McNamara: "Castro told me he urged Khrushchev to launch missiles"


May 23, 2014
The Fog of War Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

In his bio/documentary, former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara states that Castro told him at a foreign policy forum in Cuba in the 1990's, that he had urged Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to launch a nuclear first strike against the United States in October, 1962. Do we really need to open relations with this maniac? Sure, lets open relations and allow the Castro family and their cronies maintain absolute power in a change over. Real smart. Why not topple him from power and have the Castro regime leaders executed.
There are legacy issues here and Obama has no problem peeing on Cuban exiles to insure his legacy.
The Fog of War Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

In his bio/documentary, former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara states that Castro told him at a foreign policy forum in Cuba in the 1990's, that he had urged Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to launch a nuclear first strike against the United States in October, 1962. Do we really need to open relations with this maniac? Sure, lets open relations and allow the Castro family and their cronies maintain absolute power in a change over. Real smart. Why not topple him from power and have the Castro regime leaders executed.

No doubt you feel the same way about Communist China as would you like to overthrow the Chinese government? Any ideas on that? Or do your so called principles only apply small and weak nations?
Had Kruschev launched a nuke from Cuba, Cuba wouldn't exist today since we would have fired our own moments later.
I can't believe people are listening to the media on this issue. Why would people let the media do their thinking for them?

We have relations with China. I am sure they are far worse. Look what China did back long ago.

Anyone who is against opening up and having relations with Cuba better damn sure be against having relations with China, Russia, and a host of other nations. Let us not be hypocrites in our foreign policy. Really now.

It's the new millennium and we're going to talk about shit a generation ago? Seriously?

Well, let's cut off ties to Germany because of the holocaust. . . .

For krissakes the USSR doesn't even exist anymore. WHO GIVES A FUCK?


The Fog of War Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

In his bio/documentary, former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara states that Castro told him at a foreign policy forum in Cuba in the 1990's, that he had urged Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to launch a nuclear first strike against the United States in October, 1962. Do we really need to open relations with this maniac? Sure, lets open relations and allow the Castro family and their cronies maintain absolute power in a change over. Real smart. Why not topple him from power and have the Castro regime leaders executed.

Name for me ONE way, just one way in which that regime is worse than the regimes that have gone on since in the US.
The Fog of War Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

In his bio/documentary, former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara states that Castro told him at a foreign policy forum in Cuba in the 1990's, that he had urged Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to launch a nuclear first strike against the United States in October, 1962. Do we really need to open relations with this maniac? Sure, lets open relations and allow the Castro family and their cronies maintain absolute power in a change over. Real smart. Why not topple him from power and have the Castro regime leaders executed.

No doubt you feel the same way about Communist China as would you like to overthrow the Chinese government? Any ideas on that? Or do your so called principles only apply small and weak nations?
First: Embargo on ALL Chinese products heading to the U.S. markets.
Second: Expel all Chinese exchange students.
Third: Push the international community to put pressure on China to stop currency manipulation.
Fourth: expel every Chinese lobbyist in Washington D.C.
Fifth: Punish every American firm that does business with China.
Sixth: Put them on notice if they want a war we are ready. War with China = 100% U.S. employment.
As someone who served during the Cold War era when communism was a very real threat to the United States. A new generation of pussies, led by the King Pussy who never served in the military, Obama, don't get it. Someone better tell the Russians, Chinese, Castro Cubans, and North Korea that the Cold War is just a "relic of the past.' They don't seem to think so.
The Fog of War Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara Free Download Streaming Internet Archive

In his bio/documentary, former Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara states that Castro told him at a foreign policy forum in Cuba in the 1990's, that he had urged Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to launch a nuclear first strike against the United States in October, 1962. Do we really need to open relations with this maniac? Sure, lets open relations and allow the Castro family and their cronies maintain absolute power in a change over. Real smart. Why not topple him from power and have the Castro regime leaders executed.

Name for me ONE way, just one way in which that regime is worse than the regimes that have gone on since in the US.
This is a stupid question posted by an obvious Democrat or Marxist (no difference). Do you really believe that we execute political prisoners in the United States? What a dumb fucking liberal asshole. You must go to school at Columbia or Harvard?

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