Michelle Defeats Hillary...Are The Russians To Blame?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary has lost again....so it has to be due to her opponent, Michelle Obama, illegally colluding with the Russians, right?


Michelle Obama Ends Hillary Clinton's Run as Most Admired

She didn't finish 1st, & no one gave it to her anyway.

Hillary didn't even finish 2nd.


"For the first time in 17 years, a woman other than Hillary Clinton has been named by Americans as the woman they admire most. Former first lady Michelle Obama, who finished second to Clinton three times and is currently touring to promote her recently released autobiography, won by a significant margin this year. Oprah Winfrey was second, with Clinton and Melania Trump next."

Are we now going to see 2 years of Mueller investigating Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey?

Hillary has lost again....so it has to be due to her opponent, Michelle Obama, illegally colluding with the Russians, right?


Michelle Obama Ends Hillary Clinton's Run as Most Admired

She didn't finish 1st, & no one gave it to her anyway.

Hillary didn't even finish 2nd.


"For the first time in 17 years, a woman other than Hillary Clinton has been named by Americans as the woman they admire most. Former first lady Michelle Obama, who finished second to Clinton three times and is currently touring to promote her recently released autobiography, won by a significant margin this year. Oprah Winfrey was second, with Clinton and Melania Trump next."

Are we now going to see 2 years of Mueller investigating Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey?


this is a flame thread and doesn't belong in POLITICS forum

this is a flame thread and doesn't belong in POLITICS forum

Why easyt65 why not put in in the Flame or Humor forums?

some of us are honest and will start a thread there
Wanted by the DNC for election fraud.

The DNC is wanted for election fraud...


Hillary, Donna Brazile, and the DNC, not the Russians, rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stacked the deck against Bernie, and Hillary still could not win the nomination. She still had to have it given to her.
There is as much evidence proving Michelle Obama illegally colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary as there is existing evidence that Trump did the same.

Where are the weeping snowflakes, the calls for lack of civility toward the Obamas, and for an increased violent intolerance until Hillary regains the title?

I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
There is as much evidence proving Michelle Obama illegally colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary as there is existing evidence that Trump did the same.

Where are the weeping snowflakes, the calls for lack of civility toward the Obamas, and for an increased violent intolerance until Hillary regains the title?

you do know Mueller's investigation and team has been baited and trolled and still has kept a professional aura .. no Tweets, no press conferences, no using the media as a sounding board to put forth scenarios and test the waters, or...

No one who matters has claimed yet, that Trump personally colluded with the Russians to do .... what is it you allude to?

Seriously, what is it you claim?

There has been collusion between Trump family member and Trump campaign officials, and Trump associates with Russian agents to interfere in our election process. We had Trump himself lying about the Trump Tower meetings and lying about his son.. and question is --- why would they all keep lying if there was nothing to hide? It's not one lie, two lies, three lies -- it's an avalanche of lies even YOU cannot deny
I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
not true. Do you not understand? It was before she was demonized for her presidential run

When she was a US Senator GOP pols were complimenting her and saying nice things.

The opposite question? Would that be who is most hated? Well one cannot be the most admired and most hated. D'Oh! You're not getting that Trump is disliked by most, and liked by many, but that would not make him most admired LOL

you really do not get it

President Obama and Hillary Clinton Named Most Admired Man, Woman in the World

By Melissa Chan
December 28, 2015
President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the most admired man and woman in the world in 2015, according to a new Gallup survey that shows Pope Francis and Donald Trump tied for second place.

Obama and Clinton top the poll this year by wide margins, with the Democratic presidential front-runner being named the most-admired woman for the 20th time with 13 percent, according to poll results released Monday. Obama earned 17 percent and has made the list now eight times.


The Brief Newsletter

Pope Francis and Trump tied for runner up with 5 percent each, followed by Bernie Sanders, Bill Gates, Ben Carson, the Dalai Lama and George W. Bush. On the women’s side, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai came in second. Oprah Winfrey, First Lady Michelle Obama, Carly Fiorina and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also made the list.

A random selection of 824 adults was surveyed for the poll this year by telephone between Dec. 2 and Dec. 6. The margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.


