Meanwhile, back in the POTUS race, Gov. Romney has hired a new PR Person


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Michele Davis, the spin doctor for BP after their oil well began polluting the Gulf a few years back has been hired to start the bailing out the Romney Campaign whose ship is obviously taking on water.

The Story is on Yahoo:

The Romney campaign is hiring a corporate public relations specialist to help guide their response to questions about the candidate's time in the private sector with Bain Capital, Buzzfeed's Ben Smith reports.
Michele Davis, currently with the D.C.-based Brunswick Group, has a long and colorful résumé Democrats are sure to seize on if and when she begins to publicly defend Romney's work in private equity.

Critics have already begun to ask why it was necessary to hire anyone - let alone one of the country's most respected P.R. people - to push back against attacks Romney aides insist have done nothing to hurt their cause.

"I think it's very odd and unlikely to solve their problem," said one Beltway Republican.
Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul has not responded to a request for comment on the hire.

Davis's time in Washington has taken her from Capitol Hill, where she worked with then Speaker Newt Gingrich to craft the 1994 "Contract With America," to Fannie Mae, where she worked as a "vice president for regulatory policy" during a period of time when regulators eventually reported that the mortgage financing giant had been engaged in "extensive financial fraud."

After Fannie Mae, Davis joined up with then Treasury chief Hank Paulson just in time to help push through and defend the 2008 bank bailouts.
"The secretary doesn't do anything without talking to Michele," an "insider" told New York magazine that fall. "She's in every meeting Paulson goes to, and she tells him how to sell the bailout to the public."

She was also, according to a Bloomberg report, present for a secretive meeting in July 2008, when Paulson told a number of financial executives that Fannie Mae, Davis's old employer, and Freddie Mac were likely to be effectively taken over by the government.

Davis left Treasury after the 2008 elections to join the private Brunswick firm, where, AdAge explained, she took on yet another touchy cause: Defending BP as it tried in vein to staunch the flow of oil from its busted Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico.

It wasn't the first time Davis had been tasked with quelling an angry public. In 2005, during the Iraq War, she was appointed deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and global outreach by the Bush White House. That role was to have its place within the administration's working group called Team Charged With Winning Muslim Hearts And Minds.

This may be what the fledgling campaign needs to have a respectable showing on 11/6 and not get it's doors blown off.
Do you liberals look at the threads, there is already one....I noted how the feds also hired Graham Spanier, pedo protector.......
Romney is running against a sitting president who is presiding over an economy that continues to have an unemployment rate of over 8%, the yearly deficit is over $1 trillion, and there is really no upside that can be seen, and yet Romney is trailing. Yes, if I were Romney I would be worried. What it tells me is that Romney is just way off course and way off message. People are not buying the bullshit he is trying to sell. Seriously folks, if Romney had a positive message that people were buying, he'd be up 20 points in the polls. Romney has blown this on so many levels and I don't think he has a chance to find his way back because he has painted himself into a corner, and the more he sticks to his message, the worse it will get for him. Obama is going to have the opportunity to eat him alive in the debates. I'm not sure if Obama has it in him to do it, but if he does, not only is Romney going to get beaten badly, but the Republicans will probably lose the House too.
Romney is running against a sitting president who is presiding over an economy that continues to have an unemployment rate of over 8%, the yearly deficit is over $1 trillion, and there is really no upside that can be seen, and yet Romney is trailing. Yes, if I were Romney I would be worried. What it tells me is that Romney is just way off course and way off message. People are not buying the bullshit he is trying to sell. Seriously folks, if Romney had a positive message that people were buying, he'd be up 20 points in the polls. Romney has blown this on so many levels and I don't think he has a chance to find his way back because he has painted himself into a corner, and the more he sticks to his message, the worse it will get for him. Obama is going to have the opportunity to eat him alive in the debates. I'm not sure if Obama has it in him to do it, but if he does, not only is Romney going to get beaten badly, but the Republicans will probably lose the House too.

Seriously? Obama has his staff folding all kinds of napkins right now. Rmoney has provided him with so much material that he'll be pounded every time he opens his mouth.

IMO, the only chance Rmoney has right now is to completely divest all financial info and stop the bleeding if he can. If he wants to have any chance at all, he has to show that he really isn't a slimy corporate shark and that we can all trust him to act in our best interests.

I don't see it - but it could happen...
Romney is running against a sitting president who is presiding over an economy that continues to have an unemployment rate of over 8%, the yearly deficit is over $1 trillion, and there is really no upside that can be seen, and yet Romney is trailing. Yes, if I were Romney I would be worried. What it tells me is that Romney is just way off course and way off message. People are not buying the bullshit he is trying to sell. Seriously folks, if Romney had a positive message that people were buying, he'd be up 20 points in the polls. Romney has blown this on so many levels and I don't think he has a chance to find his way back because he has painted himself into a corner, and the more he sticks to his message, the worse it will get for him. Obama is going to have the opportunity to eat him alive in the debates. I'm not sure if Obama has it in him to do it, but if he does, not only is Romney going to get beaten badly, but the Republicans will probably lose the House too.

