Minimum wage and video games

Hire property management. Its a tax write off and way less stress.

Silly me trying to save my tenants that extra cost.

If you want to save your tenants the extra cost then eat it for the year and get it back in the form of a tax write off. Otherwise you are just complaining.
OH NO, not more ways to screw over the government that is being mentioned here is it ?...WOW

It's so wonder the government is in the mode that it stays in against we the people anymore or how it also works in these ways to do one thing for one, but then take it back from another. Yowsa..
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Why do you guys give a fuck if someone has a Xbox or PlayStation?

tapatalk post

A topic of the day is that the minimum wage should be raised because the "working poor" are so bad off that they can't get by without the gov't supplementing their wages.

If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage. How is government intervention needed in a case like that?
OK then I got one for you, how about if you work a full time job as a truck driver ( I have friends who do this), and you get paid by the load, but then you run into a lull in the construction industry for around 3 months out of the year or maybe more yet all depending, and then during this three months the company only pays you for what you work and no more. Now it can get down right tough on a driver during these times, and during the good times when the loads are coming in, the drivers are still only paid a certain amount per week because they are paid per load as a percentage of the load as it is hauled by them, but it is based on a rate that the company sets for each load hauled. I have known these drivers to haul a load for less than $7.00, and it took around an hour to get that load loaded and then dropped off, so that is $7.00 dollars an hour right ? Usually it takes time in between the next load to get re-loaded, so if not careful, that $7.00 dollars can even drop down lower than that all depending on what happens during this time period. A driver could have a bad day in a heartbeat, yet all depending on how things go in which is beyond his control sometimes.

Now here is the kicker, so get ready for this - The Owners and their Management Staff, well they the owners make triple what the drivers make in this company, and staff is on salary. Ok, so here is how it was before for these drivers, where as the former owner whom has since died around 5 years ago now, well he use to have a fund that he would add money to for the drivers incase the company went into a lull for to long, and he knew that if he didn't try and help in these ways, then he would lose valuable drivers before things got better again (it was worth it to him). Then he died and others took over, but they knew not how these things worked nor did they give a rats behind about how they worked. So all benefits were cut, and no fund was added to any longer, and the drivers are on there own in the new deal that has now affected or impacted them even more so these days than in times past. This is according to my friends who are out there in the situation now.

Even worse the drivers are experiencing newly added federal regulations that are also piling up on them, and is costing them even more where there is no help coming in on that front either, but meanwhile the ownership is out purchasing vast amounts of land that is 4 states over for their happy hunting grounds, and they are driving $60.000 dollar new diesel 4 wheel drive pick up trucks, and they've got new bass boats, local property owned for rentals, and they are buying more property everyday, yet meanwhile my friends are wondering if they can survive the winter without any kind of assistance what-so-ever now.

My friend drew a paycheck last week of less than $200.00 dollars after his high family coverage health care insurance plan was taken out of it, and his taxes were taken out of it also. Now you all are worrying about an X-box system that someone has, when the bigger picture is sporting situations like this ? Next think about this for a second, say if my friends were to go down and get some assistance they might truly need, then you all will have made it so hard for them, that they probably would just give up in life. Why is it OK for the rich man to have mansions, 5,000 acres of hunting grounds, new bass boats that cost $40,000 dollars, and $60,000 dollar pick up trucks to drive, rental property and/or investments etc. yet the workers are on the brink of having to go get food stamps and welfare assistance ? Doesn't this cause the government to then have to subsidize this companies employee's pay, because the owners and their management doesn't run this company in a family oriented managed way ? If you wanted your family to be safe and taken care of so they would be around, then you manage your families budget or business in a way that would help you to do way on better than this is being done right ?

Hmmm, now is it that these companies know that the government will kick in and help them if they don't do their part these days, so the rich ownerships and their management staffs are just sitting back using the entitlement system to subsidize them when they don't really need it ? I mean maybe if they (the rich owners), would manage their companies in a better way than this, then the government would never hear from their employee's or them, and that is the way that it should be, but it isn't in many cases I think these days.

As long as the government subsidizes the rich in these ways or it is doing it just like it has been doing it in the past, then there is no responsible actions on the rich to do better either about these kinds of things, so do you blame the rich in all of this also, I mean instead of just casting it all off as a poor person just abusing the system ? What about the rich doing what the rich in this country has done to them in many situations ? Is that not a problem also ? Help me out here, and tell me why the weakest people or link is always the scapegoat or the target in these rants, but the rich who are wrong in all of these things also, are said nothing about when comparing apples to oranges in these ways ?

