mexicans are people too

i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
hitler blamed germany's problems on the jews, as trump is doing with mexicans. objectifying them and making them seem like they're what's wrong with america. and if you believe that they are, his propaganda has worked.
Except he hasn't.

Looks like you've blindly swallowed anti-Trump propaganda.
looks like you've blindly swallowed pro-trump propaganda
Thanks for proving you never watched Trump complete a full sentence.
i've watched full interviews with him, entire press conferences, the man is only capable of base-level populism.

before you get angry at me for using a big word you don't know, populism is the idea of saying whatever will make you look best to the public at that time.
Yeah, doing what's good for US citizens is base-level populism.
You are mentally ill.
slow down there buster brown, that's not what populism is. populism is saying what people want to hear, not acting upon what they believe. good try though.
Mexicans are just fine on their side of the border.
hey that's kinda messed up. they work their asses to get into america, when all you had to do was be born here. if anything, they're more patriotic than you. plus that's super racist and eugenist, saying that a group of people should stay away from another group of people.

If you call hiring a coyote and crossing the desert and entering the U.S. illegally working their ass off yeah.
ok cool you're trivializing the lives lost trying to come into this country.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
I know better than to ask you where you got this from. But in 35 years past in my life experience I've seen liberal democrats practically give over middle class jobs and sellout the middle class, THAT, BROTHER is the problem. Democrats are selling out, not representing.
i didn't get this from anywhere, because unlike conservatives and liberals, i'm able to formulate my own thoughts. also that doesn't really mean anything, "selling out the middle class". if you'd like to explain what you meant when you typed that, i'd love to hear it, but if you're just interested in defending a fascist, there's not really much point.

We got a live one here folks!!! :auiqs.jpg:
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
Mexicans make great citizens...of Mexico. Their kind is not needed here.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
Trump never said that "all" Mexicans are a problem. He did say that "some" of the people coming over our southern border are rapists, murderers and thieves, which via the various crimes being committed by illegal migrants and their arrests, makes the statement a valid one.
are you stupid? obviously he didn't say "all" mexicans are rapists, he's pinning blame on the group as a whole though. if i say black people are evil, but there are some good black people, guess what, that's still racist. it's still fascism to place the responsibility of all of the flaws in a country on a single group of people.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
hitler blamed germany's problems on the jews, as trump is doing with mexicans. objectifying them and making them seem like they're what's wrong with america. and if you believe that they are, his propaganda has worked.
Except he hasn't.

Looks like you've blindly swallowed anti-Trump propaganda.
looks like you've blindly swallowed pro-trump propaganda
Thanks for proving you never watched Trump complete a full sentence.
i've watched full interviews with him, entire press conferences, the man is only capable of base-level populism.

before you get angry at me for using a big word you don't know, populism is the idea of saying whatever will make you look best to the public at that time.
Yeah, doing what's good for US citizens is base-level populism.
You are mentally ill.
slow down there buster brown, that's not what populism is. populism is saying what people want to hear, not acting upon what they believe. good try though.
Except that both aligned.
Americans wanted US tax dollars for Americans and Americans wanted jobs and got them.

Every other R and D engages in populism.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
I know better than to ask you where you got this from. But in 35 years past in my life experience I've seen liberal democrats practically give over middle class jobs and sellout the middle class, THAT, BROTHER is the problem. Democrats are selling out, not representing.
i didn't get this from anywhere, because unlike conservatives and liberals, i'm able to formulate my own thoughts. also that doesn't really mean anything, "selling out the middle class". if you'd like to explain what you meant when you typed that, i'd love to hear it, but if you're just interested in defending a fascist, there's not really much point.

We got a live one here folks!!! :auiqs.jpg:
cool response to my argument! :yes_text12:
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
hitler blamed germany's problems on the jews, as trump is doing with mexicans. objectifying them and making them seem like they're what's wrong with america. and if you believe that they are, his propaganda has worked.
Except he hasn't.

Looks like you've blindly swallowed anti-Trump propaganda.
looks like you've blindly swallowed pro-trump propaganda
Thanks for proving you never watched Trump complete a full sentence.
i've watched full interviews with him, entire press conferences, the man is only capable of base-level populism.

before you get angry at me for using a big word you don't know, populism is the idea of saying whatever will make you look best to the public at that time.
Yeah, doing what's good for US citizens is base-level populism.
You are mentally ill.
slow down there buster brown, that's not what populism is. populism is saying what people want to hear, not acting upon what they believe. good try though.
Except that both aligned.
Americans wanted US tax dollars for Americans and Americans wanted jobs and got them.

Every other R and D engages in populism.
ok? i'm allowed to (and do) think that both parties are completely fucked, it's just that i respect despise trump far more than i do biden, for a multitude of reasons, only few of which derive from populism. and if you're gonna sit here and try to say that biden is nearly as much of a populist as trump, you're just wrong. biden actually has a backbone, where trump flip flops on every single issue the moment that people start to think negatively about him.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
Mexicans make great citizens...of Mexico. Their kind is not needed here.
you're a fascist and a eugenist then. look up what those words mean before you start to wet your pants over being called mean names though.
Mexicans are just fine on their side of the border.
hey that's kinda messed up. they work their asses to get into america, when all you had to do was be born here. if anything, they're more patriotic than you. plus that's super racist and eugenist, saying that a group of people should stay away from another group of people.

If you call hiring a coyote and crossing the desert and entering the U.S. illegally working their ass off yeah.
ok cool you're trivializing the lives lost trying to come into this country.