All of what you said is right but I think it goes deeper than that. The phrase I would use is, "It's not Romney, it's the thought of Romney."
So nothing from the USMB Right Wingnut Brigade in either thread about this, huh?

You guys sound like a group of Kevin Bacon's insisting all is well when you say that Romney is going to win.
Mitt needs a better PR guy that's for damned sure.

He's looking like a selfish prick right now.
Romney is running against a sitting president who is presiding over an economy that continues to have an unemployment rate of over 8%, the yearly deficit is over $1 trillion, and there is really no upside that can be seen, and yet Romney is trailing. Yes, if I were Romney I would be worried. What it tells me is that Romney is just way off course and way off message. People are not buying the bullshit he is trying to sell. Seriously folks, if Romney had a positive message that people were buying, he'd be up 20 points in the polls. Romney has blown this on so many levels and I don't think he has a chance to find his way back because he has painted himself into a corner, and the more he sticks to his message, the worse it will get for him. Obama is going to have the opportunity to eat him alive in the debates. I'm not sure if Obama has it in him to do it, but if he does, not only is Romney going to get beaten badly, but the Republicans will probably lose the House too.


I think there are several problems here.

The first is that the country really does trend more Democratic now. The Democratic candidate has increased is total number of votes in every election since 1980, while the Republicans have fits and starts. (Sometimes they gain, sometimes they lose- fits and starts.) The GOP has to start cutting into the Democratic constiuencies instead of alienating them. Blacks, Hispanics, Union folks may not be happy with Obama and even disappointed with him, but they know that their lot is going to get worse under Romney.

A telling sign. Even without a race on the Democratic side, the number of people participating in Republican primaries in 2012 was less than 2008. Despite all the Tea Party hype, there has not been a massive influx of Republican Party membership.

The Second problem is of course, Romney himself. He was simply is not a good candidate. He wasn't a good candidate in 2008 when he lost to McCain and Huckabee despite outspending them by massive amounts, including 43 million of his own money. So did he improve since 2008? Nope. The alternatives were just worse. Perry was unprepared, Cain was kind of personally sleazy, Newt had a bunch of baggage, Bachman was nuts, and Rick Santorum was simply a "none of the above" candidate.

As you say, he should be way ahead, given circumstances, and he isn't.

The third problem, which the GOP is unwilling to address, is that the electoral college system drastically favors the Democrats and has since 1992. The states the Democrats have taken consistently in the last five election- all now leaning Obama according to RCP - constitute 242 electoral votes. Throw in New Mexico and it's 5 EV's (Republicans only carried it once since 1992) and Obama is already at 247, just 23 short of what he needs. So while Romney has to compete everywhere, all Obama has to do to win is pinpoint his message in a few key states for the win. And this only gets worse for the GOP in the future, as Hispanic growth will probably tip Texas and Arizona into the Blue column by 2020.
Thank God for this decision by Romney.............too McCain like recently. Too appologetic and walking back from things he ought not too. Needs some of that Donald Trump moxie and he'll never look back..........

Romney's situation in this campaign is like having a big old pumpkin on a tee and he's got a bat in his hand.

Batter up...........
Thank God for this decision by Romney.............too McCain like recently. Too appologetic and walking back from things he ought not too. Needs some of that Donald Trump moxie and he'll never look back..........

Romney's situation in this campaign is like having a big old pumpkin on a tee and he's got a bat in his hand.
Batter up...........

At this point, I think he's just looking for a way to stop the President's momentum. Michele has no history of being a hatchet-man or I guess hatchet-woman. She's damage control, a spin doctor, someone to stop the bleeding; not hit the other guy.

If you're looking for Karl Rove, you've got the wrong woman there.

Any mitigation of the disaster that is the Romney Campaign will be welcomed by the Governor, I'm sure. I think he knows he's circling the drain. Otherwise a blind squirrel would know it was time to get on the offensive back in May.
Michele Davis, the spin doctor for BP after their oil well began polluting the Gulf a few years back has been hired to start the bailing out the Romney Campaign whose ship is obviously taking on water.

Hey numbnuts - Romney hasn't even fucking warmed up yet.

He's gonna crucify the man-child in the debates.

Bring tissue.

Lots of it.
Romney is running against a sitting president who is presiding over an economy that continues to have an unemployment rate of over 8%, the yearly deficit is over $1 trillion, and there is really no upside that can be seen, and yet Romney is trailing. Yes, if I were Romney I would be worried. What it tells me is that Romney is just way off course and way off message. People are not buying the bullshit he is trying to sell. Seriously folks, if Romney had a positive message that people were buying, he'd be up 20 points in the polls. Romney has blown this on so many levels and I don't think he has a chance to find his way back because he has painted himself into a corner, and the more he sticks to his message, the worse it will get for him. Obama is going to have the opportunity to eat him alive in the debates. I'm not sure if Obama has it in him to do it, but if he does, not only is Romney going to get beaten badly, but the Republicans will probably lose the House too.


I think there are several problems here.

