Men Of All Ages Find Mid-20's Women Attractive

Sex-differences in parental investment and in age-related fertility variations are expected to have shaped the sexual strategies for both sexes. To investigate sex-differences in sexual interest and sexual activity as a function of both the respondents’ and the objects’ age, we gathered observations from a population-based sample of 12,656 Finns. We found that women are interested in same-aged to somewhat older men and that this pattern displays itself across the measured life-span and that men show a tendency to be sexually interested in women in their mid-twenties. This tendency was also notable when the men themselves were younger or older than this age. Moreover, we found that sexual activity more closely mimics women’s than men’s sexual interest. We conclude that women show larger developmental plasticity than men with regard to the desired object’s age and that men’s heterosexual activity likely is constrained by female choice.
1st post

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.​
The Finns? The freaking Finns probably find walruses attractive.
Feminism is simply about having choices, nothing more and nothing less. Of course women should have correct medical information when it comes to having babies. But they shouldn't be told to start at 16 or risk being a spinster for life.

Recall Princeton Mom?

"Think about it," she writes in the piece, entitled "A Little Valentine's Day Straight Talk."

"If you spend the first 10 years out of college focused entirely on building your career, when you finally get around to looking for a husband you'll be in your 30s, competing with women in their 20s. That's not a competition in which you're likely to fare well."

But the sage advice doesn't stop there. "If you want to have children, your biological clock will be ticking loud enough to ward off any potential suitors," she warns. "Don't let it get to that point."
The feminist hordes went nutso on her, so please, no one is buying the notion that feminism is about choices.

I don't recall her. It doesn't look like she was offering "sage advice." It looks like she was giving an updated version of the speech that education shrinks a woman's uterus, "career" is a form of penis envy, and men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses.
Remember someone in this thread tried to pass off the notion that Feminism focused on choices, well how can young women make choices when they only encounter the feminist argument?

Women marry across or up and they tend to marry same age or older. Men marry across or down and tend to marry same age or younger. Usually. The exceptions to these rules don't erase the consequences which do arise.

Start with a pool of 1,000 same age women and a 1,000 same age men. The highest quality women who want to get married young have their pick of same age men who want to get married young. Of those men, the women will tend to chose the most eligible which could also include buying "growth stocks" where women are gambling on male success early and locking in the gains at bargain rates. These women can also select from older men. Step down through the quality levels and we're left with women and men who don't want to get married.

Advance forward another year and repeat. Keep repeating every year but now the rate of men marrying begins to increase because the men are increasing in their accomplishments, becoming better marriage material, and they can look for younger women and draw from that pool.

At some point women begin noticing "Where are all the good men?" They're off the market or they're single and have their pick of women and the woman is not enough of a catch to get him off the market. The higher the status of the woman and the older she becomes, the smaller her pool of eligible men becomes. For the men in that pool, the high quality men that these women would marry, their pool is actually expanding as their status allows them to dive deeper into the pool of younger women who will engage in a trade of higher status (desired) in exchange for older age (not desired if too large), hence the trophy wives.

This process is called the marriage squeeze. High quality women and low quality men become squeezed out of the marriage market. A loser of a man finds it tougher going as he gets older. If a young woman wants to date a loser, better to date a younger loser than an older loser.

Check this data. In 2001, a 25-29 year old woman had a 47.3% chance of getting married. Of those women that remained, they'd constitute the 30-34 year old women in 2006 and this group now faced a 24.1% chance of being married within the next 5 years.


So much for feminism giving women a choice when that "old sage" advice is buried and taboo.

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.​
The Finns? The freaking Finns probably find walruses attractive.
And hot 20 year old girls. Don't forget the hot 20 year old girls. If given a choice between walruses and hot 20 year old girls, I think Finnish men would choose the hot 20 year old girls and save the walruses for a rainy day.
I admit that I'm not up on my feminist-lingo and I don't know what that means. When I read the phrase "Authentic Self" my mind just substitutes "stupid shit" and I move on in the paragraph. Am I missing something that "stupid shit" doesn't cover?

Authentic self = that thing they are looking for when they abandon their families to go 'find' themselves.
5th post
A man who thinks that a woman in her 30's, 40's, or 50's can't be sexy cannot really be taken seriously as a thinker or a Man. It is likely they cower at the thought of being out performed sexually and prefer to prey on the unskilled 20 somethings.

