Microsoft Adopts WalMart Business Model - 18,000 to Lose Job

Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave.

B'loney. It's so amusing how you "Progressives" are actually Status Quo Reactionaries.

Microsoft bought Nokia, which was cratering. 12K of the jobs are related to that acquisition.

It would behoove you to realize that the world, including the economy, is dynamic. Somethings die and contract while other things grow and flourish. Artificial attempts (by do gooder government cronyists) to inhibit such natural changes only result in an inevitable Bigger Disaster.

Boy oh boy, you're really missing their point.

"Private business evil. Profits evil. Roads 'n bridges."

Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave.

B'loney. It's so amusing how you "Progressives" are actually Status Quo Reactionaries.

Microsoft bought Nokia, which was cratering. 12K of the jobs are related to that acquisition.

It would behoove you to realize that the world, including the economy, is dynamic. Somethings die and contract while other things grow and flourish. Artificial attempts (by do gooder government cronyists) to inhibit such natural changes only result in an inevitable Bigger Disaster.

So I guess you can't wait for the day where there is just one big corporation that builds everything, employs everyone (they want to) and runs the government.

After's the most "efficient" way to do things.

And the natural consequence of no holds bar capitalism.
"Corporate welfare" is nothing more than tax breaks. Most people call them deductions.
You want all that stopped? Easy. Just demand the new Senate that's seated in January make complete tax overhaul a top priority.
Eliminate ALL tax breaks. Eliminate any need for a Lois Lerner type position at the IRS. 90% of the pages in the 70,000 page tax code are deductions.
When we overhaul the tax code we can eliminate all corporate welfare too.

Sigh.... I know I'm dreaming. Because the left wants more taxes, while I want more tax payers paying lower taxes.
Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave.

B'loney. It's so amusing how you "Progressives" are actually Status Quo Reactionaries.

Microsoft bought Nokia, which was cratering. 12K of the jobs are related to that acquisition.

It would behoove you to realize that the world, including the economy, is dynamic. Somethings die and contract while other things grow and flourish. Artificial attempts (by do gooder government cronyists) to inhibit such natural changes only result in an inevitable Bigger Disaster.

So I guess you can't wait for the day where there is just one big corporation that builds everything, employs everyone (they want to) and runs the government.

After's the most "efficient" way to do things.

And the natural consequence of no holds bar capitalism.

Boy is your logic flawed.

I personally would love to see they day where the government got rid of corporate welfare, regulations and tax laws that favor Mega Corporatism and squash competition from smaller businesses. If you had any reading comprehension and retention SKILLZ, you'd know that about me by now.
"Corporate welfare" is nothing more than tax breaks. Most people call them deductions.
You want all that stopped? Easy. Just demand the new Senate that's seated in January make complete tax overhaul a top priority.
Eliminate ALL tax breaks. Eliminate any need for a Lois Lerner type position at the IRS. 90% of the pages in the 70,000 page tax code are deductions.
When we overhaul the tax code we can eliminate all corporate welfare too.

Sigh.... I know I'm dreaming. Because the left wants more taxes, while I want more tax payers paying lower taxes.

Wrong, corporate welfare is far more than favoritism in the tax code. Regulatory capture, single bid or rigged contracting processes are also forms of corporate welfare.
B'loney. It's so amusing how you "Progressives" are actually Status Quo Reactionaries.

Microsoft bought Nokia, which was cratering. 12K of the jobs are related to that acquisition.

It would behoove you to realize that the world, including the economy, is dynamic. Somethings die and contract while other things grow and flourish. Artificial attempts (by do gooder government cronyists) to inhibit such natural changes only result in an inevitable Bigger Disaster.

So I guess you can't wait for the day where there is just one big corporation that builds everything, employs everyone (they want to) and runs the government.

After's the most "efficient" way to do things.

And the natural consequence of no holds bar capitalism.

Boy is your logic flawed.

