Melting of Greenland's ice sheets accelerates dramatically

Sure, the climate always has been changing.

No proof that man is the MAJOR driving cause though. Records go back thousands of years that is was much warmer and much cooler at different periods. We all know this. It fluctuates.

Blah blah blah.

It's better to mitigate than fall for global governance.
Even at the current rate, it would take centuries for all of the Greenland ice sheet to melt. There will be enough, however, to have significant negative consequences within our lifetimes.
Even at the current rate, it would take centuries for all of the Greenland ice sheet to melt. There will be enough, however, to have significant negative consequences within our lifetimes.
You must live down south.

Negative for you perhaps.

It is frickin' freezing out today.

I can't wait for some globalized warmin'!
Sure, the climate always has been changing.

No proof that man is the MAJOR driving cause though. Records go back thousands of years that is was much warmer and much cooler at different periods. We all know this. It fluctuates.

Blah blah blah.

It's better to mitigate than fall for global governance.

If you'd like to see the evidence that the world is warming at an unprecedented RATE and that human activities are the primary cause, please visit "The Physical Science Basis" by Working Group I of the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report. It may located at

It has been warmer in the past. However, that temperature peak took place at less than 1/30th the current rate of warming.

Your last line "better to mitigate than fall for global governance", sounds to be goggledygook. Perhaps you didn't type what you intended.

Yeah, and the melting ice is revealing the remains of Viking settlements from 1000 years ago, before they built their own SUV's and caused an ice age.

Or some bullshit.

Stupid fucking communist MMGW zealots....
Pray tell, for what does the MM in MMGW stand?

Oh wait. "Man-Made"? Couldn't handle "anthropogenic"? What a maroon. And a stupid fucking nazi.
Sure, the climate always has been changing.

No proof that man is the MAJOR driving cause though. Records go back thousands of years that is was much warmer and much cooler at different periods. We all know this. It fluctuates.

Blah blah blah.

It's better to mitigate than fall for global governance.

If you'd like to see the evidence that the world is warming at an unprecedented RATE and that human activities are the primary cause, please visit "The Physical Science Basis" by Working Group I of the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report. It may located at

It has been warmer in the past. However, that temperature peak took place at less than 1/30th the current rate of warming.

Your last line "better to mitigate than fall for global governance", sounds to be goggledygook. Perhaps you didn't type what you intended.

. . . and I am sure the link you sent me, from my POV, in my paradigm, would also sound like, "goggledygook." I've already looked into it, I'm well versed in the science, and the political motivations of the stake holders.

Folks that understood what I typed knew exactly what I meant. Either you are just a concerned citizen and have no idea what interest groups are, and really don't know, or you are a stake holder being coy. Either way, further discussion on this point is useless.
About that rate. Haven't scientists found large animals freeze dried in place around 12,000 years ago? To me, that's rapid change

Yeah, and the melting ice is revealing the remains of Viking settlements from 1000 years ago, before they built their own SUV's and caused an ice age.

Or some bullshit.

Stupid fucking communist MMGW zealots....

the believers would rather remain willfully ignorant to further the agenda

then admit to such
Omg ice melts!
dude, they don't understand that ice can melt at below freezing temperatures. The radiation from the sun is unaffected by the surrounding temps.

It's been below freezing here in Chi-town and the snow is still melting. hey leftists, how is that possible?

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