There is nothing wrong with bedding a 20 y/o, nor is there anything wrong with teaching them a few things about pleasing themselves or the men they are with. If one has the time for that sort of thing. Personally, I need someone who is at least intellectually as mature as I am or it feels to much like having sex with kid.
I admit that I'm not up on my feminist-lingo and I don't know what that means. When I read the phrase "Authentic Self" my mind just substitutes "stupid shit" and I move on in the paragraph. Am I missing something that "stupid shit" doesn't cover?

Authentic self = that thing they are looking for when they abandon their families to go 'find' themselves.
No, authentic self = to lazy to be bothered with caring for themselves.
A man who thinks that a woman in her 30's, 40's, or 50's can't be sexy cannot really be taken seriously as a thinker or a Man. It is likely they cower at the thought of being out performed sexually and prefer to prey on the unskilled 20 somethings.

There is nothing wrong with bedding a 20 y/o, nor is there anything wrong with teaching them a few things about pleasing themselves or the men they are with. If one has the time for that sort of thing. Personally, I need someone who is at least intellectually as mature as I am or it feels to much like having sex with kid.

Nice white knighting effort. Parsimony suggests that men like 20 year old women over 50 year old women because of the youthfulness of face and body, a less jaded personality, a more fun and adventurous attitude and a number of other reasons, which is why young women garner so much attention from men and why older women essentially become invisible. Don't feed me this bullshit line, OK. Reality is what it is.

This white knighting phenomenon is very interesting to observe for I don't see a parallel white damseling phenomenon from women where they try to come to the defense of ambitionless, dope-smoking man-children who women don't seem to like, who are as invisible to women as senior women are to men, and try to shame women for declaring that they much prefer men with careers, interesting lives, status, money, intellect. I'd love to see a white damsel tell women who want these high status men that they'd probably cower at the thought of being out-performed sexually by a nerd who've been book-studying female sexuality his entire life just waiting for the opportunity to sneak a real life women (not a sex-doll) into his parent's basement.

You guys are hilarious.

A man who thinks that a woman in her 30's, 40's, or 50's can't be sexy cannot really be taken seriously as a thinker or a Man. It is likely they cower at the thought of being out performed sexually and prefer to prey on the unskilled 20 somethings.

There is nothing wrong with bedding a 20 y/o, nor is there anything wrong with teaching them a few things about pleasing themselves or the men they are with. If one has the time for that sort of thing. Personally, I need someone who is at least intellectually as mature as I am or it feels to much like having sex with kid.

Nice white knighting effort. Parsimony suggests that men like 20 year old women over 50 year old women because of the youthfulness of face and body, a less jaded personality, a more fun and adventurous attitude and a number of other reasons, which is why young women garner so much attention from men and why older women essentially become invisible. Don't feed me this bullshit line, OK. Reality is what it is.

This white knighting phenomenon is very interesting to observe for I don't see a parallel white damseling phenomenon from women where they try to come to the defense of ambitionless, dope-smoking man-children who women don't seem to like, who are as invisible to women as senior women are to men, and try to shame women for declaring that they much prefer men with careers, interesting lives, status, money, intellect. I'd love to see a white damsel tell women who want these high status men that they'd probably cower at the thought of being out-performed sexually by a nerd who've been book-studying female sexuality his entire life just waiting for the opportunity to sneak a real life women (not a sex-doll) into his parent's basement.

You guys are hilarious.

White knight? What?

Do you drink heavily?
Feminism is simply about having choices, nothing more and nothing less. Of course women should have correct medical information when it comes to having babies. But they shouldn't be told to start at 16 or risk being a spinster for life.

Recall Princeton Mom?

"Think about it," she writes in the piece, entitled "A Little Valentine's Day Straight Talk."

"If you spend the first 10 years out of college focused entirely on building your career, when you finally get around to looking for a husband you'll be in your 30s, competing with women in their 20s. That's not a competition in which you're likely to fare well."

But the sage advice doesn't stop there. "If you want to have children, your biological clock will be ticking loud enough to ward off any potential suitors," she warns. "Don't let it get to that point."
The feminist hordes went nutso on her, so please, no one is buying the notion that feminism is about choices.