Don't give a rats ass about a criminal dying in the process of committing a crime.
I have a Chinese sister in law who had no trouble at all coming here legally.

Why does LAPD most wanted look like this
ok cool, the mexican border is far more clogged, much like your brain. seriously grandma, go away, you're not funny to laugh at anymore
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
I know better than to ask you where you got this from. But in 35 years past in my life experience I've seen liberal democrats practically give over middle class jobs and sellout the middle class, THAT, BROTHER is the problem. Democrats are selling out, not representing.
i didn't get this from anywhere, because unlike conservatives and liberals, i'm able to formulate my own thoughts. also that doesn't really mean anything, "selling out the middle class". if you'd like to explain what you meant when you typed that, I'd love to hear it, but if you're just interested in defending a fascist, there's not really much point.
I actually have seen how liberal democrats sell out to cheap Mexican labor. People with money, whatever party. Since the early 90's I've seen middle class working jobs lost to...people of questionable immigration status. Its cheaper to replace American labor with foreign laborers and destroy unions, and call it nicy nice diversity. It's a handy lie and that's what liberals do best.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
I know better than to ask you where you got this from. But in 35 years past in my life experience I've seen liberal democrats practically give over middle class jobs and sellout the middle class, THAT, BROTHER is the problem. Democrats are selling out, not representing.
i didn't get this from anywhere, because unlike conservatives and liberals, i'm able to formulate my own thoughts. also that doesn't really mean anything, "selling out the middle class". if you'd like to explain what you meant when you typed that, i'd love to hear it, but if you're just interested in defending a fascist, there's not really much point.

We got a live one here folks!!! :auiqs.jpg:
cool response to my argument! :yes_text12:

You dont have an argument.
Mexicans are just fine on their side of the border.
hey that's kinda messed up. they work their asses to get into america, when all you had to do was be born here. if anything, they're more patriotic than you. plus that's super racist and eugenist, saying that a group of people should stay away from another group of people.

If you call hiring a coyote and crossing the desert and entering the U.S. illegally working their ass off yeah.
ok cool you're trivializing the lives lost trying to come into this country.

Don't give a rats ass about a criminal dying in the process of committing a crime.
committing a crime by seeking a better life? by trying to come into the "greatest country in the world"? that seems pretty damn patriotic to me, risking your entire life just to be able to raise your kids in america.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
I know better than to ask you where you got this from. But in 35 years past in my life experience I've seen liberal democrats practically give over middle class jobs and sellout the middle class, THAT, BROTHER is the problem. Democrats are selling out, not representing.
i didn't get this from anywhere, because unlike conservatives and liberals, i'm able to formulate my own thoughts. also that doesn't really mean anything, "selling out the middle class". if you'd like to explain what you meant when you typed that, I'd love to hear it, but if you're just interested in defending a fascist, there's not really much point.
I actually have seen how liberal democrats sell out to cheap Mexican labor. People with money, whatever party. Since the early 90's I've seen middle class working jobs lost to...people of questionable immigrants. Its cheaper to replace American labor with foreign laborers and destroy unions, and call it nicy nice diversity. Its lie and that's what liberals do best.
i agree that liberals are liars, but you need to realize why these people are willing to work for such low wages. it has to do less with "death to america" and more with it being the only way they can raise their kids in a place where they can succeed.
Mexicans are just fine on their side of the border.
hey that's kinda messed up. they work their asses to get into america, when all you had to do was be born here. if anything, they're more patriotic than you. plus that's super racist and eugenist, saying that a group of people should stay away from another group of people.

If you call hiring a coyote and crossing the desert and entering the U.S. illegally working their ass off yeah.
ok cool you're trivializing the lives lost trying to come into this country.

Don't give a rats ass about a criminal dying in the process of committing a crime.
committing a crime by seeking a better life? by trying to come into the "greatest country in the world"? that seems pretty damn patriotic to me, risking your entire life just to be able to raise your kids in america.

No country in the world has open borders demwit.
And for good reason.
i think the fact that trump is blaming mexicans for all of the country's problems is kinda messed up. reminds me of hitler. pretty bad guy all around, but that's a thing that bugs me.
hitler blamed germany's [sic] problems on the jews [sic], as trump is doing with mexicans [sic]. .....

Mexicans are Jewish? That's weird.

Well there was Juan Epstein, the guy on "Welcome Back Cotter."

Mexicans are just fine on their side of the border.
hey that's kinda messed up. they work their asses to get into america, when all you had to do was be born here. if anything, they're more patriotic than you. plus that's super racist and eugenist, saying that a group of people should stay away from another group of people.

If you call hiring a coyote and crossing the desert and entering the U.S. illegally working their ass off yeah.
ok cool you're trivializing the lives lost trying to come into this country.

It is sad.

Sad choice.

However, nobody held a gun to their head and forced them to to do any of that darling.
I have lived around Mexicans my entire adult life. I have an entire Mexican wing of my own family. For the most part they are the thieves, murderers, rapists and drug dealers that we were warned about. Both rapists of people and animals.
In that case, I'll stick with the Cubans and Colombians.
Cubans aren't so bad. Colombians are vicious. That's why they make such stellar gang bangers.
jesus christ [sic]ok, how about you take a break from the internet ...

Do you really think Jesus spends a lot of time on the internet?
i used jesus christ as an expression of disgust toward her racism

Are you calling Jesus Christ a racist? That’s not cool.

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