I personally would love to see they day where the government got rid of corporate welfare, regulations and tax laws that favor Mega Corporatism and squash competition from smaller businesses. If you had any reading comprehension and retention SKILLZ, you'd know that about me by now.

My logic isn't flawed at all.

Competition is not desired by all.

Which is why we have Mega Corporations in the first place.

And you claim to write articles in financial publications?
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"Corporate welfare" is nothing more than tax breaks. Most people call them deductions.
You want all that stopped? Easy. Just demand the new Senate that's seated in January make complete tax overhaul a top priority.
Eliminate ALL tax breaks. Eliminate any need for a Lois Lerner type position at the IRS. 90% of the pages in the 70,000 page tax code are deductions.
When we overhaul the tax code we can eliminate all corporate welfare too.

Sigh.... I know I'm dreaming. Because the left wants more taxes, while I want more tax payers paying lower taxes.

Wrong, corporate welfare is far more than favoritism in the tax code. Regulatory capture, single bid or rigged contracting processes are also forms of corporate welfare.

You missed subsidies and grants. Patent and copyright law. Trade agreements..
"Corporate welfare" is nothing more than tax breaks. Most people call them deductions.
You want all that stopped? Easy. Just demand the new Senate that's seated in January make complete tax overhaul a top priority.
Eliminate ALL tax breaks. Eliminate any need for a Lois Lerner type position at the IRS. 90% of the pages in the 70,000 page tax code are deductions.
When we overhaul the tax code we can eliminate all corporate welfare too.

Sigh.... I know I'm dreaming. Because the left wants more taxes, while I want more tax payers paying lower taxes.

Wrong, corporate welfare is far more than favoritism in the tax code. Regulatory capture, single bid or rigged contracting processes are also forms of corporate welfare.

You missed subsidies and grants. Patent and copyright law. Trade agreements..
Patent and copyright laws are corporate welfare? Wow, who knew??
Microsoft Adopts WalMart Business Model - 18,000 to Lose Job

does Walmart run Microsoft....? who knew...?

it's so predictable that a liberal-run company decision to cut 14% of its workforce somehow becomes the fault of a conservative-run company....the slimy liberal press strikes again....


Large corporations are like the three major airlines: When one of them does something, the others follow because they can. It's like honor among thieves. WalMart's initial business model of turning everyone into part-time employees, squeezing the life out of full-time employees and gradually offering lower and lower pay has spread to every business sector in this country.

I would bet that a group of you liberal/socialists could pool your resources, open a business, and with all your business savvy, could give Wal Mart a run for their money. You could hire full time workers, pay them well, provide them with healthcare and other benefits, and then feel real good about yourselves.

You could even buy quality products, made in America by union workers, and show the rest of us how easily it could be done. Right?

Or, you could stay in the nickel seats, and spew your ignorance of an obscure message board. People invest in a business to make money and provide a product or service that others wish to buy. They do not invest in business to provide jobs or benefits to others. If you do not like how they run their business, stay the hell away from it.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has an $18M a year salary package for a company worth $78B. Over the next year MS will layoff 18,000 so they can become more efficient. How so fucking nice. I suspect everyone else will either have stagnated salaries for the next few years and more than a few will get salary cuts. Those are the LUCKY ones.

"""Chief Executive Satya Nadella, who took over the role from Steve Ballmer more than five months ago, has been seeking to streamline the company's operations in order to focus more on developing technology to help people improve their lives and businesses run with more efficiency."""

Microsoft to Cut 18,000 Jobs
Software Giant Expects to Book Charge of $1.1 Billion to $1.6 Billion

Microsoft to Cut Up to 18,000 Jobs - WSJ

Owned by Bill Gates..One of the largest contributors to democrat candidates and liberal causes.
No matter what business MS goes into, they will fail.
Their jig is up.

