McGhan to testify - Trump indictments soon!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
Rachel Madcow?? Good Lord. Nuff said. LMAO
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
Rachel Madcow?? Good Lord. Nuff said. LMAO
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
They already had his taxes dumbass. He's been audited both personally and professionally for decades. If there was something to find the NY auditors would have found it long ago. Jesus you sure are a whiny little bastard.
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
They already had his taxes dumbass. He's been audited both personally and professionally for decades. If there was something to find the NY auditors would have found it long ago. Jesus you sure are a whiny little bastard.
Lesxt we mention that the lead prosecutor already hit the exit.
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
So you admit MI and AZ destroyed evidence. Thanks.
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
So you admit MI and AZ destroyed evidence. Thanks.

Heheh rrright. Actually Cy Vance Jr has his taxes. NY AG also may have them :D
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
They already had his taxes dumbass. He's been audited both personally and professionally for decades. If there was something to find the NY auditors would have found it long ago. Jesus you sure are a whiny little bastard.
Lesxt we mention that the lead prosecutor already hit the exit.

I’m not worried about that. They have a competent team who took over.
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

Too late - SDNY already has his taxes :auiqs.jpg:
So you admit MI and AZ destroyed evidence. Thanks.

Heheh rrright. Actually Cy Vance Jr has his taxes. NY AG also may have them :D
Evidence was destroyed in AZ and MI then? I see no objections so that is now an established fact. Thanks stupid.
Boy it’s gonna be fun when it turns out the party that sold its soul to Trump ends up with a common criminal as their leader! :cool-45:
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Maybe Trump should have the records of his taxes deleted. Then he won't be guilty. That is how it works in MI and AZ evidence can be deleted with no charges. That's done.

The IRS looks at Trumps taxes every year. Nothing to see there except.... you know, Democrats wanting to have their tax attorneys looking for any loop hole they can criminalize. You know? fuck these people. They are lying two faced hippocrites.
This is the first time Trump is out of office.

Get over it. He will be charged.
McGahn will speak only to committee members in private, under an agreement negotiated by his attorneys, the committee and the Justice Department. The interview will be conducted "as soon as possible" and a transcript will be released publicly shortly thereafter, according to the court filing.
The interview will be limited to information attributed to McGahn in the publicly available portions of the Mueller report, as well as events that involved him personally. He can decline to answer questions that go beyond that scope. Attorneys for the Justice Department may also tell McGahn not to answer certain questions.

He doesn't' want to get involved in the political rat race, it would turn a lot of republicans against him. What is he doing now? Is he back at the law firm.
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