mccain stronger on managing the economy? no way


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
WASHINGTON - In a sharp turnaround, Republican John McCain has opened a 5-point lead on Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race and is seen as a stronger manager of the economy, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

McCain leads Obama among likely U.S. voters by 46 percent to 41 percent, wiping out Obama's solid 7-point advantage in July and taking his first lead in the monthly Reuters/Zogby poll.

McCain takes 5-point lead over Obama - Decision '08 -
WASHINGTON - In a sharp turnaround, Republican John McCain has opened a 5-point lead on Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race and is seen as a stronger manager of the economy, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

McCain leads Obama among likely U.S. voters by 46 percent to 41 percent, wiping out Obama's solid 7-point advantage in July and taking his first lead in the monthly Reuters/Zogby poll.

McCain takes 5-point lead over Obama - Decision '08 -

i thought it was funny that the man who says he doesnt understand economics is thought to be a stronger manager of it
This is why I don't pay attention to the polls. From what I can tell the MSM uses them as an eye catching headline but a person only needs to read the bleak economic news to figure out that the Republicans aren't a great choice if you are concerned about our economy. Economics isn't a great selling point for McCain.
i thought it was funny that the man who says he doesnt understand economics is thought to be a stronger manager of it

This is insane! I'm seriously going to give up politics if McCain wins. The American people, military, middle class, poor, gays, muslims, jews, catholics, born agains, women, all of you deserve what happens if you elect John McCain into office.

But it isn't our fault. I really won't trust the election results and I sure don't trust this survey. It has to be bullshit.

More people voted at the Democratic primaries. Obama is raising more money. More people rally for Obama. The entire world prefers him.

America deserves what we get if McCain wins. Kids, get ready for the draft. And don't ask me to feel sorry for the quagmire you get put in.

The military and oil company employees have all given more to OBama.

McCain doesn't have any economic experience. He admitted he is a retard when it comes to that. Just look at the economy now. Is it good? Well it is to John McCain.

Gook luck America. I'm moving.
i thought it was funny that the man who says he doesnt understand economics is thought to be a stronger manager of it
I read something awhile back that made the case that when economic times are good minorities are more likely to be voted in. When times are tough, the ruling class is usually voted in.
I read something awhile back that made the case that when economic times are good minorities are more likely to be voted in. When times are tough, the ruling class is usually voted in.

why is that, i wonder.

maybe cause the old white guys look more like bankers?
How could you guys think Obama would be better at it than McCain? neither guy is strong on economics.

I personally think Obama's Tax, and Spending Policies would be detrimental to the Economy, McCain's I think would be less detrimental. All things are relative you know.
How could you guys think Obama would be better at it than McCain? neither guy is strong on economics.

I personally think Obama's Tax, and Spending Policies would be detrimental to the Economy, McCain's I think would be less detrimental. All things are relative you know.
Tax and spend. Borrow and spend.

Is there a difference?

I'd rather see tax and spend, myself.
Tax and spend. Borrow and spend.

Is there a difference?

I'd rather see tax and spend, myself.

I meant the 2 on their own actually Ravi.

I believe Obama's Tax polices will be detrimental to the Economy. Which will in turn actually lower Revenues to the FED.

At the same time I think his spending polices will also fuel the Deficits and Debt.

Both things I believe will be bad for the Economy.

I have never been an advocate of Barrow and spend. I want to see a balanced Budget, I simply do not See Obama's Ideas leading to one.
I meant the 2 on their own actually Ravi.

I believe Obama's Tax polices will be detrimental to the Economy. Which will in turn actually lower Revenues to the FED.

At the same time I think his spending polices will also fuel the Deficits and Debt.

Both things I believe will be bad for the Economy.

I have never been an advocate of Barrow and spend. I want to see a balanced Budget, I simply do not See Obama's Ideas leading to one.
Well, at least you seem to know what his ideas are, which is more than I can say.

Regardless, the past eight years have gone a long way toward showing Republican economic policies are folly.
I meant the 2 on their own actually Ravi.

I believe Obama's Tax polices will be detrimental to the Economy. Which will in turn actually lower Revenues to the FED.

At the same time I think his spending polices will also fuel the Deficits and Debt.

Both things I believe will be bad for the Economy.

I have never been an advocate of Barrow and spend. I want to see a balanced Budget, I simply do not See Obama's Ideas leading to one.

depends which taxes are raised, and by how much
Do tax cuts ever raise revenues? - The Curious Capitalist - Justin Fox - Economy - Markets - Business - TIME

but i agree, it is very important to balance the budget. i dont see either doing that, though
Well, at least you seem to know what his ideas are, which is more than I can say.

