MCU - Going All Female! Good move or foolheartedly pushing wokeness?


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!
It ain't wokeness it's capitalism. Guess who spends the money up in this place. Women is who spends the money these days so tv shows and movies are catering to them. Also put those heroes in skimpy enough outfits the men will spend the money also. The almighty dollar rules period.
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!

Remember how bad of a flop the all female cast of Ghostbusters was?


Actually, I think the female Ghostbusters cast would have worked better if they had them all as the daughters taking up their fathers' roles as Ghostbusters. More of a tribute movie, than a reboot/stand alone movie......would be more tolerated.
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!
Good way to run off the female audience. I haven’t seen anything that came after Endgame. And the only thing I am remotely interested in is GOTG. Which they will probably screw up.
Good way to run off the female audience. I haven’t seen anything that came after Endgame. And the only thing I am remotely interested in is GOTG. Which they will probably screw up.

I don't care for Natalie Portman at all. Never have. I hear she's a huge freeking self-serving asshole and treats people like shit. It shows in her "acting", which I don't care for either.

As far as I'm concerned, it's not Marvel screwing everything up, it's the Disney Woke Brigade forcing them to do these things. Disney bought Marvel in 2009. So everything since 2010 has been Disney's slow integration into their Woke waste of film.
Remember how bad of a flop the all female cast of Ghostbusters was?


Actually, I think the female Ghostbusters cast would have worked better if they had them all as the daughters taking up their fathers' roles as Ghostbusters. More of a tribute movie, than a reboot/stand alone movie......would be more tolerated.
The writing was terrible. All the characters were hallow and unlikeable.

Best part of that whole movie was Chris Hemsworth dancing during the end credits.
Comic book movies....teenage boys. And anyone who used to be one.

How'd the female Ghostbusters do? The female Ocean's 8?
They would not be doing it if they did not think it would pay. We do not go to work with out the want to make money. We will see if they are right. If they are not right sooner or later they will adjust. You are kidding yourself if you think it is anything but dollars they are after. It is why we go to work period..
I don't care for Natalie Portman at all. Never have. I hear she's a huge freeking self-serving asshole and treats people like shit. It shows in her "acting", which I don't care for either.

As far as I'm concerned, it's not Marvel screwing everything up, it's the Disney Woke Brigade forcing them to do these things. Disney bought Marvel in 2009. So everything since 2010 has been Disney's slow integration into their Woke waste of film.
Most of the female actors have pretty much grown up in Hollywood ,were child actors and aren’t that good. Kristen Stewart, Scarlet Johansson,Gweneth Paltrow,Natalie Portman, Demi Lovato etc.

I can’t really think of a modern female actress that I really like. Scarlet is probably the best of that crew but I have only really liked her as Natasha.

I agree that Disney is ruining Marvel…they ruined Star Wars too.
They think of a lot of things that lose money.
They sure as hell do. Making movies is a big freeking crap shoot. It can fall down so many places it is insane. Big risk but also big rewards when done right. Not the type of investment I am into but hey to each his own.
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!

Well... they are all in comic books...

The Ironheart character was created in the comic books in 2016... but she's not Stark's daughter, and she's black...

She-Hulk first appeared in the comic books in 1980...

The female Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, first appeared in the comic books in 2005...

The character Jane Foster first took up the mantle of Thor in 2014...

My point is, they're not doing anything more than bringing different stories from comic books to the screen.
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!
Why is representing over 50% of the country (and the world) an example of "wokeness"?
It ain't wokeness it's capitalism. Guess who spends the money up in this place. Women is who spends the money these days so tv shows and movies are catering to them. Also put those heroes in skimpy enough outfits the men will spend the money also. The almighty dollar rules period.
Men are still by far the bigger consumer of superhero movies
Here is a list of all the male characters that are going to be female. And I do know many of these characters are in the comic books.

Thor (Portman), Ironman (Ironheart or Tony's Daughter), Hawkeye (Introducing Kate Barton), Hulk (yes hulk is still around, but they said his injury is permanent - so She-Hulk will take up the mantel and he will be a background character) and now Black Panther (rumor is it will be Shuri). They are soon to introduce American Chavez, how long until she becomes the new Captain America? Sam is just keeping the shield warm.

Changing every character from male to female is just foolhearted. Pushing wokeness doesn't work!
Conservatives whine about the most ridiculous things.
Men are still by far the bigger consumer of superhero movies
Well some market segment person thought there is money to be made. Money is why we go to work that has not changed. Profit is why we invest. Could this movie lose money? You bet ya but they would not make it if they did not think there was a profit. If it does not profit likely those investors do not try same formula again. If it loses and investors still pump money in another then hey it's their money. The market will reward or punish them.

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