Merrill says The Supreme Court was asleep at the wheel. They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Merrill says The Supreme Court was asleep at the wheel. They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????

So where do we go from here?

Today, I am urging the Biden Administration to implement a Plan B immediately to cancel student debt for tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to pay the rent, put food on the table, and pay for the basic necessities of life.

Despite this legally unsound Supreme Court decision, the President has the clear authority under the Higher Education Act of 1965 to cancel student debt. He must use this authority immediately.
Earlier today, the Supreme Court voted to overturn a Biden Administration program forgiving up to $20,000 of student debt per-person in this country.

In my view, this decision is not only deeply flawed legally but it is way out of touch with where the American people are. Student debt forgiveness has the support of the majority of people in this country, and for good reason.

Now, I would love to tell you that the Supreme Court is an impartial judicial institution whose decisions are above politics. That was perhaps once true, but it is certainly not the case any more.

Remember. Thirteen years ago, in the disastrous Citizens United decision, this Supreme Court ruled that billionaires can legally buy elections. And now, the Supreme Court has made it clear that they will continue doing everything possible to protect the big money interests against the needs of struggling working families.

Bernie Sanders
C.U. was the correct ruling. Being as there is no link here, I'm not sure what we are actually discussing.
Merrill says The Supreme Court was asleep at the wheel. They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????

So where do we go from here?

Today, I am urging the Biden Administration to implement a Plan B immediately to cancel student debt for tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to pay the rent, put food on the table, and pay for the basic necessities of life.

Despite this legally unsound Supreme Court decision, the President has the clear authority under the Higher Education Act of 1965 to cancel student debt. He must use this authority immediately.
Earlier today, the Supreme Court voted to overturn a Biden Administration program forgiving up to $20,000 of student debt per-person in this country.

In my view, this decision is not only deeply flawed legally but it is way out of touch with where the American people are. Student debt forgiveness has the support of the majority of people in this country, and for good reason.

Now, I would love to tell you that the Supreme Court is an impartial judicial institution whose decisions are above politics. That was perhaps once true, but it is certainly not the case any more.

Remember. Thirteen years ago, in the disastrous Citizens United decision, this Supreme Court ruled that billionaires can legally buy elections. And now, the Supreme Court has made it clear that they will continue doing everything possible to protect the big money interests against the needs of struggling working families.

Bernie Sanders
This illustrates the brain rot of the Left.

The Left has no interest in the Constitutionality of the attempt to have the President spend billions of tax dollars via and Executive edict, unless it is when Trump wants to unilaterally spend the money for a border wall as Trump wanted. Then all of a sudden, they care about the Constitution and the fact that the President does not have the power of the purse, rather, it belongs to Congress. Nor does it address why only those with student debt are being given any type of financial relief considering those with college degrees should be more apt to pay off any debt they have rather than poor folk.

Instead, Leftists point to the fact that all these students want their debt paid that they agreed to pay off. Then all of a sudden, public consensus on an issue overrides any concern about the Constitution, unless the public opinion does not line up with a Leftist agenda. For example, public opinion is that Joe Biden is the worst President in US history, as no other President in US history has had lower approval numbers. Then all of a sudden, public consensus can all go to hell as Leftists shove Diaper boy out to be reelected without so much as a debate within the party to replace him.

Shove it up your rump.
If we pay off these student loans ... is that fair to people who have already paid off their loans ...

The problem isn't how deep the debt is ... but how lazy the debtors are ... do we punish those that work hard and met their financial obligations? ...
If we pay off these student loans ... is that fair to people who have already paid off their loans ...

Was it fair for businesses that didn't get money when Tom Brady got a million dollars for his business?

The problem isn't how deep the debt is ... but how lazy the debtors are ... do we punish those that work hard and met their financial obligations? ...

All depends on your politics and who is doing it whether it upsets you or not.
If we pay off these student loans ... is that fair to people who have already paid off their loans ...

The problem isn't how deep the debt is ... but how lazy the debtors are ... do we punish those that work hard and met their financial obligations? ...
Yes, we punish them by spending irresponsibly, causing inflation to make what money they do have and do make worth less every day.

Inflation is the harshest of taxes on the poor, which the Left cares NOTHING about!!!
Yes, we punish them by spending irresponsibly, causing inflation to make what money they do have and do make worth less every day.

Inflation is the harshest of taxes on the poor, which the Left cares NOTHING about!!!

What do you suppose negative interest rates would have done?
Merrill says The Supreme Court was asleep at the wheel. They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????

So where do we go from here?

