Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source(Fox news!)

Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered severe facial injuries, including an orbital (eye socket) fracture, and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source close to the department's top brass told FoxNews.com.

“The Assistant (Police) Chief took him to the hospital, his face all swollen on one side,” said the insider. “He was beaten very severely.”

According to the well-placed source, Wilson was coming off another case in the neighborhood on Aug. 9 when he ordered Michael Brown and his friend Dorain Johnson to stop walking in the middle of the road because they were obstructing traffic. However, the confrontation quickly escalated into physical violence, the source said..

“They ignored him and the officer started to get out of the car to tell them to move," the source said. "They shoved him right back in, that’s when Michael Brown leans in and starts beating Officer Wilson in the head and the face.

Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source | Fox News

I will wait for the report...

I did see this from CNN
CNN.com - Transcripts

It lists the weapon as his "service revolver". I would think it unlikely that if the police officer is so injured with an eye socket fracture that he would score 6 out of 6 hits on the assailant.

This is the only listing I can see where it says the cop had a revolver and not a pistol....not sure if that is even the case since the host is the one saying he had a revolver and not an investigator.

Again, wait for the report.
If I was charged by a fucking street monkey, I'd blow his fucking brains out too.

I dinged you for the racist lingo, which you have the right to use but I don't have the obligation to like.

And though i disagree with racists and racism it doesn't stop me from supporting the points they make which make sense, other than their race influenced ones.
If I was charged by a fucking street monkey, I'd blow his fucking brains out too.

I dinged you for the racist lingo, which you have the right to use but I don't have the obligation to like.

And though i disagree with racists and racism it doesn't stop me from supporting the points they make which make sense, other than their race influenced ones.

But it is ok for blacks to want to hang this cop for being white. Who's the real racist? The ones that have a strong opinion against this shit or the ones that play the knock out game and burn down stores.
In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

I can be sympathetic to your rational because it's clear the media hasn't given you the whole story...

Story from Johnson and witnesses is that there was some kind of altercation in the door (Johnson, to my knowledge) is the only one who actually witnessed this and his stories changed a bit through his interviews. Anyway he claims that Wilson reached out of the window and grabbed Brown by the throat trying to pull him into the car. At some point Wilson pulled his gun and said either [a) "I'm gonna shoot" or b) "I'll shoot you" and then "I'm gonna shoot"] at which point Wilson fired and either [a) it went off in the car or b) it hit Brown and he was bleeding] so they ran. (The other witnesses that support Johnson's statement come in during the altercation in the window part)

Wilson's witnesses on the other hand claim that they were told that Brown reached in the window and started beating Wilson's face in, then Brown ran.

Johnson and witnesses claim that Wilson [a) struggled or b) just] got out of the car and chased after them shooting. Wilson witnesses claim that Wilson pursued Brown telling him to freeze because that is the procedure for FPD.

Johnson and witnesses claim that Brown then turned around and either [a) raised his hands up or b) 'started' to raise his hands up] in surrender. Wilson witnesses say that Brown turned and bum rushed Wilson. Johnson and witnesses say that Wilson just kept shooting Brown. Wilson witnesses say that Wilson kept firing because Brown was charging them and Brown fell a few feet in front of him.

After that point you get into speculation. Was Brown rushing the officer and the shots to his arm were intended to slow him down then additional shots as he fell? Or was Brown actually on the ground with his hands up when he was shot? No one knows and all we have is conflicting stories from the witnesses.

We do know that the crime scene is reported to be 30'-35' from the car to the body; I'm presuming that includes Wilson's leaving the car and chasing after Brown.
Those people are going to burn the world down if the left wing doesn't throw the cop under the bus. There will be no peaceful demonstrations.

I'm starting to lose hope that the cop was in the wrong here, and I can't stand cops for the most part.
Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?
"they"? only one person shot saint michael of brown. You really ARE clueless.

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

GSR only travels about 3 or 4 feet.
saint michael of brown was farther away than that when he got shot in the head...Don't you know ANY of the details?

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
Not at all. My agenda is accuracy.

In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

Oh..I get it now...You're another amateur CSI investigator.
Take it up with the TWO different forensic pathologists who did the TWO autopsies.
Take it up with the many witnesses who have given their accounts.
Take it up with Wilson.
Take it up with the chief of police.
Get ahold of the FBI.
See if eric (my people) holder will brief you with the DOJ data......but don't ask me to answer your hypothetical "what if" questions.

Read everything you can about the case starting at the beginning so we don't have to endlessly repeat the same things over and over again.
Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Dorian Johnson?
LMAO..surely you don't see him as credible?
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Nope, which is why I was "Johnson says" aka the witness said...

1:05 through 1:32

I'll leave this for any who's interested in that point.