Apple has kicked their ass with the iPhone and iPad. I'm a Mac ONLY person and have been for almost 10 years. Fifteen years ago MS had 96% of the market on personal computers. And they sucked back then, too.

How sour are those grapes.
Gates is a fellow lib who is looking out for the welfare of HIS business.
You libs are so predictable. One yours goes off the reservation and you expose your talons
Yeah, watching Bill Gates in front of Congress demanding more Foreign Labor really did sicken me. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers? Sounds real nice. This is another example of why Corporate Welfare needs to end. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. Corporatism is out of control in this country. This Government/Corporate Complex is crushing small businesses. There needs to be clear separation.

So you're in favor of liffing the cap on H1B visas, right?

Oh i think Bill Gates and Microsoft are doing just fine. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers is shameful. He's just got his hand out again. Corporate Welfare needs to end. Corporatism is killing the little guy.

The large Corporations can afford the ludicrous Government regulations, and are often handed sweet Tax-Break packages. But the small businesses can't afford it and aren't in bed with Government. They're being pushed out of existence. The large Corporations are just too cozy with Government. It's an ugly situation. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. No more handouts. This Government/Corporate Complex is only good for large Corporations and Government. We need to rethink it.

Conservatives have been telling you that for years. Excessive regulations, and overreaching government, harm small and emerging businesses and prevent effective competition to big business. That harms American workers, and harms the middle class. But, it makes politicians and their friends very wealthy and keeps the campaign cash rolling in.
Yeah, watching Bill Gates in front of Congress demanding more Foreign Labor really did sicken me. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers? Sounds real nice. This is another example of why Corporate Welfare needs to end. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. Corporatism is out of control in this country. This Government/Corporate Complex is crushing small businesses. There needs to be clear separation.

So you're in favor of liffing the cap on H1B visas, right?

Oh i think Bill Gates and Microsoft are doing just fine. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers is shameful. He's just got his hand out again. Corporate Welfare needs to end. Corporatism is killing the little guy.

The large Corporations can afford the ludicrous Government regulations, and are often handed sweet Tax-Break packages. But the small businesses can't afford it and aren't in bed with Government. They're being pushed out of existence. The large Corporations are just too cozy with Government. It's an ugly situation. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. No more handouts. This Government/Corporate Complex is only good for large Corporations and Government. We need to rethink it.

And the possibility of a portion of those laid off being foreign nationals is...?
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has an $18M a year salary package for a company worth $78B. Over the next year MS will layoff 18,000 so they can become more efficient. How so fucking nice. I suspect everyone else will either have stagnated salaries for the next few years and more than a few will get salary cuts. Those are the LUCKY ones.

"""Chief Executive Satya Nadella, who took over the role from Steve Ballmer more than five months ago, has been seeking to streamline the company's operations in order to focus more on developing technology to help people improve their lives and businesses run with more efficiency."""

Microsoft to Cut 18,000 Jobs
Software Giant Expects to Book Charge of $1.1 Billion to $1.6 Billion

Microsoft to Cut Up to 18,000 Jobs - WSJ

if you were honest you would have mentioned the actual reason. it was the acquisition of nokia. this happens all the time when a company acquires another company. jobs become redundant and the company must streamline.

apparently you think a company should simply pay people for redundant work.
So you're in favor of liffing the cap on H1B visas, right?

Oh i think Bill Gates and Microsoft are doing just fine. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers is shameful. He's just got his hand out again. Corporate Welfare needs to end. Corporatism is killing the little guy.

The large Corporations can afford the ludicrous Government regulations, and are often handed sweet Tax-Break packages. But the small businesses can't afford it and aren't in bed with Government. They're being pushed out of existence. The large Corporations are just too cozy with Government. It's an ugly situation. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. No more handouts. This Government/Corporate Complex is only good for large Corporations and Government. We need to rethink it.