Regardless, the past eight years have gone a long way toward showing Republican economic policies are folly.

No they have gone a long way to show that Bushes Policies were Folly.

besides, the reason bushes Policies were folly is because he failed to control spending. I personally do not see an Obama administration correcting this problem. Do you?
depends which taxes are raised, and by how much
Do tax cuts ever raise revenues? - The Curious Capitalist - Justin Fox - Economy - Markets - Business - TIME

but i agree, it is very important to balance the budget. i dont see either doing that, though

I agree I do not see either balancing the Budget, But I see McCain's stated polices as doing less to increase Deficits than Obama's

believe me though, I hope to god I am wrong about both of them. Because the only thing that is going to fix our economy in the long run, is to balance the budget, and start paying down the Debt.
No they have gone a long way to show that Bushes Policies were Folly.

Poor Dubya, the Republican Congress won't even live up to its own votes. Everything is Dubya's fault.

besides, the reason bushes Policies were folly is because he failed to control spending.
Poor Dubya, again.

I personally do not see an Obama administration correcting this problem. Do you?
If they get out of Iraq it will go a long way toward a lot of wasteful spending.
I agree I do not see either balancing the Budget, But I see McCain's stated polices as doing less to increase Deficits than Obama's

believe me though, I hope to god I am wrong about both of them. Because the only thing that is going to fix our economy in the long run, is to balance the budget, and start paying down the Debt.

Bush gutted a lot of social programs that were around when Clinton was in office. He needed to because he had his own spending agenda. Rather than bridge and roads, he spent on defense. Rather than spend money on helping the poor, he gave tax breaks to the rich.

Obama is going to bring back some social programs that us liberals wish weren't taken away to begin with. But for sure Obama is going to cut defense spending big time. We WAY overspent on defense. The GOP emptied the treasury in the name of defense.

How did Bush find the money to pay for his increased spending? He cut some democratic programs. How will Obama find the money? He'll cut some of Bush's spending.

But because Clinton was more fiscally responsible than Bush, and I didn't see Clinton double the debt, I have to assume Obama will do the same.

And Obama is telling you what he would like to accomplish. We all know presidents tell us 10 things they would like to do and in reality they only accomplish 2 or 3 of them. So lighten up. McCain's plan doesn't add up either. His whole "balance the budget" comment depends on him winning the war. If he doesn't and keeps our troops in Iraq for 4 more years, expect the debt to double again.
Yes Dubya does get most of the blame, and well he should. It was his Idea to pass the largest increase in social Spending in History.

If they get out of Iraq it will go a long way toward a lot of wasteful spending.

That is some pretty funny math Ravi. Iraq has cost a TOTAL of 700 Billion in 5 years. While our annual Budget has ballooned to 3.3 TRILLION dollars A YEAR!! and Revenues are nearly half a trillion less than that.

Ending Iraq completely would do a little to help the situation, but not A LOT, and besides Obama is not talking about ending Iraq completely any time soon, and is actually talking about increased Commitments elsewhere.

Not to mention he has proposed anywhere from 350 billion to 1 trillion in new spending depending on who you ask.

Couple his new spending with Tax Polices which in my mind will stifle the economy, and therefor lower revenues even more, and you have a recipe for even larger Deficits than now.

Which I think we can all agree is the last thing we need right now.
i thought it was funny that the man who says he doesnt understand economics is thought to be a stronger manager of it

Economics isn't rocket scientist. It doesn't take a genius to know that in order for the economy to move we need energy. and unlike Obama, McCain has a comprehensive plan.
This is insane! I'm seriously going to give up politics if McCain wins. The American people, military, middle class, poor, gays, muslims, jews, catholics, born agains, women, all of you deserve what happens if you elect John McCain into office.

But it isn't our fault. I really won't trust the election results and I sure don't trust this survey. It has to be bullshit.

More people voted at the Democratic primaries. Obama is raising more money. More people rally for Obama. The entire world prefers him.

America deserves what we get if McCain wins. Kids, get ready for the draft. And don't ask me to feel sorry for the quagmire you get put in.

The military and oil company employees have all given more to OBama.

McCain doesn't have any economic experience. He admitted he is a retard when it comes to that. Just look at the economy now. Is it good? Well it is to John McCain.

Gook luck America. I'm moving.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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