Read your edit though - and yea Johnson's story has become a bit... uhm, questionable for sure. However, that is the story the media's most focused on.
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Those people are going to burn the world down if the left wing doesn't throw the cop under the bus. There will be no peaceful demonstrations.

I'm starting to lose hope that the cop was in the wrong here, and I can't stand cops for the most part.

I hate cops too...but the more the negroes misbehave, the better. It wakes people up.
As far as I'm concerned let them and the cops go at it. No great loss either way.
If I was charged by a fucking street monkey, I'd blow his fucking brains out too.

I dinged you for the racist lingo, which you have the right to use but I don't have the obligation to like.

And though i disagree with racists and racism it doesn't stop me from supporting the points they make which make sense, other than their race influenced ones.

But it is ok for blacks to want to hang this cop for being white. Who's the real racist? The ones that have a strong opinion against this shit or the ones that play the knock out game and burn down stores.

I am sick of reading & hearing the Officer is guilty of something, as this still emains:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

The 5th Amendment.
In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

I can be sympathetic to your rational because it's clear the media hasn't given you the whole story...

Story from Johnson and witnesses is that there was some kind of altercation in the door (Johnson, to my knowledge) is the only one who actually witnessed this and his stories changed a bit through his interviews. Anyway he claims that Wilson reached out of the window and grabbed Brown by the throat trying to pull him into the car. At some point Wilson pulled his gun and said either [a) "I'm gonna shoot" or b) "I'll shoot you" and then "I'm gonna shoot"] at which point Wilson fired and either [a) it went off in the car or b) it hit Brown and he was bleeding] so they ran. (The other witnesses that support Johnson's statement come in during the altercation in the window part)

Wilson's witnesses on the other hand claim that they were told that Brown reached in the window and started beating Wilson's face in, then Brown ran.

Johnson and witnesses claim that Wilson [a) struggled or b) just] got out of the car and chased after them shooting. Wilson witnesses claim that Wilson pursued Brown telling him to freeze because that is the procedure for FPD.

Johnson and witnesses claim that Brown then turned around and either [a) raised his hands up or b) 'started' to raise his hands up] in surrender. Wilson witnesses say that Brown turned and bum rushed Wilson. Johnson and witnesses say that Wilson just kept shooting Brown. Wilson witnesses say that Wilson kept firing because Brown was charging them and Brown fell a few feet in front of him.

After that point you get into speculation. Was Brown rushing the officer and the shots to his arm were intended to slow him down then additional shots as he fell? Or was Brown actually on the ground with his hands up when he was shot? No one knows and all we have is conflicting stories from the witnesses.

We do know that the crime scene is reported to be 30'-35' from the car to the body; I'm presuming that includes Wilson's leaving the car and chasing after Brown.

Having had first hand experience with interactive police training simulators several things need to be stated. This all happened really quickly. Witnesses are notoriously unreliable and that applies to both sides. What Brown and Wilson were doing was not necessarily rational or even procedural in Wilson's case.

The facts are that there was some kind of interaction at the vehicle and Brown's body ended up 30' away. Only Wilson was armed. Brown was shot 6 times and two shots hit the top of his head.

The questions that need answering are;

What happened at the vehicle?
Did Brown flee the vehicle because he was being shot at by Wilson?
If Brown was fleeing why not use the vehicle to pursue him and radio in for backup?
If Wilson was pursuing Brown on foot how close was he when Brown turned?
Did Brown actually try to surrender?
Why was Brown shot in the top of his head?

All of these questions raise concerns about procedure and intent.

Hopefully the FBI will clear it all up.
He was probably shot in the head because he was on his knees collapsing from the bullet that went through his eyeball. His head went down. Sounds logical but it doesn't solve anything.
The questions that need answering are;

What happened at the vehicle?
Did Brown flee the vehicle because he was being shot at by Wilson?
If Brown was fleeing why not use the vehicle to pursue him and radio in for backup?
If Wilson was pursuing Brown on foot how close was he when Brown turned?
Did Brown actually try to surrender?
Why was Brown shot in the top of his head?

All of these questions raise concerns about procedure and intent.

Hopefully the FBI will clear it all up.

All of which is based on speculation based on witness claims, who like you said, are a bit unreliable (oft through no fault of their own, I'll add because of the way the mind works and stores/processes memory)
Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?
"they"? only one person shot saint michael of brown. You really ARE clueless.

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

GSR only travels about 3 or 4 feet.
saint michael of brown was farther away than that when he got shot in the head...Don't you know ANY of the details?

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
Not at all. My agenda is accuracy.

