Mick Mulvaney calls trump Capitol mob comment "manifestly false."


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Of course it is. After all...he was the Liar in Chief for four years. He is still the Great Liar.

But he made $300,000,000 off the Big Lie!
He is on a road of direct conflict with the GOPQ. It will be fun to watch the battle for who gets the cult contributions....The Fat Man or the GOPQ?
‘Mick Mulvaney, who stepped down as Trump's special envoy to Northern Ireland after the insurrection, called Trump's comments that his supporters were "hugging and kissing" police officers and posed "zero threat," despite widespread violence, "manifestly false."’ ibid

Even when Trump’s own people call out Trump’s lies, Trump cult members will continue to reject the truth.

The Conservative Treehouse isn’t a reliable source. It’s just another lying right wing “questionable source”

From the above link

Authorities suggested for weeks in court hearings and papers that members of the far-right militia group plotted their attack in advance in an effort to block the peaceful transition of power. But prosecutors have since said it is not clear whether the group was targeting the Capitol before Jan. 6.

“The plan was to unlawfully stop the certification of the Electoral College vote … and the plan was to be prepared to use violence if necessary,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy said during a hearing this month. But the Oath Keepers “did not know precisely the way in which force and violence might be needed to support this plan,” she said. (read more)
From the above link

Well, snooze and lose. Poster "Lesh" is quicker on the keyboard than me.
His quote pull from the ConservativeTreehouse/Last Refuge link is exactly the quote I was gonna pull.
Already had it locked & loaded in a cut&paste......but alas. Was too slow on the draw.

More importantly, the quote from Last Refuge Illustrates that there really is a there there. Meaning, those JackassFatboy Patriots had 'intent' to stop the lawful and Constitutionally mandated count of the EC votes. 'Intent' is the key. Everything else is details. And 'place-holder' charges to stop them from fleeing or hiding evidence.

They may not have planned it well. They are, after all, a collection of society's losers and misfits, fueled only by white grievance and NOT knowledge of Constitutional or electoral law.

So they were inevitably gonna muck things up like they have so many other aspects of their lives. So whether they knew they were gonna break down doors and savagely beat the crap out of uniformed police that afternoon.....well, that'll be demonstrated. Or not.

Let the cake bake.
I wouldn't wanna be them.

*ps......Ah, 'Conservative Tree House'? 'The Last Refuge'?...........next will be InfoWars, UncleSam'sMisguidedChildren, Daily Stormer, and Greatawakening.win.
Study that quality journalism and opinion......and you too, can spear a cop with a flagpole.

All aboard this train................

The Conservative Treehouse isn’t a reliable source. It’s just another lying right wing “questionable source”


Ha ha, you are sooo lazy and prejudiced since the sources in the main links are based on left wing newspapers, Associated Press and Reuters.

That is why you are going to be late to the reality.
From the above link

Authorities suggested for weeks in court hearings and papers that members of the far-right militia group plotted their attack in advance in an effort to block the peaceful transition of power. But prosecutors have since said it is not clear whether the group was targeting the Capitol before Jan. 6.

“The plan was to unlawfully stop the certification of the Electoral College vote … and the plan was to be prepared to use violence if necessary,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy said during a hearing this month. But the Oath Keepers “did not know precisely the way in which force and violence might be needed to support this plan,” she said. (read more)

Glad you actually looked in the First link, but you left this part out:

"In one case, prosecutors declared in court documents in January there was “strong evidence” the pro-Trump mob aimed to “capture and assassinate elected officials.” The Justice Department quickly clarified it had no such evidence, blaming it on a miscommunication between prosecutors.

After she was pressed by a judge in a recent hearing, Rakoczy conceded authorities “do not have at this point someone explicitly saying, ‘our plan is to force entry into the Capitol in order to stop the certification,’” but cautioned that the investigation is ongoing.

“Part of the reason that there wasn’t necessarily as concrete a plan that one might expect is that they were waiting and watching to see what leadership did,” she said.

Just a month earlier, Rakoczy told the same judge there’s no other way to read the group’s messages about stationing a “quick reaction force” outside the city other than that they needed weapons available “in the event the activities at the Capitol went badly.”

“And those activities at the Capitol were a planned and very well-coordinated attack on the United States Capitol,” she said."


The Prosecutor is blabbing too much has to back off which hurts her credibility.
The REUTERS article (Second Link) you still haven't read:

"The department suffered another blow this week when U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta threatened to impose a gag order on prosecutors after Michael Sherwin, its former head prosecutor on the Capitol cases, told CBS’s “60 Minutes” program that evidence pointed toward sedition charges against some defendants.

A charge of sedition - meaning incitement of a rebellion - has not been brought against any of the more than 400 people arrested to date. The most serious charges have been assault, conspiracy and obstruction of Congress or law enforcement."


Justice Department credibility has been damaged.....

Lets drop the prejudice and partisanship, run with the evidence/facts instead more satisfying that way.
Of course it is. After all...he was the Liar in Chief for four years. He is still the Great Liar.
Seriously who do you think the protestors posed a threat to exactly?
I'm gonna start with the cop who was beaten with a flag pole with an American flag on it, and those cops who were sprayed with bear spray, and Mike Pence, since they built a gallows on the lawn and were chanting "hang Mike Pence"
Of course it is. After all...he was the Liar in Chief for four years. He is still the Great Liar.
Seriously who do you think the protestors posed a threat to exactly?
Maybe all those Capitol police officers wounded and the one killed. Maybe all the Congress critters who had to go hide. Just maybe.

The Conservative Treehouse isn’t a reliable source. It’s just another lying right wing “questionable source”


Ha ha, you are sooo lazy and prejudiced since the sources in the main links are based on left wing newspapers, Associated Press and Reuters.

That is why you are going to be late to the reality.
Sounds like you support the Jan 6th insurrection, murder of the Capitol policeman and all.

The Conservative Treehouse isn’t a reliable source. It’s just another lying right wing “questionable source”


Ha ha, you are sooo lazy and prejudiced since the sources in the main links are based on left wing newspapers, Associated Press and Reuters.

That is why you are going to be late to the reality.
Sounds like you support the Jan 6th insurrection, murder of the Capitol policeman and all.


Never have I stated I support the Capital violence there anywhere in the forum, it is first thing that people like you want to generate a bald faced lie.

The two LEFT WING newspapers are pointing out the overzealous statements being made that they now have to be walked back for several reasons explained in the articles you didn't read.

The Conservative Treehouse isn’t a reliable source. It’s just another lying right wing “questionable source”


Ha ha, you are sooo lazy and prejudiced since the sources in the main links are based on left wing newspapers, Associated Press and Reuters.

That is why you are going to be late to the reality.
Sounds like you support the Jan 6th insurrection, murder of the Capitol policeman and all.


Never have I stated I support the Capital violence there anywhere in the forum, it is first thing that people like you want to generate a bald faced lie.

The two LEFT WING newspapers are pointing out the overzealous statements being made that they now have to be walked back for several reasons explained in the articles you didn't read.
Big deal. You're trying to pretend that a couple of reporting mistakes, which have been corrected, means trump didn't instigate an attempted coup. The orange idiot, and ALL his supporters are traitors.

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