December 28, 2015
Clinton Most Admired Woman for Record 20th Time
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Americans again name Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama the woman and man living anywhere in the world they admire most. Both win by wide margins over the next-closest finishers, Malala Yousafzai for women and Pope Francis and Donald Trump for men. Clinton Most Admired Woman for Record 20th Time

This was before the tapes of Trump's disgusting behavior were made public
I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
not true. Do you not understand? It was before she was demonized for her presidential run

When she was a US Senator GOP pols were complimenting her and saying nice things.

The opposite question? Would that be who is most hated? Well one cannot be the most admired and most hated. D'Oh! You're not getting that Trump is disliked by most, and liked by many, but that would not make him most admired LOL

you really do not get it
no, you do not get it, The "most admired" may have like 15 % of the vote from the poll. The poll does't count the people that would least admire (or most hate) that same person. Note: I am not sure what the best antonym for "admired" is.

Also, Hilary has been hated by those on the right for a very long time.
I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
not true. Do you not understand? It was before she was demonized for her presidential run

When she was a US Senator GOP pols were complimenting her and saying nice things.

The opposite question? Would that be who is most hated? Well one cannot be the most admired and most hated. D'Oh! You're not getting that Trump is disliked by most, and liked by many, but that would not make him most admired LOL

you really do not get it
no, you do not get it, The "most admired" may have like 15 % of the vote from the poll. The poll does't count the people that would least admire (or most hate) that same person. Note: I am not sure what the best antonym for "admired" is.

Also, Hilary has been hated by those on the right for a very long time.
Ahh, so now you admit polls have some validity. Now look at the polls in question
I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
not true. Do you not understand? It was before she was demonized for her presidential run

When she was a US Senator GOP pols were complimenting her and saying nice things.

The opposite question? Would that be who is most hated? Well one cannot be the most admired and most hated. D'Oh! You're not getting that Trump is disliked by most, and liked by many, but that would not make him most admired LOL

you really do not get it
no, you do not get it, The "most admired" may have like 15 % of the vote from the poll. The poll does't count the people that would least admire (or most hate) that same person. Note: I am not sure what the best antonym for "admired" is.

Also, Hilary has been hated by those on the right for a very long time.
Ahh, so now you admit polls have some validity. Now look at the polls in question
Michelle O. is on top as most admired woman with 15% of the pole. But what percentage of those polled would "least admire" MO? This poll does not consider the other end of the spectrum.
I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
not true. Do you not understand? It was before she was demonized for her presidential run

When she was a US Senator GOP pols were complimenting her and saying nice things.

The opposite question? Would that be who is most hated? Well one cannot be the most admired and most hated. D'Oh! You're not getting that Trump is disliked by most, and liked by many, but that would not make him most admired LOL

you really do not get it
no, you do not get it, The "most admired" may have like 15 % of the vote from the poll. The poll does't count the people that would least admire (or most hate) that same person. Note: I am not sure what the best antonym for "admired" is.

Also, Hilary has been hated by those on the right for a very long time.
Ahh, so now you admit polls have some validity. Now look at the polls in question
Michelle O. is on top as most admired woman with 15% of the pole. But what percentage of those polled would "least admire" MO? This poll does not consider the other end of the spectrum.

in a dystopian hateful world you may be correct. But most of us could never get out f bed every day if we saw the world through your eyes.

seriously, give it a rest.
I always thought this to be a very stupid poll because it fails to consider the opposite question, who is the most hated. Back when Hillary was 1st for most admired woman, she probably would had also been 1st for most hated. Like Trump, she is a very polarizing figure.
not true. Do you not understand? It was before she was demonized for her presidential run

When she was a US Senator GOP pols were complimenting her and saying nice things.

The opposite question? Would that be who is most hated? Well one cannot be the most admired and most hated. D'Oh! You're not getting that Trump is disliked by most, and liked by many, but that would not make him most admired LOL

you really do not get it
no, you do not get it, The "most admired" may have like 15 % of the vote from the poll. The poll does't count the people that would least admire (or most hate) that same person. Note: I am not sure what the best antonym for "admired" is.

Also, Hilary has been hated by those on the right for a very long time.
Ahh, so now you admit polls have some validity. Now look at the polls in question
Michelle O. is on top as most admired woman with 15% of the pole. But what percentage of those polled would "least admire" MO? This poll does not consider the other end of the spectrum.

in a dystopian hateful world you may be correct. But most of us could never get out f bed every day if we saw the world through your eyes.

seriously, give it a rest.
How arrogant of you to tell me to "give it a rest". You give it a rest, I'm not tired.

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