Michael Cohen sentenced to three years in prison

He'll get out in 18 months on good behavior. That's what happens when you make deals with the devil
So we are supposed to blame the President for Cohen choosing to break laws? Are we suddenly supposed to feel sorry for Cohen, as if he is a 'victim'?

Bwuhahahaha. NO!

View attachment 234325

If he had been Hillary's lawyer he would never have been investigated in the 1st place..... :p

cohen was between a rock and a hard place
New York law mandates disbarment for any felony conviction.

That will hurt Cohen more than the prison term.

Not really. Even if he wasn't disbarred, the pathetic job he did for President Trump as a lawyer, even taping his own paying clients for extortion purposes destroyed his practice.

Time, IMHO, to put Cohen into solitary confinement maybe over at Florence with other liberal heroes like Unabomber and the Blind Sheikh.

Putin-Bot-G-5000 with more unimaginative copy and paste.

Here is one you would like better


Good grief, that's the thing, isn't it?
Just one long parade of projection.

This conversation was actually pretty good....

Then you showed up.
New York law mandates disbarment for any felony conviction.

That will hurt Cohen more than the prison term.

Not really. Even if he wasn't disbarred, the pathetic job he did for President Trump as a lawyer, even taping his own paying clients for extortion purposes destroyed his practice.

Time, IMHO, to put Cohen into solitary confinement maybe over at Florence with other liberal heroes like Unabomber and the Blind Sheikh.
Cohen goes down in flames with Michael Avenattis as the worst attorney ever only Avenatti still has his law license. So does Clinton, but then again, how in The FUCK are you so corrupt you get kicked off of the NIXON Investigation?
The closest Polish Prince will ever get to being Polish or a Prince is when he is the punchline of a Certain Ethnic Joke.
New York law mandates disbarment for any felony conviction.

That will hurt Cohen more than the prison term.

Not really. Even if he wasn't disbarred, the pathetic job he did for President Trump as a lawyer, even taping his own paying clients for extortion purposes destroyed his practice.

Time, IMHO, to put Cohen into solitary confinement maybe over at Florence with other liberal heroes like Unabomber and the Blind Sheikh.
Eh, Cohen's hardly the first lawyer Trump stiffed. But Cohen's future usefulness as any kind of employee seems pretty iffy. Would you want him as your apt's door man? With your keys? Would you trust him to put all the bar receipts in the till?
Lyin' Donald defended Slick Willy. They were golfing buddies. They also both spend time warding off the women they sexually assaulted. Comrades in arms.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob. I didn't hear anyone, especially Giuliani, whining about a "perjury trap" back then.

Trump suborned his attorney to violate the law.

Let's wait until Mueller is done with his investigation. Then we'll see what Crooked Donald has been up to all these years.

regardless what Mueller finds, do you actually believe these uneducated partisan pimples are smart enough to fully understand the outcome ?

What's to understand, dickweed ?

That Donald was crooked.

You find that surprizing......? Then you are the undeducated pimple (and what a tough guy you are hiding behind your keyboard).

We know he was crooked.

We also know Hillary is too.

And a whole lot of others.

Any, and I mean any, moron who thinks any of the top brass in D.C. are clean....are either really stupid or exceptionally stupid.
Meanwhile Crooked Hillary gets away with uranium one while colluding with Russia.
Speaking of meanwhile...
These reasons to replace Mueller are getting better and better.
There was never a reason to even appoint him. No Law Broken was able to be cited to justify the appointment of Herr Mueller.

Trump will rightfully fire his ass soon. I hope he does it live in front of the fake news too.
Outside of his fake TV "reality" show, Cowardly Donald has never had the balls to fire someone in person.

You really think that? Have you been hiding under Trump's desk again?
Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Do you really think if the public knew about the affairs with Stormy and that Playboy Bunny that he would not have won?
I don't think it would have mattered to anyone who voted for Trump. Honestly. Not one.
Eh, Cohen's hardly the first lawyer Trump stiffed.
LOL! Somehow we have gone from ....

'What do you call 10,000 Lawyers floating at the bottom of the ocean?
- 'A good start'



'Awww....the poor lawyer got taken advantage of by making the big-boy personal decision to commit crimes.'

When did we slip into some alternate universe? :p
Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!

You're delusional, Jake. Put down the "Trump has no path to the White Hose" crack pipe
Do you really think if the public knew about the affairs with Stormy and that Playboy Bunny that he would not have won?
I don't think it would have mattered to anyone who voted for Trump. Honestly. Not one.
You snowflakes attempting to tar and feather Trump for having an affair and paying the woman to go away - BEFORE HE RAN FOR PRESIDENT - are the same hypocritical pathetic loons who defended Bill Clinton's sticking a cigar up an intern's private regions and getting a hummer in the oval office WHILE PRESEIDENT...who also dropped his pants in front of a woman, told her to 'suck it', then years later - AS PRESIDENT - ended up paying her to go away - by insisting what Bill Clinton did on his own time was none of the American people's business!

Here's an idea. Don't fuck porn stars if you are married.

Trump would not be President today if he had not suborned his lickspittle lawyer to break the law for him. Trumpies are having a hard time dealing with this.

Trump's lucky Putin hacked the DNC for him, too.

The DNC email leaks and the bribery are what made Trump President today. That's what Making America Great Again looks like, kids!
Do you really think if the public knew about the affairs with Stormy and that Playboy Bunny that he would not have won?
I don't think it would have mattered to anyone who voted for Trump. Honestly. Not one.
They already knew about several #MeToo Bimbos that came out of the wood work when he was running. The MSM made sure of that. Even dredged up 15 year old recordings of locker room talk and jokes to try to take him down.. When that was failing, they switched to FAKE RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.

All the Bimbos during the campaign disappeared after just like Roy Moore's did.

Hillary Clinton was so odious the REAL voting Public turned out in droves to make sure she didn't get in to office, and now, no one turns out for her boring appearances.

After 2020 all the Russian Bullshit goes bye bye and a few FBI and DOJ Bureacrats are going to go to the Federal Pokey.

You mean to tell me that illegally colluding with the Russians to take down Hillary Clinton and steal an election that Trump did not deserve, thereby forging an unholy alliance between Putin and Trump, surely plunging the world into chaos and breaking the 1st seal to begin Armageddon, is only worth 3 years in federal prison?

:wtf: I thought it would have been worth at least 5 years.
It’s confirmed that these charges on Cohen have nothing to do with Trump. Jokes on the Trump haters celebrating lol

You mean to tell me that illegally colluding with the Russians to take down Hillary Clinton and steal an election that Trump did not deserve, thereby forging an unholy alliance between Putin and Trump, surely plunging the world into chaos and breaking the 1st seal to begin Armageddon, is only worth 3 years in federal prison?

:wtf: I thought it would have been worth at least 5 years.
Clinton should go to jail for at least 3 years for The Russian Dirty Dossier, for having her Russian Moles Kerry and McCain deliver it to The FBI and DOJ, and then having Obama's Marxist Sycophants Defraud The FISA Court and file False Affidavits 4 times so Obama and Clinton could listen in to Trump Campaign Meetings and try to cheat their way in to The White House, like they tried to cheat in The Primaries, and Cheat in The Debates.

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