Excellent post. And you're right about government subsidies for corporations-Shouldn't happen. I don't think there are many people who would deny a truly needy family some type of assistance. I think most people are just frustrated that many folks are taking advantage of that safety net. Although I agree that poverty should not be comfortable, I hate to see children suffer as a result of cut backs. People cannot always plan for those things particularly when new management takes over. A similar situation took place when Sam Walton died, and his greedy, spoiled billionaire ingrate children took over management and slashed through employee benefits like a serial killer in a horror film. At one time, Walmart was a small-time business and Sam Walton cared about providing a reasonable standard of living for his employees. Now, it's all about people trampling each other for cheap tvs during a holiday that is supposed to reflect charity and good-will.
I hope your friends were able to find a more fulfilling career where they are valued and treated with respect.
Why do you guys give a fuck if someone has a Xbox or PlayStation?

tapatalk post

A topic of the day is that the minimum wage should be raised because the "working poor" are so bad off that they can't get by without the gov't supplementing their wages.

If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage. How is government intervention needed in a case like that?

Maybe the X box was a gift?
Why do you guys give a fuck if someone has a Xbox or PlayStation?

tapatalk post

A topic of the day is that the minimum wage should be raised because the "working poor" are so bad off that they can't get by without the gov't supplementing their wages.

If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage. How is government intervention needed in a case like that?

Maybe the X box was a gift?

"If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage."

not a gift in the case I am most concerned about but thanks for ignoring what you quoted.
Poor has been redefined. In a third world country, poor means you have nothing or near nothing. In America being poor means earning below some arbitrary percentile of wages compared to other people. Since there will always be a bottom group of " earners", there will always be people considered poor no matter how well off they really are.

This kind of post irritates me. Because our poor doesn't live in mud huts eating rats they are not really poor? You tell a hungry kid they are not really poor because they have a apartment they are living in or their last meal wasn't road kill. Our poor by and large are better off then most the world true that doesn't mean they are not poor. All it means is our country is better then theirs

tapatalk post

Good post. America is still the wealthiest country in the world save for a couple small countries like Singapore. Many of the homeless here are veterans and mentally ill, even children. And the group that gained all the increase in wealth was the 1% or maybe it was the 1/2 of 1%? Our priorities have gotten screwed up and there are groups of Americans that are worried that if mom is getting food stamps and the kids have an ex box, maybe a gift, then kick her off food stamps they say.
Not only play stations, but I know many a not so well off person who is going to buy their bag of pot too before they pay the rent or their electric bill.
Yes and there was a king in the bible (I think) that said if they are saddened or burdened, then let them drink and be merry, so why was he saying that to his kingdom ? When people are down and out on their luck on life, then who are we to judge them for reacting in the ways that they do in respect to the bad situations that they find themselves in within their lives ? I know that there are some things in which we all don't agree with, nor do we understand, but we also don't understand as to why people are pushed into doing what they do in order to survive mentally in such dire situations that they find themselves in somehow in their lives. I think we should always seek to reform and help to lift people up and out of their stoopers in life, and if they are doing things that are illegal then get them help for that quickly as well also. We shouldn't use their issues to try and justify no help at all for them, because sooner or later they will have to be dealt with, and lets just hope that they are not totally distraught by then, or where as they have been placed in a corner where they feel totally trapped and without hope when that day comes. I agree that they shouldn't be doing drugs, and that is why I think random drug testing should be required by the state before any help checks are paid out to these people who are in need of help.

While we're at it, politicians should be given random drug and alcohol tests as well. They're sort of on the dole, only working a few days a year and spending the rest of the time raising money for their campaign funds. Dems as well as repubs.
5th post
A topic of the day is that the minimum wage should be raised because the "working poor" are so bad off that they can't get by without the gov't supplementing their wages.

If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage. How is government intervention needed in a case like that?

Maybe the X box was a gift?

"If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage."

not a gift in the case I am most concerned about but thanks for ignoring what you quoted.

Why do you guys give a fuck if someone has a Xbox or PlayStation?

tapatalk post

A topic of the day is that the minimum wage should be raised because the "working poor" are so bad off that they can't get by without the gov't supplementing their wages.

If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage. How is government intervention needed in a case like that?

in my opinion, no. If you can afford ANY extras.... then they dont need any help at all.

Time off luxury time, play time. Said minimum wage working poor....should get themselves a second or third job.

In 1968, my brother, working a minimum wage job, got his own apartment, bought a car and was taking classes part time at the local community college. Today you can't even afford an apartment on minimum wage. Why should income go up over 200% for the top 1% but decline for the lowest paid workers over the same period of time? Do you really think they are working less hard today than they were in 1968?
A topic of the day is that the minimum wage should be raised because the "working poor" are so bad off that they can't get by without the gov't supplementing their wages.

