Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law
By admin, on January 7th, 2011

While the United States engages in a faux struggle to comprehend the true intent of the 14th amendment, the Mexican Constitution is quite clear: Anchor babies belong to them no matter where they are born.

The argument of the open borders advocates is that anyone born on American soil instantly becomes an American citizen whether that birth occurred during a commission of a crime or not. In their world, a pregnant woman can cross into the United States illegally, give birth, and confer American citizenship on that child. If only that’s what the 14th amendment said. That’s not what it says at all.

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Mexico Claims Anchor Babies by Law « rjjrdq's America II
$6 Billion a Year for Mexican “Anchor Babies?” By: Andy Selepak | June 5, 2007

Another major flaw in the Senate immigration bill is the failure to repeal the provision that babies born to illegal aliens in the U.S. get automatic U.S. citizenship. This is known as birthright citizenship.

Birthright citizenship is one of the media’s powerful tools to advance the Senate immigration bill. The media use young children, even babies, as showpieces, arguing that if the government does not legalize, or grant amnesty to their parents, then these children will be left without mothers and fathers if their parents are deported. It’s one sob story after another.
$6 Billion a Year for Mexican “Anchor Babies?”
$6 Billion a Year for Mexican “Anchor Babies?” By: Andy Selepak | June 5, 2007

Another major flaw in the Senate immigration bill is the failure to repeal the provision that babies born to illegal aliens in the U.S. get automatic U.S. citizenship. This is known as birthright citizenship.

Birthright citizenship is one of the media’s powerful tools to advance the Senate immigration bill. The media use young children, even babies, as showpieces, arguing that if the government does not legalize, or grant amnesty to their parents, then these children will be left without mothers and fathers if their parents are deported. It’s one sob story after another.
$6 Billion a Year for Mexican “Anchor Babies?”

just for the record...there is no federal provision that confers citizenship. That is done by the 14th amendment[which is a Cosntitutional right, not a provision]. A constitutional amendment can not be recinded by a congresional act...

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States...
that includes the Congress
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What are "anchor babies"?

American born children of illegal aliens used to anchor them to this country. Sometimes referred as "jackpot babies."
The term is generally used as a pejorative reference to the supposed role of the child who automatically qualifies as an American citizen and can later act as a sponsor for other family members
What are "anchor babies"?

American born children of illegal aliens used to anchor them to this country. Sometimes referred as "jackpot babies."
The term is generally used as a pejorative reference to the supposed role of the child who automatically qualifies as an American citizen and can later act as a sponsor for other family members

Youre ok with it being a pejorative term?
If we enforced our borders and kicked illegals out then we wouldn't have an anchor baby problem.

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