Me and the nut case separated at dentist office

I couldn’t help noticing that you forgot to include a quote from me.
It's not that you're too lazy to scroll up & read your own words.

It's that you're too deep in the closet of denial.
Care to try again?
My feeling is that you can address your denial and homophobia, or wear Depends so you never have to be around men & their penises again.

Good luck whatever you choose to do, and remember:

If you decide to go the adult diaper route, you're in the company of our demented president. :)
It's not that you're too lazy to scroll up & read your own words.
I know exactly what I wrote. I asked you to back up your claim and you ran off. Twice.

Last chance. You going to back up your claim this time or do you intend to keep running away like a little bitch?
I know exactly what I wrote.
Why then do you need it quoted?
I asked you to back up your claim and you ran off.
I know it's hard to accept that your choice to be a Democrat doesn't give you a get out of jail free card every time you act like a bigot - I understand that's the main attraction of being a Democrat!
You're making your denial/homophobia about me, and that means you're wasting valuable time you could be using working toward becoming a better person. :(
Last chance.

I like to think you'll have many chances in the days ahead to address your denial and homophobia, and also all your other bizarre thinking and prejudices - never say it's your last chance! :)
You going to back up your claim this time
You just can't face who you are can you?

It's okay.
or do you intend to keep running away like a little bitch?
This is what they call projection, Xpo.
no such thing as covid, there is the flu, and really, it doesn't matter. You think little creatures jump off people just standing. It's fking hilarious. You must bob and weave around while you're walking avoiding all of the floating bacteria. hahahahahahahahahahahaha Sorry, couldn't resist.
If you believe that you're dumber than I thought.
Fauci's pants get tight thinking about torturing anyone/anything.
Was it torture you having to wear a mask? Couldn't breath? Did you have a medical exemption? Did you say, "i know my rights" when they kicked you out of Starbucks? LOL
The quaking fear of this lady was palpable. Hair net over hair, safety glasses, mask and shield. Asked me to sit 6 feet away and then asked if she could disinfect my phone
She got loud when I told her No and not to bother me.
The receptionist came out and nicely moved her to back in a corner where she can shiver with fear in peace.
And everybody clapped at the end?

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