Meet Obama’s Foreign Policy Brain: Zbigniew Brzezinski


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2007

Aidan Monaghan
911 Blogger
February 20, 2008

Obama foreign policy advisor sanctioned creation and support of militant Islam tied to al-Qaeda

Apparent Democratic party presidential front-runner and supposed anti-war candidate Barack Obama has obtained the endorsement of and foreign policy advice of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who once endorsed the creation and support of militant Islamic forces in Afghanistan, that were directed by accused 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden. Brzezinski has admitted to the provocation of a Soviet-Afghan war that claimed the lives of 1 million people in Afghanistan during the 1980’s. Brzezinski also sanctioned the support of a southeast Asian regime that claimed the lives of up to 2 million during the 1970’s, through execution, starvation and forced labor.

Brzezinski is confirmed to be an Obama advisor:…

From the History Commons:

In an interview, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter’s National Security Adviser, admits that it was US policy to support radical Islamists to undermine Russia. He admits that US covert action drew Russia into starting the Afghan war in 1979. Asked if he has regrets about this, he responds, “Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.” Then he is asked if he regrets “having given arms and advice to future terrorists,” and he responds, “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” The interviewer then says, “Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.” But Brzezinski responds, “Nonsense! It is said that the West had a global policy in regard to Islam. That is stupid. There isn’t a global Islam….” [Le Nouvel Observateur (Paris), 1/15/1998]…

The decade long Soviet war with Afghanistan endorsed by Brzezinski resulted in the deaths of 1 million Afghans.

Radicalization of Afghans, endorsed by Brzezinski, fell under the direction of accused 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden.

From the History Commons:

Osama bin Laden begins providing financial, organizational, and engineering aid for the mujaheddin in Afghanistan, with the advice and support of the Saudi royal family. [New Yorker, 11/5/2001]

Brzezinski also endorsed covert Chinese aid to Cambodia’s Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge regime that was responsible for the deaths of up to 2 million in Cambodia through execution, starvation and forced labor.

From Wikipedia:

The executed were buried in mass graves. In order to save ammunition, the executions were often carried out using hammers, axe handles, spades or sharpened bamboo sticks. Some victims were required to dig their own graves; their weakness often meant that they were unable to dig very deep.

From the History Commons:

China and the US sustain the Khmer Rouge with overt and covert aid in an effort to destabilize Cambodia’s Vietnam-backed government. With US backing, China supplies the Khmer Rouge with direct military aid. Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser during the administration of President Carter, will later acknowledge, “I encouraged the Chinese to support Pol Pot…. Pol Pot was an abomination. We could never support him, but China could.”…

Obama has threatened to expand the U.S. lead ‘war on terror’, into Pakistan:

Pakistan is located in central Asia, a region of great interest to Zbigniew Brzezinski for decades.

From the History Commons:

October 1997: Brzezinski Highlights the Importance of Central Asia to Achieving World Domination

Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski publishes a book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, in which he portrays the Eurasian landmass as the key to world power, and Central Asia with its vast oil reserves as the key to domination of Eurasia. He states that for the US to maintain its global primacy, it must prevent any possible adversary from controlling that region. He notes: “The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent. The public supported America’s engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.” He predicts that because of popular resistance to US military expansionism, his ambitious Central Asian strategy can not be implemented, “except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.” [Brzezinski, 1997, pp. 24-25, 210-11] The book also theorizes that the US could be attacked by Afghan terrorists, precipitating a US invasion of Afghanistan, and that the US may eventually seek control of Iran as a key strategic element in the US’s attempt to exert its influence in Central Asia and the Middle East. [Brzezinski, 1997]
I have been concerned for some time that B.O. "looking forward" was actually looking back to the dark days of the Carter administration, now I'm certain of it--only this time, the stakes are much higher.

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