Donald Trump owns the Democratic Party


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Owns the Democratic Party!!!! He can no longer tweet so he is not as polarizing and people see that his policies are good when separated from the person who poked people on Twitter.

The video above illustrates the lunacy of the left. Trump wasn’t on the ticket but McAuliffe was obsessed with him. Virginia went full RED.

Keeping Trump from tweeting was the best thing Twitter and their leftist allies could have done for the GOP. The Democratic Party has become the party of imbeciles. Voters are waking up to that fact. And their leader is a potted plant.

It's like he used Trump's name to represent the shit he's throwing. He is just one guy not the entire party.
I love the way democrats think. Maybe its called "Critical Thinking"?
Anyway, I love their policies and hope they keep pushing them in 2022 and 2024.
Trump said "Flood the Polls" and Virginians did. 2022 and 2024 should be a riot.
Keeping Trump from tweeting was the best thing Twitter and their leftist allies could have done

You got that right, Zog! They prevented Trump from being the left's public media factor by effectively stopping him from shooting his own mouth off, meantime, Donald could still operate in the background hosing the Left with full command of his Army of Millions of Pissed Americans!


Owns the Democratic Party!!!! He can no longer tweet so he is not as polarizing and people see that his policies are good when separated from the person who poked people on Twitter.

The video above illustrates the lunacy of the left. Trump wasn’t on the ticket but McAuliffe was obsessed with him. Virginia went full RED.

Keeping Trump from tweeting was the best thing Twitter and their leftist allies could have done for the GOP. The Democratic Party has become the party of imbeciles. Voters are waking up to that fact. And their leader is a potted plant.

Has become? More like has been the party of imbeciles! Listen to the morons on this site. Christ!
we need folks who can fight against the Democrat establishment, and Trump is willing and delighted to do so

the uncouth mercurial Trump is capable of visionary insights and has an uncanny ability in knowing how to win. he has the special ability to see life like a 4D Chess game, using his friends, business partners, and politicians as pieces on the chessboard.

there is a less appealing side to all this, of course. the Machiavellian tendencies make Trump coldly transactional to the point of cruelty, unfortunately, my friends
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we need folks who can fight against the Democrat establishment, and Trump is willing and delighted to do so

the uncouth mercurial Trump is capable of visionary insights and has an uncanny ability in knowing how to win. he has the special ability to see life like a 4D Chess game, using his friends, business partners, and politicians as pieces on the chessboard.

there is a less appealing side to all this, of course. the Machiavellian tendencies make Trump coldly transactional to the point of cruelty, unfortunately, my friends
we need obama remember how hard he campaigned in all 57 states

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