Today, I am urging the Biden Administration to implement a Plan B immediately to cancel student debt for tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to pay the rent, put food on the table, and pay for the basic necessities of life.

Despite this legally unsound Supreme Court decision, the President has the clear authority under the Higher Education Act of 1965 to cancel student debt. He must use this authority immediately.
Earlier today, the Supreme Court voted to overturn a Biden Administration program forgiving up to $20,000 of student debt per-person in this country.

In my view, this decision is not only deeply flawed legally but it is way out of touch with where the American people are. Student debt forgiveness has the support of the majority of people in this country, and for good reason.

Now, I would love to tell you that the Supreme Court is an impartial judicial institution whose decisions are above politics. That was perhaps once true, but it is certainly not the case any more.

Remember. Thirteen years ago, in the disastrous Citizens United decision, this Supreme Court ruled that billionaires can legally buy elections. And now, the Supreme Court has made it clear that they will continue doing everything possible to protect the big money interests against the needs of struggling working families.

Bernie Sanders

They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????​

They did not forget. The Billionaires that have quietly, lavishly backed Justices of the Supreme Court, simply do not want it overturned.

They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????​

They did not forget. The Billionaires that have quietly, lavishly backed Justices of the Supreme Court, simply do not want it overturned.

Billionaires did not bring the lawsuit. Groups as diverse as the ACLU, NARAL and the NRA did.
Was it fair for businesses that didn't get money when Tom Brady got a million dollars for his business?

I don't know Tom Brady ... is he loaning or borrowing student loans ... do you know what "federally guarantied loan" is? ...

Republicans control the House .. no one gets any money without their permission ...

They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????​

They did not forget. The Billionaires that have quietly, lavishly backed Justices of the Supreme Court, simply do not want it overturned.
Leftist governments and the woke corporations around the globe are as ONE as they will all usher in the New World Order.


They had the chance to overturn Citizens United and forgot to do it???????​

They did not forget. The Billionaires that have quietly, lavishly backed Justices of the Supreme Court, simply do not want it overturned.

You mean Congress? ... no, Congress doesn't want Citizens United overturned, this is a major source of income for them ... watch an Eddie Murphy movie called The Distinguished Gentleman ... that's all still true, just with more zeros after the dollar sign ...

Most Americans dream of being a billionaire ... why would they want the prevlidges of billionairehood diminished? ...
What do you suppose negative interest rates would have done?

The drive seems to be to crash they system so that globalists can transition to digital currency, which will probably be handled by the IMF to eradicate national sovereignty around the world once and for all.
You mean Congress? ... no, Congress doesn't want Citizens United overturned, this is a major source of income for them ... watch an Eddie Murphy movie called The Distinguished Gentleman ... that's all still true, just with more zeros after the dollar sign ...

Most Americans dream of being a billionaire ... why would they want the prevlidges of billionairehood diminished? ...

Congress could have voted to limit what they can accept. They did not do that. They voted to limit how much people outside of the parties could participate.

The drive seems to be to crash they system so that globalists can transition to digital currency, which will probably be handled by the IMF to eradicate national sovereignty around the world once and for all.

Negative interest rates would have crushed people's savings. I have a feeling you know that.
Billionaires did not bring the lawsuit. Groups as diverse as the ACLU, NARAL and the NRA did.
That does not make it good law. Corporations are not citizens.
If we pay off these student loans ... is that fair to people who have already paid off their loans ...

The problem isn't how deep the debt is ... but how lazy the debtors are ... do we punish those that work hard and met their financial obligations? ...
[A few thousand is unforgivable, but millions as in the cases of many of those listed below......Forgiving is a blessing:]

"Republican members of Congress whose PPP loans were forgiven," read an Aug. 24 Instagram post that listed the names of 13 members of Congress, including Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.. Alongside each name was a federal loan figure in the thousands or millions of dollars that had supposedly been canceled under that pandemic-era program.

The list is a screenshot from Twitter of a tweet made by the Center for American Progress Action, a left-leaning public policy think tank. The organization was responding to a post from the House Judiciary GOP’s Twitter account that said, "If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Period."

(full article online)

There is NO law. No such law exists.
Oh, I get it. Your argument in favor of Citizens United Ruling by the Supreme Court is that it doesn't exist. Er, uh, what?
Congress could have voted to limit what they can accept.

HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ... Congress voting away from money ... well, Republicans control the House ... have they sent a bill over to the Senate limiting campaign contributions? ... do you think the Senate will ever vote for a justice who wants to stop the flow of money? ...

Look at Thomas ... justice for a price ...

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