensure "equality" do nothing to improve society and, in fact, lead to further racial friction.
The black community is practicing pure 100% racism in this case.

Not NECESSARILY racism. Racism may be part of it, but more than that what I see with even a cursory glance at the event and the dynamics of it is that Blacks are overwhelmingly hard-wired from birth to be Liberal.

They are inclined to make rash decisions, act before they think, respond to stimuli impulsively, are often violence prone, challenged to think rationally about any of this until or unless their emotions are settled.

The Black community is practicing pure 100% Liberalism in this case.

And none of the Liberals here have anything to say in criticism of them because they (YOU) are equally cursed by your blasted, Liberal hardwiring.
More definitions of "racism"

Racist-- A word used by anyone, White or not, who hates White people.

Racism--A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct currently forbidden to only one tribe.

White Privilege--The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.

White Supremacist--Any White person who isn't constantly apologizing for their skin color.

There really needs to be some quick clarification on the nature of his injuries. I think it's pretty clear that he was assaulted hence use of deadly force was completely legal but I can't be sure. We're not gong to get that IMO because that will just make the scene at ground zero worse.

Further, I think they're are going to throw this kid under the bus to satisfy the mob, DC, etc. I believe the cop was doomed the second Nixon called for his swift persecution and the stupid attorney genital arrived on the scene.

Maybe. But googling around, I'm not the only one asking about why no medical attention or concern over injuries on the officer. No ambulance called, no first aid rendered, something stinks.

Im not on anyone's side but the right side. If someone lies I'm all over their ass. And up to now, I'd not felt the officer or police had lied. But I gotta say, this sounds deceptive. Googling orbital blowout fractures, selecting Images, they're really obvious even without any blood. The officer might be oblivious from adrenaline, but no one looking at him would be. Yet no concern on the video, no one calling an ambulance for him? That's suspicious.

I suspect the entire scene was chaotic and everyone was in a state of shock. I'm not surprised nor suspicious. The medical records will tell the story as well as forensic evidence from the police cruiser and on the officer's clothing.
I don't think the claim he was grievously wounded reflects on the officer as much as whatever spin doctor who put the story into the wind. It isn't helping because of the videos already public. More that's made about how hurt he was, the more people are gonna scrutinize the after-shooting videos and ask "what injury?"
More definitions of "racism"

Racist-- A word used by anyone, White or not, who hates White people.

Racism--A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct currently forbidden to only one tribe.

White Privilege--The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.

White Supremacist--Any White person who isn't constantly apologizing for their skin color.

You obviously weren't aware you can google specific phrases to see where else they're used. ...Or originated.

The Progressive Glossary.. - Stormfront

RACIST—A word used by anyone, white or not, who hates white people.
RACISM—A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct that is currently forbidden to only one tribe.

An alternate definition;

racism (noun)
An undetectable and unmeasurable “systemic, societal, institutional, omnipresent, and epistemologically embedded phenomenon that pervades every vestige of our reality” (in the words of Negro scholar Omowale Akintunde), forcing brown-skinned people to fail out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of goddamn jungle savages, thus making them seem inferior to whites in every way outside of certain sports, or at least certain positions in certain sports (and to which Asians are somehow, mysteriously immune).
Usually rendered blatant racism.

In minorities, the leading cause of depression, death, animal and child abuse, tears, impotence, low self-esteem, persistent whining, and congestive heart failure. Literally the worst thing in the entire world.

  1. Expressing, suggesting, or hinting at discomforting truths about race.
  2. Failing to sufficiently denigrate and discriminate against whites.
  3. Directed at a white person by a non-white person: causing the speaker, or some (actual or hypothetical) like-race individual, to feel (or suspect that he may feel) unwanted, uncared for, unlikeable, uneasy, uncomfortable, upset, angry, guilty, hurt, cross, inferior, or stupid in some way.
but seriously...

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will.

Here's how the real world works; Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race.
Humans like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs and tend to reject outsiders who aren't like them.

That's just the way it is and all attempts at marxist social engineering to create artificial "equality"...or lowering standards in order to ensure "equality" do nothing to improve society and, in fact, lead to further racial friction.

I'm going to disagree with this bit: "Here's how the real world works; Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race. Humans like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs and tend to reject outsiders who aren't like them."

We had a mix of 'ethnic' background friends of the family and it was never a big deal when I was growing up. I worked for a black (sorry if I'm behind in the correct PC term for that) couple who owned two local strip clubs, they were up n up good people; ex-wife was a bit of a bitch, but hell there's a lot of white bitches too. My boss, however, was a far too nice guy; he was always giving extra money to the drug addict dancers (we had 2 in particular) and trying to get them out of dugs and stuff. He even took one of them shopping every year to get school clothes and supplies for her kids every year. Anyway, I didn't want to drive with the drunks after bar close so we'd sit around chatting about everything under the sun while we did all the day end stuff (cleaning, stocking, bookkeeping, ordering, etc.) I think the only thing we ever even disagreed about was me cutting off dancers who got drunk (law) and him thinking that was intrusive (shouldn't be a law) we had some good debates about it heh

I digress, my point is I don't think there is an innate desire to self-segregate, I think it's a taught behavior.

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