If they're able to buy extras like PlayStations then that pulls the pins out from under the argument that they aren't making a living wage. How is government intervention needed in a case like that?

in my opinion, no. If you can afford ANY extras.... then they dont need any help at all.

Time off luxury time, play time. Said minimum wage working poor....should get themselves a second or third job.

In 1968, my brother, working a minimum wage job, got his own apartment, bought a car and was taking classes part time at the local community college. Today you can't even afford an apartment on minimum wage. Why should income go up over 200% for the top 1% but decline for the lowest paid workers over the same period of time? Do you really think they are working less hard today than they were in 1968?

The dollar went much further back then. Currently, inflation is eating away at the value of the dollar. As far as affording the cost of living... I have roommates, (thankfully the most annoying one just moved out:eusa_whistle: ), and i would rather not deal with that. However, I could not afford the house i live in, the car i drive, utilities, insurance, food, etc. without them. None of us could. Many families are moving back together under the same roof. I have a friend who is moving in with his mom. He's not a bum or anything, but the cost of living is so high. People need to be willing to do what ever needs to be done--and it won't be comfortable. Such is life.
Why is the cost of living so high when wages have been so stagnant? What has been driving the inflation since it hasn't been wages?
10th post

I waver sometimes but when I think about how much cost of living has risen I mostly do support raising the minimum wage.

I just don't think much of arguments saying that someone should be able to support themselves and a family on the kind of part time jobs high school kids get after school.

I waver sometimes but when I think about how much cost of living has risen I mostly do support raising the minimum wage.

I just don't think much of arguments saying that someone should be able to support themselves and a family on the kind of part time jobs high school kids get after school.

I support calling it what it is. A form of welfare. That way there are no illusions. I'd much rather pay for the welfare than higher prices. The welfare can be somewhat controlled and people can be made to work for it when possible. Prices are a different animal altogether.
Why is the cost of living so high when wages have been so stagnant? What has been driving the inflation since it hasn't been wages?

Money with nothing backing its value. The fed just prints it by the barrel whenever they need more.
The private sector see's this printing of money or influx into the system, and they line up like wolves to a slaughter in order to get all that they can get of it. They (the private sector) raise the price of everything in order to get as much of it as they can, meanwhile we are killed in this situation by high prices and over taxation in so that they (the government) can just keep it all going. The private sector is culpable also wouldn't you say ? We the working class out here are the hammered ones.
Why is the cost of living so high when wages have been so stagnant? What has been driving the inflation since it hasn't been wages?

Quantitative easing - putting gov money into banking institutions in order to stimulate the economy (which of course only works when they lend it out ). The result of flooding the economy with fiat currency is devaluing said currency that is ultimately backed by nothing more than the "good faith" of the American government.

Quantitative easing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
15th post
All this thread for those poor who own an Xbox. How can a poor family owning a video game make one upset? Their quality of life is zero compared to those who scorn them? It seems those who harbor greed the most are the loudest squeakers. I have mine so why should someone who is poor have anything? I have never collected a dime of welfare or unemployment NOR do I care if some poor family has an XBOX. What a completely warped and SICK, yes SICK thread.
Why is the cost of living so high when wages have been so stagnant? What has been driving the inflation since it hasn't been wages?

Money with nothing backing its value. The fed just prints it by the barrel whenever they need more.
The private sector see's this printing of money or influx into the system, and they line up like wolves to a slaughter in order to get all that they can get of it. They (the private sector) raise the price of everything in order to get as much of it as they can, meanwhile we are killed in this situation by high prices and over taxation in so that they (the government) can just keep it all going. The private sector is culpable also wouldn't you say ? We the working class out here are the hammered ones.

Everyone is culpable. If people stopped letting commercials brainwash them then the prices would not go up. You have to exercise personal restraint which is sadly lacking in our society. Everything seems to be in excess. We are not taught the law that all farmers know. You plant (work), you tend (work more), then harvest (get paid for your efforts). Most of us were taught to go straight to harvest. Better yet we are taught we can just go to the store and buy it right away. I was a victim of it as well until someone sat me down and made me look at what I was doing.
All this thread for those poor who own an Xbox. How can a poor family owning a video game make one upset? Their quality of life is zero compared to those who scorn them? It seems those who harbor greed the most are the loudest squeakers. I have mine so why should someone who is poor have anything? I have never collected a dime of welfare or unemployment NOR do I care if some poor family has an XBOX. What a completely warped and SICK, yes SICK thread.

ever thing their quality of life would be better if they weren't wasting entitlement money and time on video games?

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