I don't recall her. It doesn't look like she was offering "sage advice." It looks like she was giving an updated version of the speech that education shrinks a woman's uterus, "career" is a form of penis envy, and men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses.
Remember someone in this thread tried to pass off the notion that Feminism focused on choices, well how can young women make choices when they only encounter the feminist argument?

Women marry across or up and they tend to marry same age or older. Men marry across or down and tend to marry same age or younger. Usually. The exceptions to these rules don't erase the consequences which do arise.

Start with a pool of 1,000 same age women and a 1,000 same age men. The highest quality women who want to get married young have their pick of same age men who want to get married young. Of those men, the women will tend to chose the most eligible which could also include buying "growth stocks" where women are gambling on male success early and locking in the gains at bargain rates. These women can also select from older men. Step down through the quality levels and we're left with women and men who don't want to get married.

Advance forward another year and repeat. Keep repeating every year but now the rate of men marrying begins to increase because the men are increasing in their accomplishments, becoming better marriage material, and they can look for younger women and draw from that pool.

At some point women begin noticing "Where are all the good men?" They're off the market or they're single and have their pick of women and the woman is not enough of a catch to get him off the market. The higher the status of the woman and the older she becomes, the smaller her pool of eligible men becomes. For the men in that pool, the high quality men that these women would marry, their pool is actually expanding as their status allows them to dive deeper into the pool of younger women who will engage in a trade of higher status (desired) in exchange for older age (not desired if too large), hence the trophy wives.

This process is called the marriage squeeze. High quality women and low quality men become squeezed out of the marriage market. A loser of a man finds it tougher going as he gets older. If a young woman wants to date a loser, better to date a younger loser than an older loser.

Check this data. In 2001, a 25-29 year old woman had a 47.3% chance of getting married. Of those women that remained, they'd constitute the 30-34 year old women in 2006 and this group now faced a 24.1% chance of being married within the next 5 years.


So much for feminism giving women a choice when that "old sage" advice is buried and taboo.

Again, how is anyone being silenced? Your Princeton Mom clearly found a way to give this advice, since you so easily found her opinion. Some others didn't appreciate it, some found her advice dated and reactionary.

Feminism is about choices.
10th post
Men past 50 who ain't rich and connected are INVISIBLE to young women unless they're hookers. Of course young women are more attractive to men of all ages....perky tits, tight snatch, gullible,....what more can a fella ask for? :eusa_angel:
Kind of a no-brainer topic. Males of the species human are sexually stimulated by the visual, hence the enjoyment of looking at women in their twenties. There's nothing wrong in daydreaming over the likes of Jennifer Lawrence, Mila Kunis, Scarlet Johanssen, et cetera.
Every man who wants peace in his life has to remain silent when he hears his wife's single friends telling each other that 35 is the new 25 or that they're hotter at 35 than they were at 25. I never hear guys saying that their hair is thicker at 35 than at 25 or that they're fitter at 35 than they were at 25. What they do say though is that they're more attractive, which is true.

I used to work with a woman who made men walk into walls...she was in her 40's and a grandmother. Had she sent photos to Playboy, she would have gotten a response.

She was a hell of a mechanic, too, and drove a beautiful Datsun Z-car.

Straight men of all ages tend to have their romantic sights set on women in their mid-twenties, while women prefer men who are about the same age as they are, according to a new study.

The survey out Friday, financed by the government-backed research funding group Academy of Finland, gathered data on 12,000 Finns and found that women, on average, are looking for partners who are about their age or slightly older. But men across the age spectrum have a sexual preference for women in their mid-20s. This remains true for men of all ages—men in their early-20s or younger are attracted to women older than themselves and older men are attracted to younger women.​
Younger women make men feel younger, as they age. Pretty simple. They need and enjoy the stimulus, then graduate to blue pills. Men who like long hair on women is for the same reason. It makes the man feel younger.

I have always had a preference for older men. :thup:

I have liked long hair on a woman as long as I can remember. (I'm talking junior high school here.)

Fortunately, my wife also likes long hair...hers has been past her waist since she was ten years old. It's her usual length now...if not pinned up, it comes to about her knees. She used to wear it longer...she had almost 18" trimmed off a few years ago.

I just wish I hadn't wasted half an hour shaving every morning for nine years before she told me she liked beards. :(

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