Michigan Republicans eviscerate Trump voter fraud claims in scathing report

"Trump's claim is an accusation of either treason or incompetence."
That is an excellent point, poster Surada.

Trump, Krakenpot, Rudy, et al, are, in essence, accusing more than 1,300 clerks of Michigan's townships, counties, precincts, that they are either incompetent or they are traitors.
"There were two claims of deceased individuals casting votes that were found to be true; one was a clerical error while the other was a timing issue," the report said. "The Committee concluded that none of these constituted fraudulent election activities or manipulations."

2 claims found to be true.
Out of millions


The Michigan Senate Republicans specifically debunked in their report:
  • Antrim's computers switched votes. The investigation found----no, they didn't.
  • There were more votes than voters. The investigation found ----no, there weren't.
  • All military ballots went to Biden. The investigation found -----no, they didn't.
  • Many voters who voted were dead. The investigation found ----- no, they weren't.
  • Wayne Counties numbers were fraudulent. The investigation found ---- no, they weren't.
I blame all the discontent on part of partisans after these past two elections on the generation that thought up idea of participation trophies.
When you have deep state operatives covering up voter fraud at the state level and in the US DOJ, it's almost impossible to prove cheating without an independent forensic audit. That's what every state needs
When you have dishonest rightists propagating the lie that there was ‘fraud’ and that the election was ‘stolen,’ we know for a fact that conservatives are engaged in a campaign to undermine the political process and destroy our democratic institutions.
There's little doubt that the R party is trying to find a way around Trump.

Trump's popularity is even questionable now on this clusterfuk!
I read your opening post, EvilEye.

Was curious, so I opened up the Detroit Free Press news site on today's news.

I found it remarkable that this Republican led committee recommended to the Secretary of State the need to investigate the possibility of criminal legal action against those spreading false information about Atrim County.

That caught my eye, as we had posters on this very chatroom promulgating those false stories about little Atrim county. I'm sure someone could do a quick 'search' here......and cut&paste some of the nutjobbery from posts here.

The Free Press reported this:

"The 55-page report debunks a number of unsubstantiated claims of election fraud and irregularities, including claims that dead people voted, that hundreds of thousands of unsolicited absentee ballots were sent to Michigan voters, that a machine error switched votes in Antrim County and that tabulators at the TCF Center in Detroit, where absentee ballots were counted, were connected to the internet, allowing outside parties to tamper with the results.

And the report calls on the attorney general's office to consider launching an investigation into those "utilizing misleading and false information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends." The attorney general's office will review the report and determine whether a criminal investigation is appropriate, the office's spokesperson, Lynsey Mukomel, told the Free Press."
Total croc of shit, Antrim County was peanuts compared to the shit that went down in the big cities.

Nothing went down except for voters voting and being counted.
Well...I guess this is the 'big' news that Trump faithful had been looking for?

The Republican-led Michigan Senate Oversight Committee rebutted voter fraud claims made by Donald Trump, debunking claims of malfeasance in the state's election last fall and affirming that Joe Biden was victorious, in a highly-anticipated report released Wednesday.
The report is the product of an eight-month inquiry and concludes there was no basis or evidence to support the Trump's repeated claims that the election results failed to reflect the will of the voters.
"As is often the case, the truth is not as attractive or as immediately desirable as the lies and the lies contain elements of truth," state Sen. Ed McBroom, the Republican chairman of the committee that investigated the election, said in a statement that accompanied the report. "We must all remember: 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof' and 'claiming to find something extraordinary requires first eliminating the ordinary.'"
The report, which was supported by every Republican on the committee, was clear: "This Committee found no evidence of widespread or systematic fraud in Michigan’s prosecution of the 2020 election."

McBroom said he feels confident the state's results were accurate following his review. He continues to offer support for Republican-led voting law changes. McBroom said many of the claims of malfeasance were the result of "a misunderstanding or an outright deception."

Biden won Michigan by 154,000 votes, a 3 percentage point victory over Trump.
Oh yes just hundreds of thousands of zero signature ballots rolled in at 3 am
T won Michigan

When you have deep state operatives covering up voter fraud at the state level and in the US DOJ, it's almost impossible to prove cheating without an independent forensic audit. That's what every state needs

Anyone who disagrees with you is deep state. You are so full of shit.
When you have deep state operatives covering up voter fraud at the state level and in the US DOJ, it's almost impossible to prove cheating without an independent forensic audit. That's what every state needs

Anyone who disagrees with you is deep state. You are so full of shit.
Nah, but most of them are supremely stupid. Defund police. Flood the country with illegal aliens without even testing them for COVID. Reward non workers more than hard workers. Free college for people who barely graduated from HS. And now your peeps are backing the communist party against the freedom fighters in Cuba. Yeah, you guys are a wealth of dumb ideas.
Michigan SOS Jacquelyn Benson has admitted she doesn't have the Dominion code she is supposed to have
in order to guarantee no one has been tampering with the system.

Who has it? She doesn't know.
"Or it could be an accurate statement from him."
An 'accurate claim'? That the 1,300'sh township and county clerks in Michigan are crooked or incompetent?

You are gonna hafta help the forum understand your suggestion that that is a valid claim.

Saddle up, Skippy.
"There were two claims of deceased individuals casting votes that were found to be true; one was a clerical error while the other was a timing issue," the report said. "The Committee concluded that none of these constituted fraudulent election activities or manipulations."

2 claims found to be true.
Out of millions


The Michigan Senate Republicans specifically debunked in their report:
  • Antrim's computers switched votes. The investigation found----no, they didn't.
  • There were more votes than voters. The investigation found ----no, there weren't.
  • All military ballots went to Biden. The investigation found -----no, they didn't.
  • Many voters who voted were dead. The investigation found ----- no, they weren't.
  • Wayne Counties numbers were fraudulent. The investigation found ---- no, they weren't.

That's pretty specific. I hope this farce is over soon.
I read your opening post, EvilEye.

Was curious, so I opened up the Detroit Free Press news site on today's news.

I found it remarkable that this Republican led committee recommended to the Secretary of State the need to investigate the possibility of criminal legal action against those spreading false information about Atrim County.

That caught my eye, as we had posters on this very chatroom promulgating those false stories about little Atrim county. I'm sure someone could do a quick 'search' here......and cut&paste some of the nutjobbery from posts here.

The Free Press reported this:

"The 55-page report debunks a number of unsubstantiated claims of election fraud and irregularities, including claims that dead people voted, that hundreds of thousands of unsolicited absentee ballots were sent to Michigan voters, that a machine error switched votes in Antrim County and that tabulators at the TCF Center in Detroit, where absentee ballots were counted, were connected to the internet, allowing outside parties to tamper with the results.

And the report calls on the attorney general's office to consider launching an investigation into those "utilizing misleading and false information about Antrim County to raise money or publicity for their own ends." The attorney general's office will review the report and determine whether a criminal investigation is appropriate, the office's spokesperson, Lynsey Mukomel, told the Free Press."
Total croc of shit, Antrim County was peanuts compared to the shit that went down in the big cities.
is "big cities" the code term for black citizens voting?

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