Mississippi Senator Suggests Sunday Voting Will Offend God

Isn't the Sabbath in the Bible referring to Saturday?

Time for a quick Google search:
On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor, stating: All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun.
Sabbath in Christianity - Wikipedia
It's just too bad that those of us who aren't of that religion aren't given that same freedom.
I'm confused by this statement. How have you been forced to take part in ANY religion, especially by a government entity? If that's actually happening, I agree that it should stop. Our constitution did not stress or demand a lack of religion, it only says the state cannot choose one and force the people to follow it.
One person did this. One person does not represent an entire group.

Tell me what republican will vote for the bill.

That is one excuse from one republican. If others don't latch onto it, they will come up with a different reason to not vote for the bill.

What republican spoke up to tell this woman that her excuse for not allowing Sunday voting and voting against the bill because of religion is unconstitutional?

What republican pointed out that not allowing voting on Sunday won't do a damn thing to stop the vote fraud they claim but doesn't exist?

None of the new restrictions will do anything to stop non existent vote fraud.

It will stop legal voters from voting.

Republicans are scum for trying to restrict voting but so is this tactic.

With states going to vote by mail, is it even logical to change the Election Day and if we were, Saturday might be the best day. Most people are off work, the mail in vote could be postmarked, that day, while on Sunday there would be no postmark. At this point, I would like to see the Election Day on Tuesday but Saturday would work as well. Sunday is not a good day in my mind. Not caring about the church aspect, however it would need to be considered by those in Congress.
It's just too bad that those of us who aren't of that religion aren't given that same freedom.
I'm confused by this statement. How have you been forced to take part in ANY religion, especially by a government entity? If that's actually happening, I agree that it should stop. Our constitution did not stress or demand a lack of religion, it only says the state cannot choose one and force the people to follow it.

She won’t answer, she targets her answer to those she feels are lefties. She is intolerant bigot of other viewpoints, it becomes more apparent as you try to discuss rationally with her.
Considering the Sabbath of Gods Chosen People (i.e. the Jews, says so in the Bible), was from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday, I think that God would be cool with Sunday voting.

Yeah, I have a feeling any God does not care when you vote... Maybe the State Senator should reflect on why he is invoking his God name in Politics?
One person did this. One person does not represent an entire group.

Tell me what republican will vote for the bill.

That is one excuse from one republican. If others don't latch onto it, they will come up with a different reason to not vote for the bill.

What republican spoke up to tell this woman that her excuse for not allowing Sunday voting and voting against the bill because of religion is unconstitutional?

What republican pointed out that not allowing voting on Sunday won't do a damn thing to stop the vote fraud they claim but doesn't exist?

None of the new restrictions will do anything to stop non existent vote fraud.

It will stop legal voters from voting.

Republicans are scum for trying to restrict voting but so is this tactic.

With states going to vote by mail, is it even logical to change the Election Day and if we were, Saturday might be the best day. Most people are off work, the mail in vote could be postmarked, that day, while on Sunday there would be no postmark. At this point, I would like to see the Election Day on Tuesday but Saturday would work as well. Sunday is not a good day in my mind. Not caring about the church aspect, however it would need to be considered by those in Congress.

Vote by mail means people can vote on any day. The GOP is trying to restrict this also.
One person did this. One person does not represent an entire group.

Tell me what republican will vote for the bill.

That is one excuse from one republican. If others don't latch onto it, they will come up with a different reason to not vote for the bill.

What republican spoke up to tell this woman that her excuse for not allowing Sunday voting and voting against the bill because of religion is unconstitutional?

What republican pointed out that not allowing voting on Sunday won't do a damn thing to stop the vote fraud they claim but doesn't exist?

None of the new restrictions will do anything to stop non existent vote fraud.

It will stop legal voters from voting.

Republicans are scum for trying to restrict voting but so is this tactic.

With states going to vote by mail, is it even logical to change the Election Day and if we were, Saturday might be the best day. Most people are off work, the mail in vote could be postmarked, that day, while on Sunday there would be no postmark. At this point, I would like to see the Election Day on Tuesday but Saturday would work as well. Sunday is not a good day in my mind. Not caring about the church aspect, however it would need to be considered by those in Congress.

