Media Bites It!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Never forget how powerful the Left is...not because of the rectitude of their ideas (conservatives eat their lunch in debate), but because they control the means of dissemination of information.
They can report what they wish, and not report that which opposes their narrative.

Sometimes they get caught.

1. "Multiple Outlets Retract Stories on Trump-Admin Child Deportations that Relied on Obama-Era Data

2. Multiple news outlets on Tuesday retracted articles indicating that the Trump administration currently holds over 100,000 illegal immigrant children in detention, after it became clear that the statistic reflected child detentions in 2015 when Barack Obama was president.

3. The United Nations released a report on Monday claiming that 100,000 children were being held in U.S. immigration detention facilities, but the report’s author, human-rights lawyer Manfred Nowak, then clarified to the Associated Press that 2015 was the latest year for which Nowak’s team could find data.

4. “Reuters decided to withdraw its story after the United Nations issued a statement on November 19 saying the number of children in detention was not current but was for the year 2015,” a spokesman for Reuters told the Daily Caller. Reuters deleted the story entirely, without putting up a replacement, and NPR promised to update its story in light of the correction.

5. Reports from the Associated Press, Reuters, NPR, and Al Jazeera all misrepresented Nowak’s data as representative of current detention levels."
Multiple Outlets Retract Stories on Trump Admin Child Deportations that Relied on Obama-Era Data | National Review

Wait......does this mean the Left/Liberals/Democrats will no longer be reporting that Obama is god, Jesus, and the messiah?

Wha...what....are their simpleton supporters to believe???????
"...Reuters and AFP deleted their stories after the U.N. clarified the numbers were from 2015, when former President Barack Obama was in office. AFP did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why it no longer felt the numbers were newsworthy after being informed they were from 2015.

NPR retracted its entire story at 6:53 p.m. Eastern time, issuing a notice that it would be posting another story with “more complete information.”

“We have temporarily withdrawn this story because the study’s author has acknowledged a significant error in the data. We will post a revised article with more complete information as soon as possible,” NPR’s page reads.

Aljazeera updated its article, which is now headlined “UN expert corrects claims on children in US migration.” The article notes that the data is from the Obama administration, but a large portion of it is still dedicated to scrutinizing illegal immigration under Trump.

NPR and Aljazeera did not immediately responded to a request for comment from the DCNF."
Outlets Scramble To Retract After Realizing UN Report Cites Record Child Detention Under Obama Instead Of Trump

Oh,man.....Trump is the best at ridiculing the Democrats....

When their media allies got caught ....with this:


Trump sent out this:

The @DNCWarRoom slammed Joe Biden's "disgusting," "white nationalist"-driven detention of 100,000 migrant children in violation of international law. Sounds pretty bad @JoeBiden!

"...Reuters and AFP deleted their stories after the U.N. clarified the numbers were from 2015, when former President Barack Obama was in office. AFP did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why it no longer felt the numbers were newsworthy after being informed they were from 2015.

NPR retracted its entire story at 6:53 p.m. Eastern time, issuing a notice that it would be posting another story with “more complete information.”

“We have temporarily withdrawn this story because the study’s author has acknowledged a significant error in the data. We will post a revised article with more complete information as soon as possible,” NPR’s page reads.

Aljazeera updated its article, which is now headlined “UN expert corrects claims on children in US migration.” The article notes that the data is from the Obama administration, but a large portion of it is still dedicated to scrutinizing illegal immigration under Trump.

NPR and Aljazeera did not immediately responded to a request for comment from the DCNF."
Outlets Scramble To Retract After Realizing UN Report Cites Record Child Detention Under Obama Instead Of Trump
Ya know who has NEVER had to retract anything because it was always true? Assange/wikileaks. So he had to go away. And Snowden. And Manning. America can't handle the truth.
Oh,man.....Trump is the best at ridiculing the Democrats....

When their media allies got caught ....with this:


Trump sent out this:

The @DNCWarRoom slammed Joe Biden's "disgusting," "white nationalist"-driven detention of 100,000 migrant children in violation of international law. Sounds pretty bad @JoeBiden!

Yes, it's always been bipartisan, this is why all american voters have is "well you guys are worse than we are so there!".
I don't get it...isn't there one person in the MSM that is offended at the one sided reports and out right lying? there no one with integrity at CNN....MSNBC...ABC...CBS...NBC...PBS...are they all lying liberals?...if so something must be done to change that....Fairness in hiring rules may need to be foisted upon them....
I don't get it...isn't there one person in the MSM that is offended at the one sided reports and out right lying? there no one with integrity at CNN....MSNBC...ABC...CBS...NBC...PBS...are they all lying liberals?...if so something must be done to change that....Fairness in hiring rules may need to be foisted upon them....

Pres.Trump doesn't just rub their lying lefty faces in the dirt.

First he bitch slaps them, knocks them down to the ground, and stomps them into a quivering mass. ... :thup: . :lol: :lol:
He is a New Yorker to his bones. You come after him, you better be ready to get a whole more coming back at you.
"...Reuters and AFP deleted their stories after the U.N. clarified the numbers were from 2015, when former President Barack Obama was in office. AFP did not immediately respond to a request for comment on why it no longer felt the numbers were newsworthy after being informed they were from 2015.

NPR retracted its entire story at 6:53 p.m. Eastern time, issuing a notice that it would be posting another story with “more complete information.”

“We have temporarily withdrawn this story because the study’s author has acknowledged a significant error in the data. We will post a revised article with more complete information as soon as possible,” NPR’s page reads.

Aljazeera updated its article, which is now headlined “UN expert corrects claims on children in US migration.” The article notes that the data is from the Obama administration, but a large portion of it is still dedicated to scrutinizing illegal immigration under Trump.

NPR and Aljazeera did not immediately responded to a request for comment from the DCNF."
Outlets Scramble To Retract After Realizing UN Report Cites Record Child Detention Under Obama Instead Of Trump
Ya know who has NEVER had to retract anything because it was always true? Assange/wikileaks. So he had to go away. And Snowden. And Manning. America can't handle the truth.

Do you want some cheese with that whine.

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"BREAKING: White House Involved In Stunning Plot Of Murder And Bribery --- UPDATE: Never Mind. It Was During The Obama Administration. Deleting.
November 22nd, 2019

U.S.—New documents have revealed the greatest presidential scandal in the history of our nation -- maybe even the world. The documents, obtained from a whistleblower, show that the White House was behind a series of murders of state and local officials and certain businessmen, all as part of a scheme to cover up bribes received by the president himself from such countries as Iran and North Korea.

This should not only lead to President Donald Trump being impeached but also to his arrest and perhaps his execution for treason. We will give you further details as they emerge.

UPDATE: On further analysis of the documents, the events in question actually took place in 2015 when Barack Obama was president. Since this doesn’t involve Trump and instead is just on some minor issue with Obama (who probably knew what he was doing), we’re just going to go ahead and delete this completely irrelevant story and replace it with analysis of the latest Trump tweet. Can you believe what he just said?"
BREAKING: White House Involved In Stunning Plot Of Murder And Bribery --- UPDATE: Never Mind. It Was During The Obama Administration. Deleting.

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