McCain's missed opportunity


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
While the United States Senate is debating the rescue package, Senator Obama is speaking on the floor of the Senate while McCain won't be speaking at all. Neither candidate has shown much leadership, but this is a second chance for both candidates to really do something that will show us what they're made of. Obama is showing some signs of leadership by commenting on this bill and giving his thoughts on it. Meanwhile, McCain is sitting on his hands.

Secondly, this bill has a TON of pork in it. John McCain's speech at the RNC and during his debate said that he would veto the first bill that contained pork. He has the opportunity here to be a TRUE fiscal conservative AND live up to his promise to vero pork. If he votes for this, he's contradicing himself.
McCain's already lost my vote. If he did get up and try to stop this bill, he might actually earn it back.

Obama never had my vote, and there's not much he can do at this point to get it.
That's just what he did when he flew back to Washington to rescue US. He sat there and didn't say anything.

I guess, that way he can always blame someone else.
That's just what he did when he flew back to Washington to rescue US. He sat there and didn't say anything.

I guess, that way he can always blame someone else.

Those are beautiful words spoken by a supporter of Barack Obama. Barack's always been a lot of talk, and not a lot of action.
No it's not just talk.

If you read the real records, you would see how many bills he sponsored and co-sponsored in Illinois. He even got two of his passed under a frigging Republican controlled Senate.

Don't confuse the ability to speak intelligently with the inability to act. Shooting from the hip often misses the target and hits unintended targets.

McCain is now stealing Obama's "change" campaign. Shit he has been part of the problem for 26 years.
No it's not just talk.

If you read the real records, you would see how many bills he sponsored and co-sponsored in Illinois. He even got two of his passed under a frigging Republican controlled Senate.

Don't confuse the ability to speak intelligently with the inability to act. Shooting from the hip often misses the target and hits unintended targets.

McCain is now stealing Obama's "change" campaign. Shit he has been part of the problem for 26 years.

And Biden has been part of the problem for longer than that.

But, I digress.

Obama has sponsored a lot of bills, yes. Do you realize how little effort is required to sponsor a bill? It's as simple as Senator X (not to be confused with Professor X) picking up the phone, dialing 1-800-OBAMABOT and saying, "Hey, I've got this bill, will you sponsor it?" "Sure, put my name on it." "Cool, thanks, enjoy your day." "You too, kind sir." Done.

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