The first is that the country really does trend more Democratic now. The Democratic candidate has increased is total number of votes in every election since 1980, while the Republicans have fits and starts. (Sometimes they gain, sometimes they lose- fits and starts.) The GOP has to start cutting into the Democratic constiuencies instead of alienating them. Blacks, Hispanics, Union folks may not be happy with Obama and even disappointed with him, but they know that their lot is going to get worse under Romney.

A telling sign. Even without a race on the Democratic side, the number of people participating in Republican primaries in 2012 was less than 2008. Despite all the Tea Party hype, there has not been a massive influx of Republican Party membership.

The Second problem is of course, Romney himself. He was simply is not a good candidate. He wasn't a good candidate in 2008 when he lost to McCain and Huckabee despite outspending them by massive amounts, including 43 million of his own money. So did he improve since 2008? Nope. The alternatives were just worse. Perry was unprepared, Cain was kind of personally sleazy, Newt had a bunch of baggage, Bachman was nuts, and Rick Santorum was simply a "none of the above" candidate.

As you say, he should be way ahead, given circumstances, and he isn't.

The third problem, which the GOP is unwilling to address, is that the electoral college system drastically favors the Democrats and has since 1992. The states the Democrats have taken consistently in the last five election- all now leaning Obama according to RCP - constitute 242 electoral votes. Throw in New Mexico and it's 5 EV's (Republicans only carried it once since 1992) and Obama is already at 247, just 23 short of what he needs. So while Romney has to compete everywhere, all Obama has to do to win is pinpoint his message in a few key states for the win. And this only gets worse for the GOP in the future, as Hispanic growth will probably tip Texas and Arizona into the Blue column by 2020.

Yup...she was hired to paint a rosy picture...

The waters fine!

Romney is allowing Obby Boy to keep sticking his foot in his mouth while sitting back and patiently waiting for this time to come which will be after the RNC Convention. Obby is in for some huge surprises.. along with his cheerleaders in Hollywood and the media.

The facts will be all he needs to crush this sitting asshole you liberals call President.
Romney is allowing Obby Boy to keep sticking his foot in his mouth while sitting back and patiently waiting for this time to come which will be after the RNC Convention. Obby is in for some huge surprises.. along with his cheerleaders in Hollywood and the media.

The facts will be all he needs to crush this sitting asshole you liberals call President.

I really do enjoy y'alls delusions.
Romney is running against a sitting president who is presiding over an economy that continues to have an unemployment rate of over 8%, the yearly deficit is over $1 trillion, and there is really no upside that can be seen, and yet Romney is trailing. Yes, if I were Romney I would be worried. What it tells me is that Romney is just way off course and way off message. People are not buying the bullshit he is trying to sell. Seriously folks, if Romney had a positive message that people were buying, he'd be up 20 points in the polls. Romney has blown this on so many levels and I don't think he has a chance to find his way back because he has painted himself into a corner, and the more he sticks to his message, the worse it will get for him. Obama is going to have the opportunity to eat him alive in the debates. I'm not sure if Obama has it in him to do it, but if he does, not only is Romney going to get beaten badly, but the Republicans will probably lose the House too.


I think there are several problems here.

The first is that the country really does trend more Democratic now. The Democratic candidate has increased is total number of votes in every election since 1980, while the Republicans have fits and starts. (Sometimes they gain, sometimes they lose- fits and starts.) The GOP has to start cutting into the Democratic constiuencies instead of alienating them. Blacks, Hispanics, Union folks may not be happy with Obama and even disappointed with him, but they know that their lot is going to get worse under Romney.

A telling sign. Even without a race on the Democratic side, the number of people participating in Republican primaries in 2012 was less than 2008. Despite all the Tea Party hype, there has not been a massive influx of Republican Party membership.

The Second problem is of course, Romney himself. He was simply is not a good candidate. He wasn't a good candidate in 2008 when he lost to McCain and Huckabee despite outspending them by massive amounts, including 43 million of his own money. So did he improve since 2008? Nope. The alternatives were just worse. Perry was unprepared, Cain was kind of personally sleazy, Newt had a bunch of baggage, Bachman was nuts, and Rick Santorum was simply a "none of the above" candidate.

As you say, he should be way ahead, given circumstances, and he isn't.

The third problem, which the GOP is unwilling to address, is that the electoral college system drastically favors the Democrats and has since 1992. The states the Democrats have taken consistently in the last five election- all now leaning Obama according to RCP - constitute 242 electoral votes. Throw in New Mexico and it's 5 EV's (Republicans only carried it once since 1992) and Obama is already at 247, just 23 short of what he needs. So while Romney has to compete everywhere, all Obama has to do to win is pinpoint his message in a few key states for the win. And this only gets worse for the GOP in the future, as Hispanic growth will probably tip Texas and Arizona into the Blue column by 2020.

Yup...she was hired to paint a rosy picture...

The waters fine!

bp-oil-spill-gulf-of-mexico-governor-jindal-louisiana-c1ef43ff0f158c8f_large.jpg was pretty ugly. I'm sure she did what she could.

As I said earlier, she's about damage control, not inflcting damage. Here is a picture of Ms. Davis. I wish her well. She has her work cut out forh her.

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