Vote by mail means people can vote on any day. The GOP is trying to restrict this also.

I know what the GOP is doing and I know what the Dems are doing and neither are honest and neither should ever get our votes until they start listening to those that voted them in.
One person did this. One person does not represent an entire group.

Tell me what republican will vote for the bill.

That is one excuse from one republican. If others don't latch onto it, they will come up with a different reason to not vote for the bill.

What republican spoke up to tell this woman that her excuse for not allowing Sunday voting and voting against the bill because of religion is unconstitutional?

What republican pointed out that not allowing voting on Sunday won't do a damn thing to stop the vote fraud they claim but doesn't exist?

None of the new restrictions will do anything to stop non existent vote fraud.

It will stop legal voters from voting.

Republicans are scum for trying to restrict voting but so is this tactic.

With states going to vote by mail, is it even logical to change the Election Day and if we were, Saturday might be the best day. Most people are off work, the mail in vote could be postmarked, that day, while on Sunday there would be no postmark. At this point, I would like to see the Election Day on Tuesday but Saturday would work as well. Sunday is not a good day in my mind. Not caring about the church aspect, however it would need to be considered by those in Congress.

Vote by mail means people can vote on any day. The GOP is trying to restrict this also.

I know what the GOP is doing and I know what the Dems are doing and neither are honest and neither should ever get our votes until they start listening to those that voted them in.

Those who vote for them never insist that. They only insist the other side do so.
One person did this. One person does not represent an entire group.

Tell me what republican will vote for the bill.

That is one excuse from one republican. If others don't latch onto it, they will come up with a different reason to not vote for the bill.

What republican spoke up to tell this woman that her excuse for not allowing Sunday voting and voting against the bill because of religion is unconstitutional?

What republican pointed out that not allowing voting on Sunday won't do a damn thing to stop the vote fraud they claim but doesn't exist?

None of the new restrictions will do anything to stop non existent vote fraud.

It will stop legal voters from voting.
What is your real problem?

Do you want us to change voting from Tuesdays to Sunday?

The ONLY reason to do this is to disenfranchise millions of voters who consider Sunday a Holy Day.

Why do you want to disenfranchise millions of voters, atheist?

Sunday voting will offend God?? Mississippi Senator tries to use God to justify cutting voting access for Black Americans

May be an image of text that says 'The Republican Party should just make their official slogan: Less Voters, More Guns. Congress: we're begging you, pass HR1 to protect our voting rights'

Republicans make it easier to buy a gun then it is to vote!
No one wants to restrict legal citizens from voting, we do have laws.

Well, I suspect the good Senator is very aware of the role that the black churches play in organizing their congregants in political participation. And if she can put a speed-bump in the way of those churches in motivating the assembly on Sunday and then taking the church bus to a polling station....well, some hindrance does works for her white-think.

And too, Sunday is a more assured day of not being on-the-job for many Mississippi black constituents. In other words, they are more likely to have that day off, and thus able to vote.
And that doesn't work for her white-think.

Now, my caveat: I don't live in Mississippi. I don't vote there. I only read stuff about Mississippi. But, that has only infrequently stopped me from forming an opinion. ;)
No one wants to restrict legal citizens from voting, we do have laws.

Well, I suspect the good Senator is very aware of the role that the black churches play in organizing their congregants in political participation. And if she can put a speed-bump in the way of those churches in motivating the assembly on Sunday and then taking the church bus to a polling station....well, some hindrance does works for her white-think.

And too, Sunday is a more assured day of not being on-the-job for many Mississippi black constituents. In other words, they are more likely to have that day off, and thus able to vote.
And that doesn't work for her white-think.

Now, my caveat: I don't live in Mississippi. I don't vote there. I only read stuff about Mississippi. But, that has only infrequently stopped me from forming an opinion. ;)

Interesting who you give the benefit of the doubt to. I wonder why, lol.

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