In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

Oh..I get it now...You're another amateur CSI investigator.
Take it up with the TWO different forensic pathologists who did the TWO autopsies.
Take it up with the many witnesses who have given their accounts.
Take it up with Wilson.
Take it up with the chief of police.
Get ahold of the FBI.
See if eric (my people) holder will brief you with the DOJ data......but don't ask me to answer your hypothetical "what if" questions.

Read everything you can about the case starting at the beginning so we don't have to endlessly repeat the same things over and over again.

Make that FOUR forensic pathologists doing THREE autopsies. Obviously your "accuracy" is lacking yet again! Perhaps you should take your own advice and read everything from the beginning.
Just as a clarification, Johnson actually said that a shot was fired during the altercation in the window and that Brown was hit and bleeding in one or two of his interviews.
Really? I understood that the shot fired inside the vehicle hit no one.
Are you sure?

Dorian Johnson?
LMAO..surely you don't see him as credible?

Wilson is alleged to have had his service revolver. If the shot in the car missed then how come the autopsies discovered 6 gunshot wounds? How many service revolvers have 7 rounds?
The questions that need answering are;

What happened at the vehicle?
Did Brown flee the vehicle because he was being shot at by Wilson?
If Brown was fleeing why not use the vehicle to pursue him and radio in for backup?
If Wilson was pursuing Brown on foot how close was he when Brown turned?
Did Brown actually try to surrender?
Why was Brown shot in the top of his head?

All of these questions raise concerns about procedure and intent.

Hopefully the FBI will clear it all up.

All of which is based on speculation based on witness claims, who like you said, are a bit unreliable (oft through no fault of their own, I'll add because of the way the mind works and stores/processes memory)

Agreed! The recollection is based upon images and impressions. You can play a video to a group of people and then interview them separately as to what they saw and then play it back and you will see that most of them have factual information wrong.
Brown sustained at least 2 head wounds. They would have to have been fired at point blank range if he was allegedly leaning into the vehicle and beating Wilson hard enough to break his eye socket, right? But the autopsy stated that there was no gun powder residue on the body.

No one ever said saint michael of brown was shot while he was leaning in the vehicle. You haven't been paying attention, obviously.

...and there was no residue on the body because he was WEARING CLOTHES...christ..even Dr. Baden said that..you are clueless..but you DO have an agenda, I see.

Why would they shoot Brown 6 times if he wasn't close enough to be hitting anyone?
"they"? only one person shot saint michael of brown. You really ARE clueless.

Brown wasn't wearing any clothing on his eyes or do you have some secret information about what he was wearing that nobody else has.

GSR only travels about 3 or 4 feet.
saint michael of brown was farther away than that when he got shot in the head...Don't you know ANY of the details?

And ironic that you are accusing others of having an agenda.
Not at all. My agenda is accuracy.

In which case you are missing a lot!

So two shots entered Brown's head presumably while he was facing the officer and he had his head lowered at enough of an angle for one of the bullets to hit the top of his skull from a distance of over 5' away for there to be no GSR. Brown was 6'4" tall so he must have been bent over for that shot to hit him which means that his feet would have to have been at least 8' away from the officer.

Given that Brown was unarmed and at least 8' away and the officer had a gun why didn't he order him to get on the ground with his hands above his head? Or was Brown obeying the officer when he was shot 6 times? The wounds to his arm and the top of his head would be consistent with that scenario.

Something is just not right about this incident.

Oh..I get it now...You're another amateur CSI investigator.
Take it up with the TWO different forensic pathologists who did the TWO autopsies.
Take it up with the many witnesses who have given their accounts.
Take it up with Wilson.
Take it up with the chief of police.
Get ahold of the FBI.
See if eric (my people) holder will brief you with the DOJ data......but don't ask me to answer your hypothetical "what if" questions.

Read everything you can about the case starting at the beginning so we don't have to endlessly repeat the same things over and over again.

Make that FOUR forensic pathologists doing THREE autopsies. Obviously your "accuracy" is lacking yet again! Perhaps you should take your own advice and read everything from the beginning.

..and what did the 3rd autopsy reveal? Do you know? Who performed it?
Post the results for me?

right..you don't know because there is no info available right now...but go ahead and "correct" me, son. I know it makes you feel all grown up...LMAO...
Wilson is alleged to have had his service revolver. If the shot in the car missed then how come the autopsies discovered 6 gunshot wounds? How many service revolvers have 7 rounds?

There is no 'standard issue' and I bet you money it wasn't a 'revolver'

The officers up here use a 44 with a clip; believe it holds 7 or 10, I'd have to look it up.
I take that back seems our boys in blue use a .40 S&W with either a 15, 17, or 28 round clip ~ Alaska State Troopers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (I'm rather shocked cause that won't take down a grizzly heh)

Either way, it's up to the department what their 'standard issue' is. Oh and I'd found this: List of Issued Handguns by Department - THR
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