And the possibility of a portion of those laid off being foreign nationals is...?

the cap on H1b visas hasn't been raised and MS is still laying off workers...

frankly i'd rather see more talented geeks enter the US than what's currently crossing our southern border....
Ole Gates could be gearing up for a future Government Bailout. Another 'Too Big To Fail' scam. Stay tuned.
So you're in favor of liffing the cap on H1B visas, right?

Oh i think Bill Gates and Microsoft are doing just fine. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers is shameful. He's just got his hand out again. Corporate Welfare needs to end. Corporatism is killing the little guy.

The large Corporations can afford the ludicrous Government regulations, and are often handed sweet Tax-Break packages. But the small businesses can't afford it and aren't in bed with Government. They're being pushed out of existence. The large Corporations are just too cozy with Government. It's an ugly situation. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. No more handouts. This Government/Corporate Complex is only good for large Corporations and Government. We need to rethink it.

Conservatives have been telling you that for years. Excessive regulations, and overreaching government, harm small and emerging businesses and prevent effective competition to big business. That harms American workers, and harms the middle class. But, it makes politicians and their friends very wealthy and keeps the campaign cash rolling in.

Unfortunately, it's the large Corporations themselves who push many of the regulations that harm small business. They know small businesses can't afford to comply. They've become way too cozy with Government. And they're always begging for handouts.

It's this merging of Corporation with Government that's crushing the little guy. We need to remove the Corporations from Government. Corporatism is a killer for the little guy. It's impossible for them to compete.
Oh i think Bill Gates and Microsoft are doing just fine. Demanding more Foreign Labor while laying off 18,000 Workers is shameful. He's just got his hand out again. Corporate Welfare needs to end. Corporatism is killing the little guy.

The large Corporations can afford the ludicrous Government regulations, and are often handed sweet Tax-Break packages. But the small businesses can't afford it and aren't in bed with Government. They're being pushed out of existence. The large Corporations are just too cozy with Government. It's an ugly situation. There needs to be a clear separation of Government and Corporation. No more handouts. This Government/Corporate Complex is only good for large Corporations and Government. We need to rethink it.

Conservatives have been telling you that for years. Excessive regulations, and overreaching government, harm small and emerging businesses and prevent effective competition to big business. That harms American workers, and harms the middle class. But, it makes politicians and their friends very wealthy and keeps the campaign cash rolling in.

Unfortunately, it's the large Corporations themselves who push many of the regulations that harm small business. They know small businesses can't afford to comply. They've become way too cozy with Government. And they're always begging for handouts.

It's this merging of Corporation with Government that's crushing the little guy. We need to remove the Corporations from Government. Corporatism is a killer for the little guy. It's impossible for them to compete.

Large corporations instituted the H1B visa system and set the caps in place? Rly, comrade?
Wrong, corporate welfare is far more than favoritism in the tax code. Regulatory capture, single bid or rigged contracting processes are also forms of corporate welfare.

You missed subsidies and grants. Patent and copyright law. Trade agreements..
Patent and copyright laws are corporate welfare? Wow, who knew??

Well yeah..they sure are.

Because it's in the Constitution doesn't mean it's "sacred".

Conservatives have been telling you that for years. Excessive regulations, and overreaching government, harm small and emerging businesses and prevent effective competition to big business. That harms American workers, and harms the middle class. But, it makes politicians and their friends very wealthy and keeps the campaign cash rolling in.

Unfortunately, it's the large Corporations themselves who push many of the regulations that harm small business. They know small businesses can't afford to comply. They've become way too cozy with Government. And they're always begging for handouts.

It's this merging of Corporation with Government that's crushing the little guy. We need to remove the Corporations from Government. Corporatism is a killer for the little guy. It's impossible for them to compete.

Large corporations instituted the H1B visa system and set the caps in place? Rly, comrade?

Point is, they need to stop whining and begging for handouts. Isn't crushing American Small Business enough for them? Sorry, but they can't have anymore handouts. Time for them to deal with it. Boo Hoo. :(

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